Hi from TCI

Does anyone eat kiwi fruit with the skin on?
Growing up in Australia my mother always made me eat the skin - said it was the most nutritious part of the fruit (hey this could be an old wives tale??)
Yes, I know the skin is hairy but if you take a vege brush and scrub off the hair then it is not so bad.

Looking for nutrient content value/calories for eating a kiwi fruit with SKIN ON!

If not, is there a good website I can be referred to for researching this??
Keep on releasing those pounds!!!:happy:


  • SANDY44
    SANDY44 Posts: 17
    Hi from TCI

    Does anyone eat kiwi fruit with the skin on?
    Growing up in Australia my mother always made me eat the skin - said it was the most nutritious part of the fruit (hey this could be an old wives tale??)
    Yes, I know the skin is hairy but if you take a vege brush and scrub off the hair then it is not so bad.

    Looking for nutrient content value/calories for eating a kiwi fruit with SKIN ON!

    If not, is there a good website I can be referred to for researching this??
    Keep on releasing those pounds!!!:happy:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Sorry Sandy, I've only eaten them peeled. But since you asked it made me wonder. So I googled eating kiwi skin and a few sights came up that say exactly what your mom has said. The skin does contain vitamins, fiber. So eat away and I think I might try eating it too! It makes them easier to eat. No trying to peel them and not lose to much of the fruit. Thanks for asking! Now I am more informed on the yummy kiwi.
  • PolarQueen
    Kiwi skin is very nutritional. But cant stand the hair myself. I live in Cali and a friend just gave me a big box of kiwi. I can only eat so many. The tingly mouth feeling. :noway: :laugh: :laugh:
    Gonna have to give some away. :cry: I :heart: kiwi. But not that much.
  • kolbif
    kolbif Posts: 83
    My 6 year old daughter actually eats it with the skin on, too. I thought maybe that it wasn't good for her, so, I, too Googled it and found the exact same thing - it's really good for you and has a lot of nutrients and stuff.

    I, myself, couldn't eat the kiwi skin if I were starving - YUCK! That'd be like eating a banana peel or something. :noway:
  • SANDY44
    SANDY44 Posts: 17
    Hi Everyone
    Thanks for the responses. Well my Mum was right! As a child I hated eating the skin but you soon get used to it (the key is to ensure that you take off all that fuzz/hair - the skin is not so bad after that - also chop off each end as well).

    For those that don't like the skin - cut your kiwi in half and eat it with a teaspoon , scooping it out like you would when you eat a boiled egg from the shell!!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I love the skin its so sour mmmm. I don't care about the hair either. it just never bothered me. I just eat around the ends too so that there is no need to slice and drip the juice.