IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) sufferers

Hello I'm looking for new friends to join me on my new journey of success for ibs? Any one trying to get in shape, fix their nutrition and or struggle with ibs symptoms and finding foods that you can eat? I follow the fodmap diet as well and would love for others with ibs to watch my journey and how I get over my symptoms. We all know we have good days and bad days but I'm having way more good then bad and I'll help you find your balance as well add me as a friend and I can help you


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I eat a modified fodmaps (fodmaps plus additional restrictions) for Crohn's and ibs
  • Maby1987
    Maby1987 Posts: 27 Member
    Yep, that's me. I have IBS and was told to follow fodmap but I struggle with it
    Plus I cant have peanuts or any cows milk / cheese
  • Ibshealthfitnesswithashleys
    Me either! No dairy no gluten can't have salads or certain fruits of veggies but I found what works for me I messaged you @Maby1987
  • TheKrysiaJean
    TheKrysiaJean Posts: 16 Member
    I am one of those IBS Sufferers that struggles with weight loss. Since most of the "safer" foods for me aren't always the healthiest. I know I need to get back to a fodmap-like diet. I just fall off the wagon many times.

    But am always here if you need an IBS Rant. I am IBS-D. And in the middle of a flare-up that I am pretty sure is stress induced at the moment. Good times.
  • Ibshealthfitnesswithashleys
    @TheKrysiaJean Add me id love to have you!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I'm low residue-low fibre so basically little to no veggies or fruits, no nuts, legumes, seeds, no whole grains obviously, no red meat, garlic, spices, lactose but I can eat chips and chocolate! Most of mine are Crohn's/IBD but it's fun when both ibd and IBS are flaring!
  • figureitout87
    figureitout87 Posts: 126 Member
    I suffer from IBS, and am probably going to be switching to a low FODMAP diet shortly. Not super excited about it, but I am excited to figure out if I can find triggers so I can better manage it!

    My main goal is getting to a point where I can consistently stay active and not have everything interrupted by a flare up. So a lot of food & stress management. I'm also giving up alcohol for the month of September as it's a big irritant for me and I've joined a walking challenge since I usually go for walks to keep my mind off nausea anyway.

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I had IBS many many years ago. Now occasionally it flares up if I eat too much crap for too long (like fried stuff mainly)

    But happy to say it has all but pretty much disappeared.

    No FODMAPPING. I went to a naturopath took a bunch of herbal concoctions, ate a modified diet for a while and had colonic irrigations.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have malabsorption and bad reactions to a lot of food. Mainly grains, starch, fodmaps. But, I also can't drink alcohol. I'm ok with kefir, but not other dairy. I have to be careful about a lot of things and watch and respond to my reactions. I am ok with soluble fiber
  • Samanthor
    Samanthor Posts: 85 Member
    I'm IBS-D, but I've been incredibly successful on medication (Immodium once per day) so far. I might go low-FODMAP in the future, but right now I'm managing really well.
  • figureitout87
    figureitout87 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm jealous! Imodium actually makes me feel worse. I've tried to take it as a preventitive measure when I can't afford to have an attack (like, y'know ON A DATE) and it did not work in my favour. It also doesn't work for me during one... Pepto Bismal used to work like a dream for me, but after awhile it has stopped helping the majority of the time. So now I'm focusing on diet to manage while I'm waiting for doctors to figure out what's going on.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited August 2016
    The Monash University Low Fodmap Diet App is very helpful if you go on the low fodmap diet. Also it's supposed to be temporary to go low fodmap.

    Also mine was the D type. But, not anymore since my diet changes. And I had too much weight loss and couldn't gain. But, I gained my weight back. I had other health issues that got better and some that improved significantly.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm IBS-A (meaning I get all the fun of both D and C! Yay me!) :neutral: I went low FODMAP to figure out my triggers and if I'm careful I can eat quite a variety, even raw foods. I just have to make sure I'm not eating too much raw or too much of the low FODMAP foods I can get away with. I am pretty much grain free because I just feel better. Mostly dairy free except for the occasional indulgence. I have been using collagen powder and intend to start making bone broths. I haven't been on it for long but I have noticed that since I started it things are much better. I don't know if I'm just in a happy phase or if it's the collagen but time will tell. Charcoal caps work well for me when I'm gassy and bloated and diatomacous earth works really well for me when I take it consistently. I keeps things moving when that's the issue but slows things down when I'm having the opposite problem.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    I have Crohn's Disease, and I am on the autoimmune paleo protocol to see which foods trigger my symptoms. I have never felt better, but this weekend I ate way too many carbs. I paid for it last night. I just hope my intestines calm down by the time I have my colonoscopy on Friday for more accurate results.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Mine was caused by medical injury.
  • figureitout87
    figureitout87 Posts: 126 Member
    edited August 2016
    It sucks having to anticipate those kinds of things. I have a trip to California planned this weekend and I'm super nervous about it because I can't seem to make it through a vacation without having some go awry. Hope you start feeling better quickly!

    Also, I may have to look into charcoal caps - do you just pick those up at a health food store?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited August 2016
    Yeah, I agree. Traveling is most difficult. I have a trip planned to California for October and feeling worried. Need to avoid a relapse, but still eat enough to not lose weight. I hope you have a great trip!
  • whimsicalwattle
    whimsicalwattle Posts: 6 Member
    I used to be so fearful of travelling, especially when going to another country.

    I have a type of colitis that isn't ulcerative but it is very persistent (it became steroid dependent and now I'm on an immunosuppressant, otherwise I can't eat much more than white bread and margarine). I'm the only one my doctor has seen with symptoms that are this aggressive with such a supposed mild form of IBD. While I have food triggers, food restrictions don't seem to work :neutral: I wish they did!
  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    IBS-D sufferer here too!

    I don't really get the pain and discomfort associated with IBS very often, it affects me with "urgency"....when I feel the need to go I really have to find somewhere and go!!

    Strangely I don't find that any particular foods make my IBS worse however I do have the condition pretty much under control now with daily medication...Codeine Phosphate to bung me up and Sertraline as a anti-anxiety to stop me stressing about being "cut short"! I've only been exercising a few months but already my confidence has grown and instead of IBS being in the front of my mind, I have now put it to the back and don't let it interfere.

    If anyone else has the same conditions as me, I suggest they look into CBT....it really does help.
  • learntolovetheburn15
    learntolovetheburn15 Posts: 157 Member
    jdawson002 wrote: »
    IBS-D sufferer here too!

    I don't really get the pain and discomfort associated with IBS very often, it affects me with "urgency"....when I feel the need to go I really have to find somewhere and go!!

    Strangely I don't find that any particular foods make my IBS worse however I do have the condition pretty much under control now with daily medication...Codeine Phosphate to bung me up and Sertraline as a anti-anxiety to stop me stressing about being "cut short"! I've only been exercising a few months but already my confidence has grown and instead of IBS being in the front of my mind, I have now put it to the back and don't let it interfere.

    If anyone else has the same conditions as me, I suggest they look into CBT....it really does help.

    How has cbt helped?