Need some inspiration!

So, I was a member for a while before I stopped using the site. And it worked great! So many great stories... I lost about 20 pounds for my wedding day. :)

SInce then I have gotten sloppy, lazy and gained back 5 solid pounds (not water fluctuations). And I am tired of it! I like my smaller sizes! I don't want to gain back those 20 pounds and be considered "overweight" again; I want to be healthy!

The problem is I am running 30 miles a week or so and still keep packing on the pounds and losing muscle mass. I was doing P90x with my running last year and I am pretty sure I lost all those muscles by not keeping up. I know I need to do weights in addition to my runs but I am just so lazy :(

So, just my rant and maybe you can give me some words of praise, and hopefully I will be logging in more often!!! :)


  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Welcome back and keep up the good work. Sometimes feels like it's not working but keep at CAN do it!!
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Feel free to add me! It's nice to have cheerleaders during this journey to get fit and stay fit!!
  • teddyann
    teddyann Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome back! The first step is already are here! You can do this!!!! Start with today! :smile:
  • Myssrenee
    Myssrenee Posts: 24
    It may be that your body has gotten use to the running, you have to switch up, if your body gets used to a certain exercise then it doesn’t effect your body that much, but if you switch up you’re tricking your body to burn more energy and that in turn burns more calories. It’s not an easy road and kudos to you for losing the 20lbs. if you did it then, I’m sure u can do it now. Don’t give up, you've made it this far. You may have to find a physical motivation, like my daughter and my appearance is my physical and mental motivation, as well as a pair of pants that I had for a while that I could not get into. Take a small size that you would like to get into and place it where you can see it, that will get your mind geared to doing more in order to fit in that size. Just things I've tried, hope it helps...Good Luck :smile:
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    You know what you need to do! You're back!! Now get out there and get started!!

    You should be proud, you've taken the first, most difficult step!
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Thanks everyone! :)

    I knew I loved this site for a reason, lol.