When will people start noticing??

silverbullkitty Posts: 41
At what point of weightloss will family members (and/or) friends that you haven't seen in a while notice? Is it the 20 pound mark, 30 pound mark, 40 pound mark?

Today is my 36th day of doing mfp and I am down 14 pounds. Other than my husband noticing that 14 lb. loss when he wraps his arms around me, no one else noticed/commented (like my mom or dad) over the 4th of July holiday when we were together.

I started out on June 1st at 255 and today I weighed in (I weigh in every Friday) at 241. I still have 100 pounds to go, but I'm curious what other have to say. TIA!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It varies tremendously from person to person based on how much they have to lose and whether they lose the weight evenly all over or tend to lose from a specific area first. Also, your clothes can mask a great deal of weight loss when you've not yet bought smaller sizes.

    I had 33 to lose and I didn't get a single comment until I had lost 15 pounds. Now that's partially because I absolutely had to buy new pants at that point as the others were literally falling off. Maybe if I'd worn clothes that fit better, folks would have noticed before that.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    It took me til about 20 or 25lbs lost. Mostly because I don't think people want to say something until it's REALLY in their face because they don't want you to think they thought badly of you before if that makes sense.

    It WILL happen and people will notice!!
  • i started out at 277 and now I am at 232 and for me people started commenting me at 30 pounds :)
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    It's harder for people to notice when they see you every day. My roommate didn't notice until she went away for a week and then came back. I had people notice at about 20 I think.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    my mom noticed when i went t down 10lbs but no one else said anything yet. i was hiding under sweaters and know how to dress to hid the bulges.
  • sunfalcon
    sunfalcon Posts: 5 Member
    I was at 195 and it wasn't till I got down around 175 that people really started to notice. Now that I am nearly 160, where I plan to stop, it's really noticeable.

    Different amounts for different people. Good luck!
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I didn't wait for people to notice, I screamed it from the rooftops. I was feeling really good about it and whenever I saw someone that I hadn't seen in a while, close family and friends, if they didn't notice I'd say "I lost weight, don't I look great? I feel great!" That's just my personality though ;)
  • amberdt03
    amberdt03 Posts: 5 Member
    I got a lot of comments after I had only lost 2LBS. When I told them how much I had lost they were surprised. lol. I had lost about 4 inches in my hips though, so I think that's what they were noticing. It definitely varies from person to person. Don't worry about what others think though, that's not what matters! You are what matters!!! Good luck with the rest of your weight loss. :)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    No one noticed until I changed the style of clothes I was wearing. naturally i had been wearing loose fitting summer type dresses. Then I put on a pair of shorts and yeah they noticed.

    I know you still have a ways to go, but slowly change your style as it seems appropriate.

    :love: Keep up all your good work! You will get there!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    For me it was around 20. And when I wear heels! Haha :)
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    My sis and I have done MFP for 50 days now and she's lost 12, I've lost 8.5... and to date, hardly anybody notices! :(( BUT I notice, and the confidence I exude from time to time because I know I'm losing the weight and dont intend to stop, makes people react differently to me...

    What I'm trying to say is that whilst I would love for people to say "wow, you've lost weight!", I wont wait for it... if they say it, I'd be happy, if not, I will just continue feeling good about me and eventually they will have no choice but to see it, even if only in my attitude!!
  • Millie77
    Millie77 Posts: 39
    I'm just starting again, but in the past I have lost 30lbs, and people didn't notice. I didn't even notice a change in my clothes either. It was very discouraging, but I guess it's because I have SO much weight to lose, it takes longer to see the effect. Just my guess. :)
  • It is sometimes difficult for people to mention that they think you've lost weight because to mention it is to in some strange way verbally acknowledge that you were over-weight to begin with. This is particularly true of most men who usually will avoid this topic with women at all costs!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    People I hadn't seen in a while noticed around 10 pounds or so. When people I do see all the time starting noticing it was really funny because they would say things like, "you look different, did you cut your hair" and I would reply with, "No, my face just got thinner!"
  • Wow! Thank you all for so many responses!

    In no way shape or form, do I plan on giving up because other ppl aren't noticing.... I just think it would be a huge motivation boost tho! lol! I'll get to my goal eventually. Slowly but steadily, I am getting there.... averaging 2.8 lbs/week.

    And soooo true, about people possibly thinking it uncouth to make mention (so soon).

    Good point, too, as I do think that I have somewhat hid under my clothes.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I started out smaller (at just over 150) so it was showing on me sooner, people started commenting when I was 10 or 15 pounds down.
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