Low carb weight loss by the end of the year

Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
edited August 2016 in Challenges
Hello fellow low carbers looking for a challenge to do until the end of the year :)

Simple and easy to join with simple rules!

1. Must be on a low carb diet (no more than 100) with a goal to lose weight by the end of the year hoping to start fresh next year (it's ok if you have more weight to lose next year)
2. Weekly check-ins - try your best not to miss them, too many misses and you are out, message me if there are extenuating circumstances and we can work it out.
3. No Drama! No bullying or teasing other members. We are here to support each other

Your weekly post will look as follows (explanations below), recording 5 things, filling in as much as you can each week so you can just copy and paste it:

1. Current weight:
2. Weight loss from previous week/total weight loss:
3. Average carbs (net or total) per day: here you will add up your carbs for the week and divide by 7 to get a rough idea how much you are eating each day
4. Body measurements: feel free to post any measurements you take
5. Additional info: here you can feel free to post anything, cravings, mood, good things, asking for help if you are struggling, ect.

So if you want to join just let me know you are in and what your current weight is, how many carbs you eat, if you count total or net, and any measurements for starting you want to share. Postings will be on Fridays and we will begin September 2nd so entrance to the challenge will close at the end of that day.

Winner will be whoever loses the highest weight percentage by the final weigh in on December 30th :)

I look forward to working with others and helping each other along pushing each other and helping each other lose weight :) Any questions feel free to ask.


  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    This challenge sounds great! Count me in. I started low carb the beginning of June, lost 10 lbs and then hit a plateau. Started keto last week and lost 2 more lbs.

    CW: 178.6
    Daily carb count: 20 - 30 grams total, not net
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    I want to join!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am in!
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited August 2016
    Ok long post but I'm covering several topics here!

    Glad to have you guys in! Just a few more days until we start. I'm hoping to have a small group, maybe 5-10, that way we can all really get to know each other to help out rather than a large group challenge where people just log numbers but don't know each other. This way when someone needs support hopefully another member can provide it. That's why I kept it to those who are low carb only so we could understand each other and not have disagreements about how people are eating. I'll ask we try to save posts for Friday where you can write if you are struggling in number 5, but if you really are having a bad day you are always welcome to post during the week. The earlier on Friday you post the more time you give other members the chance to reply to you as well remember :)

    Regarding food, We can make a section just for that if you like, foods that are low carb. If anyone knows how to make a spread sheet in here, I saw it in another group, members can all add to that post if you would like and create a large menu! Otherwise everyone can pm me their foods and I will create one large post or I'll try to figure out the spreadsheet we will make it work but I think that is something fun to have!

    Why don't we all give a little background about each other before the challenge starts.

    I am 28 years old, female, and a graduate student going for a double doctorate in psychology. I have been in a wheelchair for 11 years with multiple illnesses so I primarily use diet to keep my weight down. I had been doing a good job, the past few years staying in the 115-125 range (I'm 5ft 1/2inch) and it was just a matter of trying to get the last few pounds off as my goal was 100. However this January I became extremely ill with something called guillian barre syndrome which causes accending paralysis. I ended up on a ventilator for a short period of time until I could breath on my own again and the paralysis slowly went back down again. However it left me paralyzed waist down still and it is unknown when or if my legs will come back (I now take for granted all those years in a wheelchair I could at least move my legs and do light exercises which probably helped a lot) and it also has left me with a lot of pain. The pain meds, steroids and some other meds, as well and being very sedentary has led me to pack on the pounds and I skyrocketed to 183 at my highest, a number I've never seen in my life and honestly left me crying, something my dad doesn't quite understand that I cry about my weight, but I do have some body dysmorphia undiagnosed and this really doesn't help. Since going low carb though, despite only losing a few pounds I have lost several inches so honestly I prefer the inches as I would in the beginning want to look slimmer then worry about the numbers. I have also begun tracking my water.

    Low fat and low calories diets were doing nothing for me so a nutritionist wanted me to go Keto. My meds alone cause me to eat 30 carbs a day so my goal is 50 net carbs and I usually am between 50-70 so it's still new to me and I'm getting used to it and getting there. My goal is Keto although I think right now I'm more extreme low carb some days. I get terrible cravings though still and am coming up with alternatives for them. So that's about it for me.

    Feel free to write as much or little about yourself!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited August 2016

    To those who have said that they are in I'm Glad you want to join! Please enter starting weight and any other information you would like to add from the format I provide of the list of 5 items that you could potentially post each week :) This way we can have something to start from and know where we are going off of. Thanks so much! (If you need a reminder of what to post just look at my first post, I listed everything there!)

    For example I'll do mine. These are the ones that apply this week:

    -Current weight: 180
    -Average net carbs per day: approximately 60 (for the actual entries I'll use a calculator)
    -Body measurements: have to look them up buy will post them weekly, it's optional
    -Additional info: I'm excited to start the group, also sick which makes low carb hard as I'm sipping gingerale which has carbs and I can't do sugar free which always makes things harder. Only sugar substitute I can do is stevia, which is also the only healthy one if you can call any healthy, but very few products actually use it, I tend to use it myself though when I buy plain no sugar items. Hoping to feel better soon so I can do my light exercise, and also eat right, but with my stomach bothering me I don't feel like eating at all...

    This was a little longer since I had additional information to share, depends on the week it could be short long or nothing at all.

  • estherdfoster
    estherdfoster Posts: 127 Member
    My turn!

