Hello! Help please!

Hi everyone!
It's been two weeks, I weigh the exact same, and while I'm making an effort to eat better, I'm really struggling to get myself doing any exercise at all. After a long day at work (often sat down) I want to sit down on the couch (I know, not good!) I've not got any friends nearby to motivate me and most of my friends are super fit and skinny (and I feel awful around them) or are fat and don't care. Either way they're all miles away.
Also, I was wondering whether there's a bit where you can log measurements (eg my wobbly belly or touching thighs) Sigh
My boyfriend's super skinny, runs miles if he wants and does weights. I'm 32 and feel a wobbly mess (ok, I'm only a size 12, it's not dire)
Anyway thanks in advance for your help :#


  • KnittyLou
    KnittyLou Posts: 8 Member
    Found the measurements thing!
    Oh and I'm from northwest England
  • RelevantGains
    RelevantGains Posts: 83 Member
    Exercise doesn't do a whole lot with your rate of weight loss, contrary to popular belief. It's all in your diet. I'm not sure what eating "better" means. That's very vague. The way to lose weight is to sustain a caloric deficit, meaning eating less calories than you burn. If you're not losing weigh, you're likely eating too much.

    But also, it's only been two weeks. For a female with a menstrual cycle, two weeks is too short of a time to really know anything. You may have lost fat, but are retaining water, so the scale hasn't moved yet. If that's the case, once you get past the water retention portion of your cycle, you'll see the scale fluctuate down.
  • KnittyLou
    KnittyLou Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for your comments. I'm on a 1270 calorie diet with more fibre, veg and water. I've also stopped dairy as a trial as I was bloated and sore. Just need to get motivated on the exercise front!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks for your comments. I'm on a 1270 calorie diet with more fibre, veg and water. I've also stopped dairy as a trial as I was bloated and sore. Just need to get motivated on the exercise front!

    What are your stats? As a size 12 you can't have that much to lose?