Finding Your Motivation

Motivation is needed because willpower only lasts so long.

When I found out that I was hurting my self with food, I changed my lifestyle. I was literally digging my grave with my teeth. I realized physically and medically that food was killing me. I thought I loved myself, but for years I was not taking care of ME. This is my motivation besides the fact that I remember how I looked before I became obese. I want to look like that again!

What is your motivation?


  • paulette8595
    paulette8595 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks. I needed to hear that. My willpower sucks big time. Sometimes even wanting to be healthly doesn't seem to be enough when food is around. I just eat. I am obese and would like to look like I did before all this weight came. I have changed some of my lifestyle. I go swimming three to four times a week. But I know I need to do more. I was walking 30 minutes a day - then I fell up the steps and busted my knee. So haven't been walking. Sorry I am going on and on.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    My motivation so far is that I've done it for this long. I can do it for another day. And then another. I can manage each day, just for that day.
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks. I needed to hear that. My willpower sucks big time. Sometimes even wanting to be healthly doesn't seem to be enough when food is around. I just eat. I am obese and would like to look like I did before all this weight came. I have changed some of my lifestyle. I go swimming three to four times a week. But I know I need to do more. I was walking 30 minutes a day - then I fell up the steps and busted my knee. So haven't been walking. Sorry I am going on and on.
    My motivation so far is that I've done it for this long. I can do it for another day. And then another. I can manage each day, just for that day.

    Hi @paulette8595 and @clicketykeys!

    I totally understand. We all must take this thing one day at a time.

    I am losing weight for my health because less than 5 months ago, I was diagnosed with complications from diabetes. My vision was getting worse, and my hands and feet were becoming numb and painful. My blood sugar was high! The doctor said in a nutshell, "Lose weight, eat healthier, and exercise; if you don't you are going to get sicker and sicker, and you will take more and more medicine. You could lose your vision or become cripple or have organ failure, or die, if you do not change." I cried every day for weeks. I went through a grieving process, but the doctor's warning became my motivation to eat better and lose weight. I don't have a set workout routine yet but I do get some exercise when I can. I can now feel how food affects my body. I am reminded of the dire prognosis of diabetic complications when I eat too much and when I eat the wrong foods.

    In March 2015, my A1C was 7.8% (an average of one's blood sugar reading over 3 months; this also means that over a three month period, my blood sugar averaged around 183mg/dl; normal blood sugar should be between 70mg/dl and 99mg/dl, though 90-99 is considered pre-diabetic), BUT I only made small changes. In one year I lost 18lbs by cutting out sugary drinks and not eating late night. This was not enough.

    By the time January 2016 rolled around, I was getting sicker (A1C 9.8%; average blood sugar 240mg/dl), but it wasn't until my hands and feet started to be affected that I went to the doctor March 4, 2016. Keep in mind that an average blood sugar over 130mg/dl for an extended amount of time can cause organ failure and other diabetic complications. After my dire diagnosis and prognosis, I changed. I told the doctor that I was going to turn my situation around. I told him that I refuse to eat myself into blindness, organ failure, or into a wheel chair.

    As of August 2016. I am down 65lbs, my A1C is 5.6%, and the doses on my medicines have gotten lower and lower. I am down to one pill.

    I need to lose 61lbs more! I am looking for people I can motivate and people that will motivate me. I tell everyone that if they need motivation to remember that fat makes you sick and will eventually kill you. Fat affects your life and your quality of life.

    Add me if you are serious about your weight loss efforts, and want to give and receive motivation and support.

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited August 2016
    @Pattycake755, that is an inspiring story. I hope you reach and maintain your goal weight for a long, healthy life.

    I always feel sad when I meet someone who is obviously suffering inside the prison of their own bodies but unwilling to make the changes needed to escape that prison. Especially when the changes don't need to be extreme to be effective. Small changes made over time can equal amazing results. I wonder sometimes if they realize that the prison is of their own making or even that they've created one. You know these people, you see them all of the time. Wheezing up a short flight of stairs, struggling to fit into an airplane seat or a theme park ride. My uncle lost a foot to diabetes. He's been really overweight for a very long time. I lost a good friend the day after his 45th birthday to a heart attack for just this reason.

