Bringing lunch to work...



  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I do dinner leftovers. I also try to whip up a batch of egg salad, chicken salad, baked tofu, etc., so if I don't have leftovers it's fairly easy to create a sandwich or salad on the fly.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, raw fruit and veg, microwave steamables vegetable packs, tuna lunch packs from the grocery store, any of the frozen dinner meals, soups, etc

    eta: normally I have leftovers or a portion of the meals I batch cook in my pressure cooker. One recipe usually makes ~10 meals.
  • caoceanlover
    caoceanlover Posts: 46 Member
    I'm not sure where you live, but I keep a few Bistro Bowl salads in the fridge to grab and go in case I don't have time to make something. I pair them with a yogurt and a piece of fruit and it makes a great quickie lunch. If I have time, I take leftovers from the night before or cook a big batch of something on Sunday. I also like tuna salad served on lettuce.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    I'm always short on time, so it's always the same lunch at work. 1/2 cup individual serving of low cal cottage cheese *or* one ounce of cheddar, a banana or apple, baby carrots, and PB&J made with only 1 tbsp peanut butter rather than 2. I take one item out of there every like 3 hours and eat it to keep my blood sugar stable, except the fruit and the cottage cheese/cheddar have to be at the same time because I am not supposed to eat a carb without a protein (sugar spikes and crashes otherwise.) Oddly enough I don't even LIKE bananas; it's just that they are cheap and portable. I don't *hate* them, they're just.... a cheap source of unrefined carbs, vitamin C, and potassium. IDGAF any more lol, I just eat the stupid banana then enjoy the cheese and then a cup of coffee. If I ever start making good money, I am going to throw all the bananas out the window into the woods! XD
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    .... and then I will get invaded by 'possums or something. We live out in the country now.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I usually take a salad: spinach, shredded carrot, shredded zucchini, grape tomatoes, nuts, croutons or won-ton strips, and 1 tablespoon salad dressing. I have a to-go salad container it all fits into and I can use as the bowl to eat out of. It also came with a plastic fork and knife that clip into the container, but I have metal silverware I keep at work.

    Sandwiches can be easy. Chicken or tuna salad with bread or crackers and fruit and/or veggies. You could also put together a container with cheese, protein like deli meat, nuts, fruits and veggies.

    I have 3 freezer packs so I can stick one in my lunch bag and keep it at my desk.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    My wife and I often make double of whatever we're making for dinner so that we can take it for lunch. We also batch cook things like quinoa, pinto beans, sweet potatoes, etc on Sunday so that we have those things for the week.

    If we don't do that, I usually take a salad or a sandwich. Lately things have been a little nutty and I've been grabbing lunch out more often than usual..usually either Wendy's or Wendy's I usually the the Mediterranean Chicken Salad and a sour cream and chive baked potato...Subway I just get whatever sandwich I feel like.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    I am flat out at work most days and often work right through lunch... I generally eat the same foods normally for breakfast and lunch during the week:

    0630 breakfast - 50g whole wheat toast with either PB and honey or PB and a banana. Coffee w cream
    1030 two hard boiled eggs
    1400 125g greek yogurt OR an apple OR 20 almonds
    1600 nescafe cappucino (packet) OR diet coke

    1830 - supper - my main meal whcih my husband cooks.

    Boring, I know but it works for me. Food is not in focus during the day.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    My morning routine is to start the coffee; start sauteeing some mushrooms and onions for an omelette, and then pull out a cutting board and unload the veggie/produce drawer in the fridge.

    I keep plenty of lettuce, spinach, shredded cabbage, and shredded broccoli on hand at all times--plus usually tomatoes, cukes, radishes, and peppers. This makes the base of a big lunch salad, to which I'll add leftover protein from dinner the night before or tunafish.

    About the time the coffee pot has finished brewing, lunch is packed and breakfast is ready!
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    My go to is PB&J. I have it almost every day for lunch and I work from home.
  • Troutsy
    Troutsy Posts: 275 Member
    When I pack my lunch for work I usually pack:
    Beef Jerky (or chicken jerky- that's my new favorite thing atm)
    Chicken or Ham sandwich with a serving of cheese
    Navel Orange.

    As I make dinner, I'm packing my lunch for the next day, weighing it on my food scale and then prelogging the next day on MFP.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    My usual packed lunch - 2 apples, 2 5.2oz cartons of greek yogurt (usually plain non fat), a container with cut-up carrots and tomatoes and 2 TBSP hummus. One of the apples and yogurts is for "snack" whenever I decide I am hungry.
  • FLBeachluvr
    FLBeachluvr Posts: 110 Member
    I cook my own breakfasts and dinners every day so for lunch at work I just bring a frozen meal.
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    I cook a pack of chicken thighs and use for sandwiches on 100 calorie wraps. Then I load it up with fresh veggies, mustard, and sometimes Mayo or yogurt ranch. Awesome huge sandwich and low sodium!
  • BonnieP824
    BonnieP824 Posts: 7 Member
    I am not big on sandwich carrying, so usually if I bring lunch it's leftovers from home or where we ate out the supper before. I got a couple of those bento box carriers, which are perfect size. If hubby and I don't share an entre in restaurants, we usually each get a takeout box for lunch the next day. If I cook enough for a family (and we only have us at home now) we freeze portions for future lunches for ourselves. I also buy some of those frozen meals for when I have nothing else.