Diet pop all you can drink or bad?



  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    I say bad because aspertame works as a preservative (keeps fat from metabolizing properly). Also, the other additives (like flavors, etc) cause the liver to work harder to remove these impurities from your system. Your liver is the organ you want to pamper (not overwork) when losing weight because it is the one that converts body fat to energy. If the liver is too busy getting rid of toxins, your body will use protein (muscle mass) instead for energy. This is the primary reason people who want to lose weight should avoid processed foods.

    if you look, almost everything that is artificially sweetened has aspertame! i was on the hcg diet and couldnt have ANYTHING with aspertame, i found ONE pack of sugar free gum without it adn it was trident cinnamon, otherwise everything had it. so whether its in diet coke or not we are still consuming it... =/
  • sezgirl
    sezgirl Posts: 23
    the only liquids i have other than water and light soy milk is the occasional sugar free V (energy drink) and thats ONLY when i feel i really need it to give me an extra boost for my workout
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    In general, diet or not diet pop, it stripped calcium out of your bone. When you drink too much, in addition to no good for your bone, all those excessive calcium cannot be processed by your body, and it end up in your kidneys. That's could be one big reason for people have kidney stones. So, quit, or if you cannot, drink minimal.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Your children will be born sterile if you drink diet soda.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I've just read more inaccurate posts that my mind can comprehend. Everything is a chemical? Of course it is but there are different types of chemicals. Maybe you should have taken organic chemistry?( Don't be fooled by the name they're EXTREMELY harmful). And aspartame a.k.a the prime ingredient in diet drinks is an ORGANIC CHEMICAL. Do you have any idea how aspartame came around? I believe two scientists we're looking for a new insecticide and one of the idiot assistants decided to taste it. ( As a science student me and my friends laugh at this every time, reallly that's the number one thing NOT to do in a lab). I'm not going to tell you why its bad, because i've posted it several times about how its chemical structure is actually bad but people never respond to my posts (so i assume they either don't read it, don't care, or don't fully understand). All i'm going to say though, is that you are FAR better off without this nasty substance. Someone posted this link on another topic and ( as a chemistry student) i will vouch that what he is saying is VERY accurate so please watch it. (Sorry if this came off harsh, just people talking about things they dont understand REALLY frustrates me! :( )
  • SMK715
    SMK715 Posts: 108
    Don't drink it. I read on several sites that diet soda actually causes weight gain in most people
  • beautifulcold
    I love diet soda... and I drink a great deal of it. I also drink a ton of water and crystal light. I have lost over 50lbs drinking large amounts of soda, and no, I don't desire more sugar. For me, diet soda is a good alternative to munching on other things.

    There are bad aspects to everything: V8 is nowhere near as good for you as some like to think it is, nor is fruit juice.

    I guess I just believe that being overweight would have killed me far sooner than my diet soda is going to, and diet soda adds to my quality of life. I personally can't stand the flavor/heaviness of sugared soda anymore.
  • mrman44445
    mrman44445 Posts: 20
    my whole life i have been searching for a diet dr pepper please give me the location of this thanks
  • mrman44445
    mrman44445 Posts: 20
    alright so diet pop chemicals can acctualy make you fatter .. great

    what are some good water alternatives without aspartain and next to no sugar

    what about gatorade G2
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    First off... I do drink diet pop. Not necessarily everyday, but if I wanted it, I am sure I would lol. I am not against diet pop, however if you want to educate yourself on why it isn't so great for your body (and this applies to regular pop too) then I suggest you watch this. It talks about all foods/drink falling into 2 categories, acidic or alkaline, and how it plays on your body's PH levels.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Aspartame is NOT a neurotoxin. It's not a poison. Yes it's an artificial sweetener, but it breaks down into AMINO ACIDS. One of which happens to be an essential amino acid. The other is non-essential. There have been no conclusive studies that have show any danger from aspartame. And no, it wasn't "originally invented as an insecticide." That's an urban myth. It was invented by accident while working on anti-ulcer medications. Aspartame also has the same caloric content as sugar, it becomes calorie free because about 200 times less is needed to sweeten an item.

    All in all, I don't drink a ton of diet soda, or soda in general, but my nutritionist told me if I needed soda, diet was healthier than non-diet. If it's good enough for the nutritionist, it's good enough for me.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    Aspartame is NOT a neurotoxin. It's not a poison. Yes it's an artificial sweetener, but it breaks down into AMINO ACIDS. One of which happens to be an essential amino acid. The other is non-essential. There have been no conclusive studies that have show any danger from aspartame. And no, it wasn't "originally invented as an insecticide." That's an urban myth. It was invented by accident while working on anti-ulcer medications. Aspartame also has the same caloric content as sugar, it becomes calorie free because about 200 times less is needed to sweeten an item.

