Increasing calorie intake -scared

I wasnt eating Net 1200 calories, so ive decided to up my caloric intake...but am so scared!
Am thinking of giving it a try for 2 weeks? But what if i gain something like 5 pounds and cant take them off!

I havent been able to lose weight in a loong time...prob 1 year now! But just started MFP about a week ago...I did a weigh in today and have gained sincei started am a little worried. I did up my caloric intake yesterday...but im so worried!!!

Any comments and help much appreciated!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Give it a try. If it doesn't work, simply lower your calories again and it'll come back off.

    I think you may be shocked to see a loss when you up your calories. Every time I upped my calories I lost weight. :)
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 199
    I was worried too when I first decided to up my calories: I went from just eating 1200 net calories to eating 1500 net calories and started losing again. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me but it works! So good luck and I'm sure it will work out for you!!
  • smex14
    smex14 Posts: 48
    I was on 1200 and changed to 1500 2 weeks ago, so my first weigh in on new calories will be this weekend, I will have to let you know!

    I was really scared too but I don't feel as though I've put on any weight, and I feel healthier for eating more so I'm happy so far :)
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    I have increased my colories intake to 1200 for the last 2 weeks, and gained 5 lbs. but i was told i will gain weight before i start losing. So now, I'm really increasing my exercise. Hopefully, in the next 2 weeks, i see a lost.
    If not, then :-( I'll just get back to eating 900 calories a day. I seems like little but, if it works for my body then....why not.