
Is anyone an obsessive pre logger?? Do you pre log your meals and calories burned goal during exercising days ahead of time??


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Not me.
  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    Nope, not me.

    Although I do tend to eat really similar stuff throughout the week, so even if I don't prelog, I copy a lot of stuff from one day to the other and then adjust the serving size.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have done. But I soon lose interest. Something always happens to change it
  • minime0424
    minime0424 Posts: 101 Member
    I have a tendency also when I don't pre log to eat the same things throughout the week lol although my dinners are usually always different
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    I prelog meals for the week on Sundays. It gives me a good idea of what snacks I can fit in. I sometimes will have change my meals (if I work late or am exhausted and want something fast or if I'm having a "volume" day and just want a bunch of low calorie stuff thrown together). I find that getting a good idea of what I'm doing for the week takes away some of the stress and keeps me from going over.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    If I want to eat at a restaurant I try to find the calorie information on their menu and sometime look for it on here.
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    Not obsessive no. But I do sometimes pre-log. For example tomorrow I know I'm going to be hiking for at least 7 hours so I have pre-logged that. And I also know that I'm going to drink a fair amount of alcohol at a party afterwards so I have pre-logged that. A long with the food I plan to eat. It's only really for days like that I pre-log, for others I take it as it comes.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I often pre-log meals but I'm not "obsessive". I find it helps me stay on track, but sometimes just isn't realistic. I don't pre-log exercise, as my effort and time spent will vary based on how I feel.
  • dwanachapman
    dwanachapman Posts: 18 Member
    That's so funny you pose this question today of all days. I just wrote about this on my feed. I've been struggling, and discombobulated trying to figure out my day. I need to watch those carbs, and proteins, and get enough calories in. I'm shooting for under 75 carbs a day, 1200 calories...and it's no easy task. Plus I'm a vegetarian. I keep thinking, what have I done to myself. Well today I decided to pre log my whole day. I can go back and change anything that needs it. And I kind of have a grasp on what I should be eating, without just carelessly eating, and then dinner gets here, and I'm all messed up. So yes, at least for today, and at least until I get a grasp on what things have what in them. It seems weight loss has taken over my life. lol I suppose that's a good thing, I have a lot to lose, and more to gain. Have a super fly day fellow pre logger. May the force be with us!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nope. I'm more of a wing it sort, lots to do with cognitive issues though that make planning a mountainous task.

    I eat enough though that I can nearly always fit what I want in (1300 net, more like 1800 gross).
  • jvtchong
    jvtchong Posts: 59 Member
    Obsessively, no, but I do pre-log main meals like dinners and lunches once a week when I do my meal planning/grocery list for the week. I'll adjust the portions after I've eaten. As there're always changes in plans during the week, pre-logging makes it much easier to shift the meals to other days. Breakfast/snacks/drinks I log on the day/when consumed and exercise after I'm done.
    Like @RandiNoelle I find the pre logging helps with stopping me from making the bad decisions which always put me way over what's good for me.