When you are too embarrassed to make your diary



  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Yeah, this post was totally about me....

    I've been having a hard time with will power lately. I know I'm not doing things "right", so I'm embarrassed. I should make it public and hold myself more accountable.

    Other people may have it private for other reasons. But for me, it's because I'm too embarrassed. I am making it public RIGHT NOW.


    just kidding! :happy:
    Cheers to you for getting back on track. :flowerforyou:
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I finally decided to go public - I am happy I did!
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    i dont think its wrong to keep it private! when i add a new friend and their diary is on private i just send them a message mentioning that it might benefit them in the future to have it public to friends or something so that way if they are in a rut we can give some insight, no judgements =]:flowerforyou:
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    I thought about it when I first joined.. Wondered if people would question what I ate! But as I went along, I realized that my friends need to see what I eat so they can help me along if I go on the wrong path!! I havent been going wrong often, so I mainly leave it open to friends so I can be held accountable!! It really helps!
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    locked with a key.... password is 1111
    I dont care ;)

    mine is messy....in a sense I put food in randoms spots so no I dont eat steak for breaky!!! lol
  • cdish5
    cdish5 Posts: 1
    just noticed we are around the same size with similiar goals. i started at 138 and have lost 6 lbs. my goal is 125 but has plateaued and can't get passed 132. what are you doing for excerise?
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    Nope - Mine is private due to a lack of self-confidence

    This from a guy who's jumping off a platform in to thin air! lol

    Yeah, but that happened due to a lack of self-control - Entirely different problem :wink:

    And you are very brave. What an awesome jump :)
  • newgal1
    newgal1 Posts: 15
    Why do you have to see another person's diary before you can eat right? I eat a lot of plantain, cassava dough and other ethnic foods. Are you going to look for these and start eating them too? In my opinion if you want food tips go to the food and nutrition threads or if you like a person's physique and want to follow their diet then ask them for tips. People get a bit too obsessive about things.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    just noticed we are around the same size with similiar goals. i started at 138 and have lost 6 lbs. my goal is 125 but has plateaued and can't get passed 132. what are you doing for excerise?

    Are you talking to me? My goal is 145. But I do Turbo Fire and mountain bike occasionally.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but what goes in my mouth is, quite frankly, nobody's business. Period. I don't peruse other people's food diaries either. If I want someone to see my food diary, I will verify their reasons first. Basically the only reason I would let anyone see my diary is if they were completely clueless as to what to eat and in crisis because of it AND I knew them personally. Idle curiosity is simply not enough of a reason. I am surrounded by nosey people and have been persecuted for what goes in my mouth all my life. It's never good enough. It's never the 'right' thing. It's not the right amount. It's not 'healthy' enough. It's not the right 'balance' according to this or that guide. There's too much protein, or too much fat. There's too many carbs. Basically, it's not what 'they' would eat.

    I am not inviting that kind of scrutiny or comment from anyone in the near future. I"ll choose my own critics. Besides, I don't know anyone on this forum from Adam. I am of a generation that does not particularly want their private actions spread allover the internet. And what goes in my mouth is private. I am here to use the log for myself and my own education and to get and give some support and ideas through the forum. If I need specific food advice, I may ask a specific person on the forum whose advice in the past has seemed reasonable to me. Those that have lost significant amounts of weight and believe in moderation come to mind. I will not open my food diary up to debate or risk uninformed criticism in order to pacify curiosity. I'm just not going there. My choices are just that. Mine. They're based on the understanding and willingness I have today. Those are my boundaries and I've just given enough of my reasons for them that I don't feel the need to defend them further.

    For the record, my typical day looks like this:

    B - eggs & veggies in a burrito, fibre shake with Omega 3, berries, 1 diet coke every other day [my coffee substitute]
    S - apple or 100 calorie snack
    L - light lunch - fajita or chicken salad sand
    S - orange or sun chips [my weakness]
    D - steak, potatoes, grilled veggies, salad
    Snacks in the evening, lots of them...100 cal popcorn, sun chips, hot chocolate, iced tea

    I don't really care what anyone thinks of it. I'm losing weight eating this way. If I feel the need to 'improve', I will.

