Lose 10 by October!



  • CalmtheCharitydown
    CalmtheCharitydown Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in. Please add me :)
  • SS1326
    SS1326 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to try this. Please add me, thank you :)
  • bouchakl
    bouchakl Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry for being lame but how do I get to: Motivate. Connect. Achieve. ? I've searched groups and cannot find.

  • bouchakl
    bouchakl Posts: 21 Member
    Ok ladies, let's do this his. Very doable. 6 weeks. 10 lbs. for my own benefit 1.6 per biweekly weigh-in.
    CW 146
    GW 128
    Was at 154 so finally thrilled to be seeing progress with MFP.
  • sadinplaid
    sadinplaid Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in! 10 pounds by October would put me so close to maintenance mode for the first time in YEARS, and I'm excited about entering that leg of this journey!
  • myoder98
    myoder98 Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in! I'm up for anything that helps me lose the 75 pounds that I want to lose. Just tell me what to do!
  • Lzm89
    Lzm89 Posts: 127 Member
    hi guys! I'm so happy we have so many amazing people joining the challenge! for those of you who cannot find the group, please message me so I can go ahead and add you. Today on our group, we have our first discussion created by one of our members! hope to see you all there! name of the group___ Motivate. Connect. Achieve.
  • Lzm89
    Lzm89 Posts: 127 Member
    i have sent everyone who join the challenge an invitation to the group (Motivate. Connect. Achieve.) where we will be communicating through. please let me know if you did not received the invitation and want to join.
  • lgreen0266
    lgreen0266 Posts: 23 Member
    How do I find the group discussion? I'm new to MFP still finding my way
  • hendersonc765
    hendersonc765 Posts: 23 Member
    I'd love to join! I'm very active but eating is an issue for me, I struggle with it because I love sweets
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    I am so in!!
  • everuth91
    everuth91 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! This is pretty much exactly what my goal is anyway :smile: I'm attending a wedding on October 8th, so I wanna look good in my dress! Let's do this!
  • JodyB118
    JodyB118 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in. Time to reckon with my summer of gluttony.
  • Lzm89
    Lzm89 Posts: 127 Member
    Here is the link to the group for this challenge https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/115670-motivate-connect-achieve

    Hope to see all you there.!
  • jbai92
    jbai92 Posts: 12 Member
    How can I join in in this challenge? Hehe sorry I am new to this app and don't know how much works yet but I'm down! Let's do it! Lol B)
  • Khaliae
    Khaliae Posts: 40 Member
    @sunshineraej I wish! unfortunately not, I haven't had time to create anything this year, and I feel too ... heavy to dress up :( I'm planning on going as Alice next year, with one of the costumes from Madness Returns! it's going to be the first costume I make, so I'm already a bit nervous about it =P
    I do, however, have these really awesome leggins, a pair with Doctor Who stuff and a pair with the char. from Corpse Bride .. So Imma wear them instead of dressing up!
  • tbfields11
    tbfields11 Posts: 5 Member
    I need this challenge
  • Ace_o
    Ace_o Posts: 20 Member
    Yoooo sign me up! Haha
  • adhollifield
    adhollifield Posts: 6 Member
    October first? that seems doable. I'm newish... I half *kitten* did this in the past but I'm fully in now. 2 lbs a week. I'm gonna try! I would be sooo happy
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    How do we join?