    There are inspiring stories out there, too. I met a woman last week who 2 months ago didn't go on a work trip to Europe with her husband -- a nearly free vacation for her -- because she realized she wouldn't comfortably fit into the airplane seat for the 12 hour plane trip. She's lost 20 pounds since then, and still going strong, and she's planning on going on the next trip coming up in a few months.

    The thing about motivation is that it has to come from within. No one can give it to you and you can't give it to someone else, either. Everyone of us has to find it for ourselves. You can, however, be inspired by others' motivation. Look at the success stories in these forums, make a list of the reasons you want to lose/maintain your weight, post it somewhere prominent and refer to it when you feel yourself slipping. Many here will tell you that rather than needing motivation, you need commitment and dedication. When motivation wears down, commitment and dedication will often take over and get you through the tough times.

    I'm often not motivated to get out for a run before work. It's hot, I'm tired and the bed is comfy. I know that I really need to do it and it's the commitment I've made to myself that gets me out of bed and into my running gear, often before I realize I'm doing it.
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    @SueInAz, I have never heard a description of overweight people quite like yours.

    I have seen a lot of success stories on MFP as well, but I have also seen so many people argue over semantics. To some motivation also means inspiration, dedication, and commitment. In my case, motivation has led to a long-term commitment. MFP has a general forum topic entitled, "Motivation and Support" that some people have come to understand as a place you can find friends to inspire/motivate. I have found that most people use the words synonymously. For example: You used the word "commitment" to describe your reason for running even before you realize you are preparing to run. Do something long enough and you began to do it without thinking twice about it. Some could call that a "habit", and a very good habit, I might add.

    Yes, it is true that no one can make the change for you; however, inspiring/motivational speeches may be the lift someone needs to get through another day. On a spiritual level and in my years of experience, sharing testimonies of one's tried and true experience can be the catalyst for change. This simply means that the people who have experienced "the prison" have the power to free others from the prison. I have seen miracles performed from a few inspirational words.
  • paulette8595
    paulette8595 Posts: 3 Member
    One day at a time. I know it is simple but the best advise I have gotten regarding losing the weight. I have been looking at the end and never getting there. Get discourage and eat. Starting today my attitude has to be concentrate on today only. Am I making any sense because in my mind it sounds like an excellent plan. THANK YOU BOTH!!!!! How do you include @sueinAZ in the reply. As you can guest I am new at this.
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    @paulette8595 add me @pattycake755. I sent you a friend request.
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I just hated how I looked and felt that much that I couldn't do it anymore. I hated yo-yoing between 20 pounds I gained and lost 5 times in the last 6 years and knew even that wasn't enough this time. I still struggle occasionally but that fire was lit and it's not going anywhere. Friends on here and even lurking in most posts on the success board helps fuel the flame.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited August 2016
    One day at a time. I know it is simple but the best advise I have gotten regarding losing the weight. I have been looking at the end and never getting there. Get discourage and eat. Starting today my attitude has to be concentrate on today only. Am I making any sense because in my mind it sounds like an excellent plan. THANK YOU BOTH!!!!! How do you include @sueinAZ in the reply. As you can guest I am new at this.

    @paulette8595, you're right that taking it one day at a time is a great way to handle it. When I first joined MFP in 2011 I was like so many other people, dieting for the sake of dropping 15 pounds, and hoping to do it quickly, with few thoughts beyond that. At some point in that first year, mostly through reading these forums, I realized that my mindset was completely wrong. I came to understand that I'd become an out-of-shape couch potato, regardless of my weight, and that needed to change. I realized the changes I needed to be making were for the long term, the rest of my life, so I didn't find myself needing to lose the same 15 pounds again and again and knowing it would get progressively harder because my body composition was continually shifting from muscle to fat as I got older.

    I was 45 at the time and I did a lot of thinking about what I wanted my life to be like when I hit 90. With every intention of hitting that birthday I realized that if I wanted to be active, happy and healthy then I would need to make some big changes in my lifestyle now and plan to continue that new lifestyle for the rest of my life. I stopped looking towards some meaningless short term weight goal and started living my life one day at a time, striving to do the things every day that would result in my being happy, healthy and fit until my last day.

    So I started running because it helps to keep me fit and strengthens my bones. I started weight lifting so I could stay strong and increase my metabolism (which makes it easier to maintain my weight where I want it). I weigh 15 pounds more than my 2011 goal weight but I fit into the clothes I wanted to be able to wear at that weight because my body composition has changed from fat to muscle. My entire perspective has also changed in regards to my ideal body and my abilities. Strong is better than thin and balance is the key. Not every day is perfect but that doesn't matter because I'll still be trying to do the right things the next day and the day after that.