  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I would have to agree if the OP had read "When you are too embarrassed to make your diary public {when asking for help regarding plateaus, etc., or my personal favorite- 'I'm doing everything right and still not losing weight!'} then something is wrong with it".
    When people ask these kinds of questions with a closed diary, I think they already know what is wrong, but they are looking for a magical piece of advice that would allow them to continue eating crap, or not logging everything, etc., so they can continue being wayward and still lose weight.
    Other than that, there is nothing wrong with keeping your diary private. Or open.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I decided to open mine up to anyone a while back - it gives me extra incentive not to be naughty

  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    There is NOTHING wrong with what I eat - I choose to keep what goes in (and out) of my body my private business - PERIOD!!
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    lol, mine is public but I am sure a lot of people see a lot wrong with it. I don't eat clean, I eat what I want as long as I stay in calories. I have pizza, wings, beer and chocolate. I work out a lot to make it possible. I am sure I eat too much salt for a lot of people's taste. I eat frozen meals for lunch, because that is what I can handle. I am also losing weight :huh:
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I would have to agree if the OP had read "When you are too embarrassed to make your diary public {when asking for help regarding plateaus, etc., or my personal favorite- 'I'm doing everything right and still not losing weight!'} then something is wrong with it".
    When people ask these kinds of questions with a closed diary, I think they already know what is wrong, but they are looking for a magical piece of advice that would allow them to continue eating crap, or not logging everything, etc., so they can continue being wayward and still lose weight.
    Other than that, there is nothing wrong with keeping your diary private. Or open.

    This post really pisses me off. Some of us are private people and choose not to advertise what we eat to the public - back off
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The ::looks in mirror:: part of the OP means I was talking to MYSELF.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    Say what?
  • PurpleStarKatz
    PurpleStarKatz Posts: 45 Member
    Currently, my diary is private. Mostly, I'm keeping it as a record of what I eat so that I know when I get a migraine next, I can go back, look, see what I eat, and try to figure out what could have triggered it. And really, why does that matter to anyone else? I've also been using it the last few days to make sure I've been eating enough because my stomach has been messed up and rejecting even the idea of eating food...

    Granted, I've debated opening it up because that would make me more accountable for what I'm eating... But I've only been debating it the last few days, and I still haven't decided. Mostly because quite frankly, I know what I'm eating, I know when I eat badly, and I don't need anyone else to tell me that I shouldn't have had.. I don't know, that package of chocolate chip mini muffins or those Cheetos or something. I know what I should or shouldn't eat, and I don't need anyone telling me that. It just frustrates me more.

    Now, that being said, if someone is asking "OMG WHAT AM I DOING WRONG I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT WAAAHHH!" and then their diary is private because they're eating tons of junk food all the time and no fruits or veggies... Okay, yeah then there's a problem. If I was going to ask for advice, I'd also open up my diary and say "hey, take a look at what I'm eating in a day, help me figure out what I'm doing wrong." But as I don't need that at the moment, my diary is staying private.

    Oh, and OP, I'd say if opening your diary up to the public will make you more accountable to what you are eating and everything, then by all means, go for it. That's exactly why we have /options/! =]
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I decided to go from friends only, to public..if they have a problem with what i eat, its their problem. I too, will eat in moderation. :smile:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I would have to agree if the OP had read "When you are too embarrassed to make your diary public {when asking for help regarding plateaus, etc., or my personal favorite- 'I'm doing everything right and still not losing weight!'} then something is wrong with it".
    When people ask these kinds of questions with a closed diary, I think they already know what is wrong, but they are looking for a magical piece of advice that would allow them to continue eating crap, or not logging everything, etc., so they can continue being wayward and still lose weight.
    Other than that, there is nothing wrong with keeping your diary private. Or open.

    This post really pisses me off. Some of us are private people and choose not to advertise what we eat to the public - back off

    I think you missed this poster's point. If someone says "I need help because what I'm doing isn't working" but has a closed diary (and won't open it) they don't really want help. Someone who really felt that what they ate was private, and refuses to tell, is asking for voodoo when they are asking for others' opinions on what they are doing wrong. How can anyone know?
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