    Age: 27
    Weight: 68.95kg
    Carb: 86
    Sug: 25
    Fat: 16-27
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    ******Important note*********

    if anyone knows how to insert an excel sheet into the text of their post that would be most helpful. Any additional ideas besides a recipe or menu section are welcome. One member already had ideas and excel would be perfect for its tabs and this way all members could participate. I would like it to be a post right before we start the diary entries. I might even make one for the diary entries so that we don't have to scroll for those. If no one else knows how to I will google it and figure it out, if you do know please make two posts with it and I will start to fill it out and create what is needed, thanks so much!!! (Sorry I am new to formatting the forums and typically use my phone but can always switch to computer tomorrow to see what I have to do)
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    My name is Maria!
    Age 28
    Cw 69kg
    Goal 64kg till December 24th
    Total carbs: 50-70g
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi @Magic18, @estherdfoster and @mj_zepeda , I think I am the oldster of the the group unless someone who has not introduced themselves beats me.

    Afraid I do not know how to put an excel spreadsheet in a thread message, sorry. Sounds like a neat idea and I hope you can figure it. What a year you have had @Magic18 ! Your determination is awe inspiring.

    Ok: I am Marney
    Age: 62
    Current Weight: 171 (I weighted in last Friday)
    Goal: 135 (and then I will think about it from there) Not expected by December ;)
    Net Carb: 50-70g

    I am short 5'2". I was always small until my 40s (120lbs) and then age and life caught up to me. It has been a struggle since.

    Low Carb was suggested to my husband when he was diagnosed as diabetic 18 months ago. So I joined him. It is working for him but for me, I was told by the same doctor that I needed to go low fat. Sigh. Not willing to give up low carb That happened last week.

    So I am trying less fat, higher carb (so not keto) and high fiber. Not as exciting as a free for all high fat but I have to take care of me. It is an adjustment.

    Looking forward to this challenge for its accountability and support.
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Get ready everyone, we start tomorrow! Anytime that works for you please use the template provided in the first post to track your information, make it work for you, if you need additional information to track or post that's what number 5 is for to make it unique for you :)

    Any last minute questions feel free to ask. I hope I made this easy enough and explained it well enough that everyone gets it. We are a small group of five I believe and just like the Olympic 5 I believe we are going to take home the gold come the end of December!

    Last question for everyone and you can add it in your posts every week if you want as a number 7 (as it came to me late) or just post it once, but what is your realistic goal weight for the end of four months? (How much does it equal to losing!) and what is your ultimate goal weight?

    I look forward to seeing posts tomorrow and will look into excel sheets tonight so that you can post right in there and it will keep the pages of this thread shorter and posts after the excel can be regarding other topics.

    Have a wonderful last day before the start of a new you :)
  • sherrirollins4
    sherrirollins4 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm in! Age: 52. Current weight: 182.2 Carb intake: 20% net carbs. Calories: 1700 daily. Goal weight: 160 by the holidays!
  • mapjwr
    mapjwr Posts: 1 Member
    First time posting. Stated low carb Aug 15. I'd like to join. I'll get my stats posted by tomorrow.
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Glad to have both of you, I look forward to you joining our group and making it more positive!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Official starting post:

    1. Current weight: 166
    2. Weight loss from previous week/total weight loss: start date today!
    3. Average carbs (net or total) per day: start date today!
    4. Body measurements: waist 36 inches
    5. Additional info: looking forward to doing well on this challenge; saw a full rainbow yesterday
    6. Goal for this challenge: 15 lbs that is ambitious but doable so the 150 mark in weight would be fantastic
    7. Final overall goal: haven't set it yet but 130 ish
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited September 2016
    Trying to test an excel sheet. If it does not work we will just do weekly posts as regularly in the thread. Additionally throughout it we can have the threads for recipes and any additional recources you would like. We can put that in the second week, everyone can email me what they would like to contribure and I will use big headlines so they cannot be missed. Hopefully though if a spreadsheet everyone can add what they want as we go so cross your fingers!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited September 2016

    Perfect This is where we will post our weekly check ins. I think I need an email from your so that you have access to edit it as well. If you can edit it without the email that's great and don't worry about it otherwise you can message that privately to me. I will set up the first page so that it is our check ins. Second page can be our recopies. Following pages can be any additional information that you guys would like to have. This excel sheet can be edited throughout the four months. I hope this works out. If the majority of the group does not like it just let me know and we will go back to posting check ins in the old fashioned way. Best of luck today with week one the start of your journey!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    p.s. Dasher I filled it out for you
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited September 2016
    Figured out how to use the sharing link here it is for everyone:


    sorry, new with the excel but wanted it to work for tracking convience, thanks for the patience, evenyone else should be able to fill it in by the end of today and I hope to see a full spreadsheat so we have a good start of the challenge!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Rough start guys from what I can see only me and Dasher entered our first week check in. If you had trouble with the document I gave you the option to enter it old fashioned here and/or message it to me and I would enter it for you as well as help you open the speedsheet. Someone please give me conformation that the link I provided works so that you can in fact open it and write on the document otherwise as I said you just need to send me any email and then from that email account you will have full access each week.

    I hope to see a better showing next week. Being first week no strikes, but please let me know if you are still interested. I would hate to see the group fall apart, rather I really want this to be a group where we help each other. Starting next week I will have to start keeping track and if you miss three in a row I will have to remove you.

    It's not too late to enter for this week just mark for additional that it's taken on a certain day and you can still have a week one :)

    I know it's always hard in the beginning but I still look forward to working with all of you. If you did in fact write you measurements and it just is not showing up or any other complications please feel free to message me!