    So keep at it, my friend. Live your life one day at a time. You will have bad days and you will have good days and tomorrow is always a new day to keep striving to be the best you that you can be.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    Saw a waterpark picture of me without my shirt and realized how I looked to others. Motivation hasn't left me since then.
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    @King_Spicy I know what you mean about pictures! That can be a motivating factor! I am happy that you found your motivation.

    My profile pic is not current. I cannot wear the clothes in that pic unless I want to encourage a wardrobe malfunction :smile: I promised myself that I would take a professional photo when I get into "WonderLand." (that is what Chris and Heidi Powell of the TV show "Extreme Weightloss" calls any weight under 200lbs.) It won't be long now. Plus, I am a little over the half way mark of my weight loss goal.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    @mysticatgal1 I actually took a full length casual photo for my profile pic because it was my way of facing the shame because I hated taking pictures at 281lbs. I, too, hated the way I looked, and since I remember the days when I was not obese and athletic, I desired to have that again. I don't want to look like anybody else; I just want a body similar to the one I used to have. That is one of my motivations.

    My other motivation is my health. I suddenly realized one day that I had not been taking care of myself. Several years ago I heard a lady say, "You are digging your grave with your teeth!" I understood what that meant but it didn't really resonate with me until this year. Now taking care of me is my main concern, and weight loss is an extra bonus.

    I know what you mean by friends "fueling the flame." I am so glad there are supportive friends and motivators here. It really does help.
  • sandi_s
    sandi_s Posts: 46 Member
    I need to hear that, I struggle with will power. I wish everyone the best
  • tanny684
    tanny684 Posts: 196 Member
    Motivation is needed because willpower only lasts so long.

    When I found out that I was hurting my self with food, I changed my lifestyle. I was literally digging my grave with my teeth. I realized physically and medically that food was killing me. I thought I loved myself, but for years I was not taking care of ME. This is my motivation besides the fact that I remember how I looked before I became obese. I want to look like that again!

    What is your motivation?

    My motivation is a spiteful evil liar of an ex. But more than that I knew I had to start taking care of me. No one else will do it for you. Early days but does feel different this time x
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    @sandi_s I am glad you read something you needed to hear, and it does not matter whether it was from me or anyone that posted on this thread. We can support each other on our journeys. When I had my first child, I dieted and exercised and I almost got back to my pre-baby weight, and I used sheer will power to do it. I wasn't sick then, and I did not really have motivation or support. In my opinion, motivation can be something that you focus on to get you through when will power is failing.

    Here is my motivation everyday: There is a list of foods that I cannot eat due to diabetes and allergies. My body reminds me when I overeat on the wrong foods. Some foods not only raise my blood sugar but they make me sick or cause me literal pain. So when I say that for years I was hurting myself with food, I mean it, literally! When I want to indulge in something I should not, I choose ME over food. I choose to live and have a good quality of life. I don't want to be blind, cripple, or have organ failure. I remind myself that obesity is linked to all kinds of diseases. If I had to explain my motivation in one sentence, it would be that "Fat is threatening my life, and I have got to lose it!"

    I will be sending you a friend request. I am always looking for people who want support, and those who don't mind giving support. We are stronger together.
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    tanny684 wrote: »
    Motivation is needed because willpower only lasts so long.

    When I found out that I was hurting my self with food, I changed my lifestyle. I was literally digging my grave with my teeth. I realized physically and medically that food was killing me. I thought I loved myself, but for years I was not taking care of ME. This is my motivation besides the fact that I remember how I looked before I became obese. I want to look like that again!

    What is your motivation?

    My motivation is a spiteful evil liar of an ex. But more than that I knew I had to start taking care of me. No one else will do it for you. Early days but does feel different this time x

    I get it. The best revenge is to do well, and in your case look well. :wink: I am waiting to surprise some people with my new look! I have not done this intentionally, but quite a few of my family members and friends have not seen me in a long, long time. I am down 65lbs, and I make it point to say "when" I reach my goal weight, I will have a coming out party.

    I know that you also said that you were doing this for you and that is great! I am also doing this for me. If you want us to do this together, I would be glad to support you.