
  • jadefitnow
    jadefitnow Posts: 47 Member
    I've been on MFP before, but never joined a group, and I've gained 20 lbs over the last 2 years- want it gone! I like your motivation- all healthy and doable! I'm in!
  • vkr2q7
    vkr2q7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in! Aiming for onederland by the end of the year! 10 lbs down, 30 to go
  • anydaynow0786
    anydaynow0786 Posts: 12 Member
    You read my mind - I was looking for motivation to take me to the next level. Please add me - I don't see how to do it on my profile.
  • HealthyIrishLass
    HealthyIrishLass Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in...
  • morgennn
    morgennn Posts: 169 Member
    Count me in :) Lost 55lbs since November last year but I've gained a little bit back.. Hoping to get back on track!
  • cchef1
    cchef1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in! Please add me
  • 1201april
    1201april Posts: 35 Member
    Please add me, I'm totally in!
  • ninapapp
    ninapapp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm definitely in!! Please add me :)
  • kmcpadden1208
    kmcpadden1208 Posts: 2 Member
    I am definitely interested! My goal was 50lbs by Christmas Day, so this fits right in with that!
  • Franacious
    Franacious Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in! I need to lose 12 pounds (maybe 17?) by the end of the year. Everyone please feel free to add me. Seeing your successes keeps me moving forward!
  • Tonka775
    Tonka775 Posts: 4 Member
    I have no idea how to join a group (or how to come back to this group?) but I'd love to be a part of this! I work out 5 days a week - 2 with a trainer. I pay all this money and still continue to eat way more than I should. I'm 75% healthy food and then I go off the rails when I'm ?? Hungry? Sad? Anxious? Bored? Especially when I'm tired. I'm strong and muscular - so I know it's not a total waste with a trainer but...come on!!!! I need to get this figured out. Soooo long story short - I'm In!!!!
  • jadefitnow
    jadefitnow Posts: 47 Member
    Not sure if we need to do anything, or just post in this group- how do we get notifications? I'm new to the discussion boards.
    I'm a little like Tonka above- I actually like working out, but have a tendency to use that as an excuse to eat what I want, particularly in the evening. I'll be fine until dinner, then all h-ll breaks loose. I've gradually gained back almost 30 of 50 lbs I lost 9 years ago, and it had to stop. So here I am.
    Today's Day 4 of my (latest) commitment to accountability. I've started a couch to 10K regimen and have logged my food consistently- and am eating clean. I can't look at timelines and calendars- it's got to be a day at a time, but I love having a long-term goal of 12/31!

    good luck everyone, we can DO this!
  • jarethsgirl1984
    jarethsgirl1984 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm definitely in :) could use a good support group to help me stay motivated :) my goals are very similar as well. I have roughly 70 lbs to lose by the time I graduate college in May. I'd like to lose half that by December. I'm also 32 & I'm recovery from a motorcycle accident that destroyed my femur so I get discouraged soon as I start hurting.
  • mauranykanen534
    mauranykanen534 Posts: 6 Member
    I also do need to loose 5k. Please add me as friend, so we can motivate each other.
  • theofficialkg
    theofficialkg Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in.... need to lose 50 by the end of the year...
  • pilatesispowerful
    pilatesispowerful Posts: 5 Member
    This is my goal date too! Let's do it! Message me if you want to buddy up :)
  • voldemortisreal
    voldemortisreal Posts: 101 Member
    So... I guess I'll start us off?

    USW: 216.7 (started MFP)
    CSW: 180.4 (joined group challenge)
    CW: 180.4 (I officially weigh-in Mondays)
    CGW: ~160 (by 12/31)
    UGW: ~125 (by 10/1/17)

    Annnnd, just because...

    One non-food I reward myself with: a new book--either buy or borrow from library.

    One thing I'll try to improve: being purposefully active.
  • nutmegcat
    nutmegcat Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me. I want to lose 44 lb by 31st December (aim for the stars and you might reach the moon!) been back on 3 weeks and lost 8lb x
  • nathinds
    nathinds Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in as well! Anyone can add me, I need tons of motivational people to look up too
  • kukaruban
    kukaruban Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in! I need to lose 10 pounds more to reach my ultimate goal weight! I'd love to be added :)