Help fitbit and exercise

I been doing challenges now for over 8 weeks and my weight keeps going up and down . I have lowered my carbs and eat more protein/shakes . The 10000/15000 steps might include for instance the other day at an extreme i was in the gym for 2 hours getting 13000 steps running/cross trainer i been eating around 1500 1700 cals I'm 5-10 183lb /185lb varies aged 40. I dont eat my exercise steps on mfp from fitbit that are automatically linked. I have dropped cals to 1200 today but last time i did this i felt light headed and exhausted? Wot am i doing wrong i weigh ny food and have had no alchol in 2 weeks as before i thought it was this wuth cheat weekends but i havent done this since only had cheat meal the weekend gone ?


  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Maybe you are eating too little calories? What is yout TDEE and how much do you burn on average per day?
  • shellcook2014
    shellcook2014 Posts: 11 Member
    What is tdee ? I burn with hr fitbit (even when sleeping etc included this is over 2300)
  • shellcook2014
    shellcook2014 Posts: 11 Member
    On my mfp it shows exercise for yesterday was over 18000 steps i think it was 800. I never really look at cals burnt only aim to get over 2300 on fitbit hr
  • shellcook2014
    shellcook2014 Posts: 11 Member
    I have ate today just over 1300 cals and burnt nearly 1400 running heavy gardening shiftin top soil for a neigh our and a brisk 30 min dog walk
  • shellcook2014
    shellcook2014 Posts: 11 Member
    My tdee is 2473.80
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Try eating lighter or smaller meals and adding snacks in between. I like almonds the best and it gets me past that shakey time mid morning when I feel light headed. I also eat a big breakfast of oatmeal, fruit & nuts after my early morning run.