Anyone taking Metformin?



  • jenblossom32
    jenblossom32 Posts: 2 Member
    Been on it for 24 years!! 2000mg. for diabetes. I STILL get nauseus and vomit . I MUST eat a full meal. That's my suggestion. Don't take it until you can get a good meal in and drink a lot of water/tea or whatever after to wash it down. Metformin truly is miserable for me, but it works great. If you eat only a protein bar and take it, You may feel like death an hour or two later. I still make that mistake sometimes, But I do much better if I eat a protein, a whole grain carbohydrate with an apple or yogurt or vegetable.
  • cjlaskow4
    cjlaskow4 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started Metformin for PCOS... Like TODAY! I'm super nervous about the belly issues that may come with it!
  • fuzzydogpa
    fuzzydogpa Posts: 21 Member
    I would not recommend it. It can cause heath issues. I recommend adding cinnamon to coffee and tea and sprinkled on foods. It does basically the same thing as metaformin and increases insulin sensitivity but it's natural and tastes good. I just eat a lot of cinnamon.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My father (T2 diabetes) had to go off Metformin due to kidney issues and immediately had to switch to insulin. He told me he had no idea that Metformin was keeping so many metabolic processes in check. Insulin works too of course but the additional management of low blood sugar means management is so much more delicate.

    Cinnamon is not an equivalent.
  • bethk779
    bethk779 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree. I've been Metformin for 7 years and last year was switched to the XR extended release and it has helped drastically.

    Unfortunately, it still kills my stomach some days, but that is sometimes food induced (I.e. Greasy food is the worst). Continue to take it as prescribed. It may take a bit to get used to, but it's very effective medication. I tend to take Tums for my upset stomach or suck on a sugar free peppermint (my go to thing for nausea). Good luck!