Hi All... Bride to Be from Melbourne AUS

sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
Hi Everyone,

I am a 24yo from Melbourne AUS. Thought I would give MFP a try :)

I have always been overweight. I have always wanted to lose weight... But never seriously....
I was inspired by watching the Biggest Loser Australia. The amount of weight they lose in such a short time is extraordinary.

Now I am 1 year out from marrying the love of my life. Time to make a change so I can be a beautiful bride! :smooched: :heart:

I started MFP about 2.5 weeks ago and have already shed 5kg by changing diet and exercising. I have been going to the gym every morning (and play Wii at night sometimes) and eating healthy food in general, as well as watching portion sizes. I haven't starved myself or denied myself of food which I want. I've been eating chocolate and icecream (instead of eating a whole easter egg, I eat 25g a day) :bigsmile:

I'm pretty much obsessed with logging my food and exercise on the iPhone app!


  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I've been here almost a month and what a difference conscious eating can be! I was stuck for a very long time at a certain weight and I was very resistant to counting calories and keeping a food journal, but I needed to change something if I wanted to continue this journey. I exercise every day and I couldn't conceive of doing more, so I figured I'd give MFP a try. I'm so happy I did! It makes keeping track of everything fun! And making new friends along the way to support and encourage you is a huge bonus! I see this is already helping you on your journey. I'd love if we could keep eachother complany along the way! Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    I have always been quite sporty... Not to the point of going to the gym every day but playing at least a few times a week.
    For me, I think the calorie counting has been a big eye opener. I have reduced portion sizes (particularly of meats and carbs), and changed my snacking habits.

    Just by actually being conscious of what I am eating has made a massive difference (probably why I am obsessed with logging!). At the moment I am aiming to stick to 1200cal per day. I have a fair bit to lose initially. If I hit a rut, I might look at eating exercise calories. Will stick with what is working for the moment! :happy:
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I realize I was snacking too much. It might not have been very unhealthy snacks, but it was too much, regardless. The afternoon hours are always the worse, grazing until dinner. Shoving a piece of gum in my mouth has helped! Can't taste the sauce or stew I'm cooking with mint gum already occupying the space! I read Oprah's trainer Bob Greene's book a long time ago and the first thing he said to change was to stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime. This has probably been the best thing for me because 1). I suffered from indigestion after eating tons and then laying down and 2). I liked to eat after everyone went to bed. It was like "If they don't see me eating it, then I'm getting away with something." Well, guess what? Even though no one saw me consume the food it still managed to make me gain weight! I wasn't fooling anyone. I have also been overweight my entire life, so this is going to alwayd be an issue for me.
  • Fizzle74
    Fizzle74 Posts: 4
    HI Sarah, was just having a search for Melbourne people and saw your post... how is your goal going????


  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Fizzle!

    Sorry I missed this post....
    Everything is going fairly well. Just about 15kg down in 12 weeks :) Have fallen off the boat a bit in the last few weeks, but picked up the exercising again over the last week...

    How are you going??
  • Mrs_Hewi
    Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
    I am from melbourne also!

    I see you are doing great with your weightloss, well done!
  • jodidlyO
    jodidlyO Posts: 37
    Hi there,

    I'm from Brisbane - love to be friends with more metric folks :smile: 15 kilos down must feel awesome!

  • millar93
    millar93 Posts: 9
    Hey :)
    We have something in common, both a bride to be :) Congrats
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone! 15kg down is great.. I'm starting to see differences, and now have to buy clothes 2 sizes smaller :) only disadvantage of losing weight is that I have no clothes to wear!

    Millar, when is your wedding? It's very exciting!i definitely need to get some more planning done...
  • Mrs_Hewi
    Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
    only disadvantage of losing weight is that I have no clothes to wear!

    Im hearing you! and i hate going out and buying them when i plan for those clothes not to fit me soon anyway lol.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming wedding, and welcome to MFP!

    I'm also getting married in about a year (from August), and want to be a skinny, healthy bride. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. :)
  • PinkAndSparkle
    Yay, brides to be! I'm getting married in November! Let's hear it for hot, healthy, brides!