Day 8 of no sweets....and a WEEKEND AHEAD!! :D

Hello everyone and HAPPY FRIDAY!! :D
Today is my 8th day of no sweets and SO FAR SO GOOD!! :) I even went to the grocery story this morning and walked RIGHT THROUGH the bakery section...everything smelled insanely delish, but NOPE NOPE NOPE....I didn't even WANT to have a donut....

Weekends were normally my worst times to 'go crazy' with junk food...but I feel so motivated and excited that I've made it this long w/out sweets, that there is NO WAY I'm breaking my streak!! :D

Have a fab day everyone!!!!


  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    OH OH OH I forgot to mention.....I even went to the MOVIES last night and did not have a SINGLE PIECE of popcorn or candy.....even though everyone around me was munching on something......WOOT WOOOT!!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    That's awesome!! Keep up the good work!! I'm addicted to sweets myself and it's not easy to always so no, so congrats and good luck this weekend lol but I'm sure you'll do fine :)
  • bbrwneyes
    bbrwneyes Posts: 45 Member
    Great Job! Maybe I'll try that next week!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Thank you for the encouragement!!! I'm SUCH a sweets addict....and often would go CRAZY with them, even after telling myself to only have a 'little nibble' of something....that doesn't work for, I'm doing one month NO sweets, to show myself I can SURVIVE without them...ahha....:)
  • ELewisReed
    ELewisReed Posts: 12 Member
    Great Job!! You are very motivating!! Keep it up!! I know weekends are hard!!:) You can do it!
  • Taralynngranius
    great job Shelby!!!! you go girl!!
    even to the movies and no popcorn.. wowsers!!!
    is popcorn really sweets??
    if it is.. i don't think i can go a month without.. bahahaha!!
    keep it up! you WILL do it!!
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    Yes! Definitely kudos to you!! I love sweets. I'd be a goner the same day I vowed to not eat them...I'd probably be eating candy in the same breath, lol. Great job! Especially at the movies!!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    bahh Tara you are too funny....well I just consider movie popcorn as 'junk food' because I always get it DRENCHED in butter when I get it there....but trust me, I don't put it in the 'sweets' category....and have had some of the 94% fat free, 15 calories/cup stuff recently...delish! :D
  • Operachk19
    Operachk19 Posts: 6 Member
    Mmm, I love air popped popcorn - one of my indulgences. Are you off all sweets or just processed sugar? Are you still eating fruit? Best of luck!
  • kjsmith567
    kjsmith567 Posts: 20
    Are you still eating fruits or natural sugars?
  • kjsmith567
    kjsmith567 Posts: 20
    Ooops I see that I just posted the same thing someone else posted just 2 min before me.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    :D Yes, I am still eating fruit....My main goal for this 'month challenge' I put myself on, is to just STAY AWAY from the sweets I normally OVER-EAT...such as:
    :) I've been enjoying fruits though!! Yumm...watermelon is delish!!