I need help

I cannot get to grips with a healthy diet at the moment. I'm binge eating every night. During the day at work I'm fine then as soon as I'm home I just eat rubbish. I'm so uncomfortable in my body. I need to loose at least 12 stone and it feels like a mountain to climb. Any tips on how to get started? I know after a day of sticking to it i will stick it out for a good stint. Got to do something I feel old and sore all day everyday
Thanks for listening X


  • claraoswold
    claraoswold Posts: 89 Member
    Don't keep junk in the house. It's overly simple answer but if you try to keep as little junk in the house as possible it will help. I know it doesn't always work, my husband buys and eats junk.

    Eat regularly. Set schedules and stick to them. Discipline!
  • lilstry
    lilstry Posts: 120 Member
    You could try 6 small, good portioned, healthy, well balanced meals per day. Drink lots of water, and I mean lots of water. That is the best/healthiest way to trick the body into thinking its full and like Clara said Throw out all the food you consider bad and keep only fruit, vegetables and food you have to cook around so you'd either have no choice but to eat them or physically cook something.
    You are probably not feeding your body enough and that's why your starving for food at night. I wish the best for you, and hope you can overcome this hill so you can reach your goal :)!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    I cannot get to grips with a healthy diet at the moment. I'm binge eating every night. During the day at work I'm fine then as soon as I'm home I just eat rubbish. I'm so uncomfortable in my body. I need to loose at least 12 stone and it feels like a mountain to climb. Any tips on how to get started? I know after a day of sticking to it i will stick it out for a good stint. Got to do something I feel old and sore all day everyday
    Thanks for listening X

    Perhaps a 'healthy diet' isn't for you.

    Have you just tried calorie counting: eating the foods that you normally do, just weighing them on the scale and logging them? You don't have to eat 'healthy' for weight loss. I generally eat healthy foods as well as 'junk' foods and it works for me and many others.

    Also, how many calories do you eat? What is your height, current weight, goal weight, gender?

    There are no 'bad' foods, just bad eating habits.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Maybe your calorie deficit is too high. You might have more control if you decreased your deficit.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Maybe your calorie deficit is too high. You might have more control if you decreased your deficit.

    This. With how much you have to lose 2 pounds a week is definitely doable. But if you restrict too far too fast, that may be causing the binges.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Are you struggling with sticking to a healthy diet, or figuring out what a healthy diet is? What is your idea of a healthy diet? Don't pick eating plans that you can stick to for a good stint. We can stick to anything for a good stint. What we need is a plan for life. Maybe it's better for you (as it was for me) to let go of the idea of healthy eating altoghether, and just eat well. Eat enough, eat regularly, eat food you like, eat to feel energized and to feel good.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Well first question is are you currently attempting to "diet" and could you describe this "diet". Just wondering because often people who lose control are setting themselves up for failure with very unreasonable goals for their eating habits...far to little calories or over restrictive about what they can and cannot eat.
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    edited August 2016
    Chicken breast, ground turkey, tilapia, shrimp, eggs, egg whites, oatmeal, brown rice, unsweetened berries broccoli, green beans, asparagus, sweet potatoes, butter squash, black eyed peas, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, salad, protein shakes, gallon of water, robust seasoning rack, teriyaki sauce, and salsa.

    Breakfast: Start the morning with 2 whole egg, and 1/2 a cup of egg white with a side of oatmeal (1/2 cup when raw) w/berries (add any veggies you may want) if you have some prepped turkey meat add around 2oz for an omelet. (If you're pressed for time just do oatmeal berries, and protein shake double scooped)

    3 hours later: Protein shake double scooped

    3 hours later-Lunch: 6oz Chicken, tilapia, turkey, or shrimp (no frying the meats). 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup any green veggies. (use the seasonings, teriyaki, or salsa be creative, you can also make use of the onion, and bell peppers here)

    3 hours later: Protein shake double scooped.

    3 hours later-Dinner: 6-12oz of Chicken, Round steak, or Pork chop (no frying the meats) 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup any green veggies, 6oz Sweet Potato (baked, or steamed) (You can replace the sweet potato with, Butter Squash, or black eyes peas.)

    exercise at least an hour 6 days a week. Preferably an hour and a half.

  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    I cannot get to grips with a healthy diet at the moment. I'm binge eating every night. During the day at work I'm fine then as soon as I'm home I just eat rubbish. I'm so uncomfortable in my body. I need to loose at least 12 stone and it feels like a mountain to climb. Any tips on how to get started? I know after a day of sticking to it i will stick it out for a good stint. Got to do something I feel old and sore all day everyday
    Thanks for listening X

    Perhaps a 'healthy diet' isn't for you.

    Have you just tried calorie counting: eating the foods that you normally do, just weighing them on the scale and logging them? You don't have to eat 'healthy' for weight loss. I generally eat healthy foods as well as 'junk' foods and it works for me and many others.

    Also, how many calories do you eat? What is your height, current weight, goal weight, gender?

    There are no 'bad' foods, just bad eating habits.

    Xs 2
    "Healthy diet" is a relative term. Maybe try eating the foods you like, but logging every morsel to meet your goal.
    Eating foods you like in moderate portions works for a lot of people, and you're more likely to be able to stick to it long term ( as in forever), and continue to lose weight, and maintain your loss.
    You'll also start to learn what foods are "worth" the calorie counts that come with them.
    I love pasta but seldom eat it because the portion/calorie ratio is pitiful as far as I'm concerned and I never feel full from it.
    But popcorn, I have almost every night because 200 calories worth makes me nice and content.
    You'll learn as you go what foods work for you.
    The only food rules I've made for myself are eat a green thing every day, at least one piece of fruit, and protein with each snack and meal. Other than that, if it fits within my calorie goal and sounds good, I'll eat it.