    All in all, I don't drink a ton of diet soda, or soda in general, but my nutritionist told me if I needed soda, diet was healthier than non-diet. If it's good enough for the nutritionist, it's good enough for me.

    OK please don't say is "breaks down" into an amino acid like thats all fine and dandy. It actually oxidizes into these amino acids, one of them being methanol, which then further oxidizes into formaldehyde. Aspartame is also a carcinogen due to its chemical structure, you can't truly deny the direct impact of the classic benzene ring. The only reason there has been no "conclusive" evidence to link aspartame to anything harmful is simply because not much has been done on the matter. I believe i read somewhere that the longest study was over 2 or 3 months? Not sure if that's entirely true but when you consider people drink diet drinks EVERY day that's hardly enough time to provide "conclusive" evidence. Perhaps the short term effects aren't fatal but we still are unable to test the long term effects of it. After all, with a society so prone to cancer, how do we reallly know what it came from anymore? Sure there's the obvious culprits like smoking, or over exposure to radiation but what about the little things in our day to day lives that might have prevented it? And as for your nutritionist recommending it, my mother is a nutritionist and I can't remember the last time we had diet pop in our house.

    I actually remember having a debate with my lecture group about why it wasn't banned yet, and it all came down to: because it isn't killing us right this moment, it isn't a big enough issue.

    And your right about the insecticide thing not sure why that came to mind i just checked my text book though, sorrry! But still the fact that he tasted it.... come on, only a 4 year old would make that kind of mistake in a lab.

    In the end, I wouldn't drink it but you won't drop dead the second it touches your lips so if its REALLY helping you get the weight off its clearly the better substitute.( maybe that's what your nutritionist meant!)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Rumour has it aspertame was originally manufactured as a chemical weapon. They discovered by accident that in a diluted form it's sweet...your body, your science experiment.

    Despite that 'truth', I drink Diet Coke. It's often my morning coffee, probably 4 days a week. I think I'd shy away from drinking more than that...

    For my part, it's the lesser of several evils.

  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I say bad because aspertame works as a preservative (keeps fat from metabolizing properly). Also, the other additives (like flavors, etc) cause the liver to work harder to remove these impurities from your system. Your liver is the organ you want to pamper (not overwork) when losing weight because it is the one that converts body fat to energy. If the liver is too busy getting rid of toxins, your body will use protein (muscle mass) instead for energy. This is the primary reason people who want to lose weight should avoid processed foods.

    if you look, almost everything that is artificially sweetened has aspertame! i was on the hcg diet and couldnt have ANYTHING with aspertame, i found ONE pack of sugar free gum without it adn it was trident cinnamon, otherwise everything had it. so whether its in diet coke or not we are still consuming it... =/

    That's why it is best to cut out artificial sweeteners as much as possible in general.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Rumour has it aspertame was originally manufactured as a chemical weapon. They discovered by accident that in a diluted form it's sweet...your body, your science experiment.

    Despite that 'truth', I drink Diet Coke. It's often my morning coffee, probably 4 days a week. I think I'd shy away from drinking more than that...

    For my part, it's the lesser of several evils.


    Aspartame makes me have horrendous headaches and feel like crap after I consume it. I've been avoiding it for quite awhile now. I can't tolerate most of the artificial sweeteners, which is why I feel sticking with real sugar is a better deal for me. No, it may not be the best thing for me either - but it doesn't give me headaches, diarrhea, or other nasty side affects that I get with the artificial stuff.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    I just bought some soda called "Zevia". It uses stevia as a sweetener, which is an extract from the stevia plant. Stevia, in it's raw form, is supposed to be 100-300 times sweeter than sugar, and no ill effects have been found from using it (so far). I haven't tried the soda yet, but when I do I'll post about it.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Aspartame will murder you in your sleep.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Diet sodas actually trick your body into wanting to eat more. The fake sugars tell your brain and body that you are about to have a real sugar rush, then when your body realizes that you dont have any sugar to process, it triggers a hunger response.... with that said.. i do down a big gulp a day of diet dr pepper...


    Diet soda = bad
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    There are chemicals in it so dont go over board.

    Everything is a chemical ;)

    Hi. Natural foods, not found in a box or package is considered a non chemical item. The reason to avoid soda pop is that it contains chemicals (not natural foods) and so your liver has to process it away or you will feel really bad.

    Instead of eating things that your liver has to process out (because it doesn't recognize it as natural), why not help your liver by avoiding eating chemicals and give it natural foods so it can do other things?

    Your liver is very important as it does many things for your body, so be kind to it!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I am in favor of moderation. If I have met my water goal, I will have a diet coke. But it is definitely not my drink of choice anymore. Now I find I actually crave water when before I would go for the DC. Don't get me wrong, I still love a DC on occasion, but is on occasion. Not every drink.