The last 5 lbs -need motivation to lose it

tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
edited August 2016 in Motivation and Support
I've had an awesome weight loss journey thanks for MFP, lost 45lbs with only 5lbs left to my ultimate goal. Yes here has been some set backs due to business trips, vacations, etc but I feel a bit less motivated and stick to my diet.

I feel good where I'm at but still want to say "I did it". How can you get that motivation back? Anyone that has gone through similar experience?

I log everything that I eat and exercise regularly. The problem is that I'm eating more than what I'm supposed to but I'm having the "I don't care" attitude until afterwards when I regret eating whatever put me over my limit. So frustrating!


  • tracyjsbr22
    tracyjsbr22 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome. I know how frustrating the "last 5 pounds" can be. I've been there so many times. I think "I've got this thing figured out" - and then I start sneaking in extra snacks and over calculating exercise. I know you can do it - but sometimes our body just knows the perfect weight for us and finds it. I'd like to lose about 20 pounds - but know that my body really only likes me at about 10-15 pounds less than I am right now, so I'm not going to get hung up on a number.

    What kind of exercise do you like to do? Have you taken any cooking classes during your journey? What are your favorite meals? I'll add you as a friend and I'd love to have some motivation and support as well.

    I just started MFP this week. I'm logging every day and holding myself accountable. It's always good to have some friends here who keep me on track.

  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Maybe your body wants to be on Maintenance already. I tried this and after 5 months of Maintenance I was able to lose the last 4 pounds to my desired weight range.
    Please note that body weight fluctuates. I have a target weight range, if I get to my upper limit then I eat at a deficit again.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I have 4 lbs left to go, after 147 lost. The question is, do you want to lose the rest or not really? If you WANT to lose it, you are motivated, just keep following the same eating plan, perhaps cutting back just a tad, 100-200 cals per day if you have room to do this. It's the same plan and habits and discipline that got you this far. If you don't WANT to lose it, you don't have to, you're probably already at a good weight. You don't mention your current height, weight, and calorie intake, so it's impossible to say whether you have realistic expectations. At this stage of the game, you should have MFP set up to lose no more than .5 lb per week.
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you all for the tips and suggestions! Much appreciated. I think it's "mental" to me. Maybe I should get to maintenance mode and see what happens....I walk about 8 to 10 miles every day and do spin classes 2 x per week (sometimes eliptical). I'm logging every morsel that goes in my mouth but I've been eating more than my allowance. It's frustrating because I'm questioning myself "why am I allowing myself to go over my allowance and then feel guilty?" If I really want to lose the last 5 lbs then I need to just do it!
  • tracyjsbr22
    tracyjsbr22 Posts: 7 Member
    Very impressive to walk 8-10 miles every day! WOW. Have you tried doing any intervals during your walk where you get your heart rate up for 60-90 seconds? That really gets the calories burning. Just a thought. I think you're doing great.
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    Very impressive to walk 8-10 miles every day! WOW. Have you tried doing any intervals during your walk where you get your heart rate up for 60-90 seconds? That really gets the calories burning. Just a thought. I think you're doing great.

    yes, i do spin bike or elliptical 2x per week for about 30 min. My problem has been the weekend! That's when i'm really not focused (too many get togethers). I'm thinking that if i can manage to stay where I am for now and then after boating season is over, then focus on losing the rest of this weight. It's only 3 more weeks and maybe then I can re-focus....