NSV and not...

ehedges31 Posts: 72
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Sad but true:
My boyfriend (we've been together for 3.5 years) was looking at me before we went to bed and he said "it's crazy how fit you are and then this area" (referring to my lower stomach and love handles). I completely agree with him, he didn't mean offense by what he said either. He was vocalizing how far I've come on my legs and arms and upper back but still can't seem to make my waist and love handles smaller or at least defined. I look great minus my stomach and hips. On my stomach you can see the outlines of my obliques, but there is a nice 2-3 inches of fat on top, and I'm sure more on my hips/lower back. it's about the only place where fat is stored visibly.
I have never been that big, just 10-15 pounds over weight but still in the healthy range for my height. I just hit my 20s. I want to be confident. I think I started all this to make sure I look good for other peoples benefit, but now, I could care less what they think because I have a boyfriend that loves me and likes me just the way I am. Now I want to do it so I feel good about myself and have confidence to do anything I want to.
My question: do you have any comments or situations like this? How did it make you feel? Or do you have any advice?


  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    I dont want to seem like I am trivialising your feelings but girl.... I'd die to be your size!! You have a great body as it is.. and I'm sure as you continue working hard, you will see the results that YOU are looking for.. as for now, don't let it bother you too much.. Know that you are doing well and just keep working at it. Maybe you need to do some more core work.. I dont know!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I think a lot of it depends on how it was said...
    The stomach hip area is tough for everyone and toning it takes very specific exercises to focus on Core and the like, I think you are doing great and I'm sure he meant it in a kind and supportive way...

    I'd take it for the compliment it is and see it as a "wow - you work so hard it's funny how some areas develop faster than others" kind of thing and not anything else - the last 15-20 pounds is tough to take care of in the first place, and when you are basically a healthy female it's really hard because your body tends to want to keep a certain ratio of body fat that is always higher than a similarly healthy male - stick with it, focus on your toning, and you'll be happy with yourself - don't let an accidentally misreported comment upset you...
  • ehedges31
    ehedges31 Posts: 72
    I quoted what he said, and he wasn't trying to be mean. Cjjones: I think how you worded it is how he meant it to sound.
    Thanks nicolerah! :)

    I usually do 30 or so minutes of core work a day.. I also usually run 2-4 miles a day. some strength but not a lot. The past few days I've been slacking because I need to get some new shoes.
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