Exercise in a morning

Just a quickie is it better to exercise before or after eating breakfast?


  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    Personal preference as far as I am concerned. Personally I like a light-ish work out before breakfast as it makes me feel awake.
  • Kimmy4058
    Kimmy4058 Posts: 23 Member
    I did 4000 steps on my running machine before breakfast so it's a start
  • VBarchou
    VBarchou Posts: 1 Member
    Go before breakfast or you could feel sluggish during the workout. Besides, I was always told that you burn calories quicker straigh after exercise so your breakfast will be less calorific!
  • Pow377
    Pow377 Posts: 73 Member
    For the past week I've been up at 4:45am exercise for an hour then breakfast. Makes me feel so much more alert whereas if i ate first i'd be sluggish and not perform aswell.

    I do however take a pre-w/o for a slight boost as I've not fully acclimatised to the early mornings!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    VBarchou wrote: »
    Go before breakfast or you could feel sluggish during the workout. Besides, I was always told that you burn calories quicker straigh after exercise so your breakfast will be less calorific!

    This is not an accurate statement.

    OP, when and how you exercise is totally a personal preference. If you want to exercise fasted, then this is something you can do or learn and not because it burns calories faster, quicker, better, but because you prefer to work out fasted. If you have the tendency to actually perform better after eating breakfast or snack, this certainly will not inhibit or change the way calories are burned.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Personal preference.
  • Kimmy4058
    Kimmy4058 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice it's been very helpful
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    edited August 2016
    VBarchou wrote: »
    Go before breakfast or you could feel sluggish during the workout. Besides, I was always told that you burn calories quicker straigh after exercise so your breakfast will be less calorific!

    I hope whoever told you that isn't a "qualified" person in this field, or they should be giving back their "qualification" That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while.
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    As some said upthread, it's a personal preference. See how you feel. Personally, I work out early in the morning with only a cup of coffee in me. I don't get hungry until after my workout and a shower. Then I have breakfast. I've been working out consistently all my life, and I have never eaten anything before my workout. Works for me, but may not work for you. Try it both ways and see what works.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I can't do fasted cardio, but a lot of people prefer it. Try it and see?