Calories vs carbs



  • fergie1404
    fergie1404 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm diabetic so I'm trying to watch my carbs I did sw which I found hard to do so back calorie counting
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I count carbs when I'm cycling - to make sure I hit 90g of carbs an hour. :)

    No need to restrict carbs unless they are crowding out other macros from your diet or you have a medical condition.

    However, it can be an easy way for some people to reduce their calorie intake but reducing carbs without reducing overall calories won't make you lose weight.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Counting calories. Many of the successful carb counters count both carbs and calories. They never stop counting calories.
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    Only things I count are calories and protein. Eat what you want otherwise and let carbs and fats take care of themselves. Only obsessives worry about proportion of carbs/fats.
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    Calories..Calories In Vs Calories out..that's the ticket.

    Carbs..cutting carbs..low carb..all that is the latest fad diet. The new cool thing..cut those carbs..go low carb..

    I am diabetic. I am going to be 58 in September. I have lost 70+ pounds in a little over 5 months. When I started this journey, I was over 300 pounds. My Dr. never said a single thing about low carbs.

    He said Get Active. Do something. Lose weight. I eat plenty of carbs. I am on NO meds for diabetes. My BP was 111/71 my last checkup. My tests were all good.

    Do your own research. People give slanted advice on here (many times) based on what works or worked for them)

    Find out about your body. Your height/weight/ age/ BMR/ TDEE/ how many calories would you need to maintain/ what are your goals/ lose weight? eat healthier? etc etc

    I wish you success on your journey.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    CStergion wrote: »
    Keep carbs under 150grams minimize processed sugars (30g daily) and you'll lose at least a pound a week
    Replace the carbs with good quality fats

    Lovely one size fits all response there.

    My carbs usually end up under 150g, but that's with a 40:40:20 split. Your maths doesn't work for me. I am losing 1lb per week but that's because I maintain a sufficient calorie deficit.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    You need to count Calories to maintain a deficit for weight loss.

    You need to count Sugar if you're diabetic (or pre-diabetic)
    You need to count Carbs due to their impact on Sugar
    You need to count Sodium if you're hypertensive

    Based on the numbers in my profile, my MFP chart allows me
    Calories 1810, Carbs 226, Fat 60, Protein 91, Sodium 2300, and Sugar 68.

    I usually fall below these numbers and am losing weight. Occasionally I might exceed the Carbs and Sugar by a tiny bit. Looking at other people's diaries, I see some exceed the Sodium by massive amounts.

    When I look at the numbers I mainly focus on the Calories, but it all comes down to your overall health situation apart from the actual weight loss issue.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited August 2016
    People give slanted advice on here (many times) based on what works or worked for them)

    Based on what they think worked for them and why they think it worked...
  • bbwrc
    bbwrc Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for taking time out to reply. I know I should find what fits my body, and that everyone takes to things differently, but it's nice seeing what others think, and what could possibly help me. Much appreciated
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    bbwrc wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for taking time out to reply. I know I should find what fits my body, and that everyone takes to things differently, but it's nice seeing what others think, and what could possibly help me. Much appreciated

    Whilst people may take to macronutrients differently we are bound by the over arching physiological fact that people don't take to calories differently.

    As a human being we are all bound by the simple facts that;

    - a calorie is a unit of measurement.

    - if you consume less energy (calories) than your body requires, you force your body to get the rest of the energy from its stores, bodyfat being one of those stores.

    - if you consume more energy (calories) than your body requires it will store the surplus as bodyfat for use at a later date.

    All the macronutrient ratios in the world do not change this fact. Consume 30g or 300g of carbohydrates a day you are still bound by the facts about deficit and surplus calories.

    If someone is able to show otherwise modern scientific thinking and current understanding of human biology and physiology wishes to speak to you.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Keeping an eye on all your macros isn't a bad idea, but if you eat too many calories you will not lose weight regardless of whether those calories are from carbs, protein or fat. I'd watch those calories first and foremost.
  • LyiannaTameka
    LyiannaTameka Posts: 34 Member
    I hate the myth circulating that carbs are the devil. Carbs are needed, they are our bodies preferred energy source. Personally, I lose 2-3lbs a week and I definitely have a high carb intake. You just have to make sure you're eating the rights kinds of carbs. I eat fruit, vegetables, sweet potato, quinoa, brown rice and pulses. I also eat wholewheat pasta. Carbs are fine as long as they're not derived from junk food and massively processed. Like seriously, who came up the dumb idea that carbs make you fat? It's bs. Vegans are good example, a lot of them get 80% of their diet from carbs and they are very lean and slim. C'mon, just think about it. Don't be fooled by flawed logic.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    I hate the myth circulating that carbs are the devil. Carbs are needed, they are our bodies preferred energy source. Personally, I lose 2-3lbs a week and I definitely have a high carb intake. You just have to make sure you're eating the rights kinds of carbs. I eat fruit, vegetables, sweet potato, quinoa, brown rice and pulses. I also eat wholewheat pasta. Carbs are fine as long as they're not derived from junk food and massively processed. Like seriously, who came up the dumb idea that carbs make you fat? It's bs. Vegans are good example, a lot of them get 80% of their diet from carbs and they are very lean and slim. C'mon, just think about it. Don't be fooled by flawed logic.

    "Junk" and "processed" foods are not inherently bad. No food is inherently bad. Context and dosage is bad.

    Fat vegans exist.

    Don't be fooled by flawed logic.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    bbwrc wrote: »
    Ok thank you guys! I was just curious if I should have been doing carbs instead. I see so many people going with counting carbs , so I wasn't sure . ^_^

    That's only because they are doing low carb diets...low carb isn't necessary to lose weight but some people do better with it...they still have to count calories can't eat a surplus on a low carb diet and still lose weight....low carb is just one of many ways of creating and energy (calorie) energy deficiency is how you lose fat.

    A calorie is a unit of energy...your body requires XXXX amount of energy to maintain the status quot and operate at optimal levels...when you consume energy (calories) in excess of what you need, this excess is stored as body fat...basically it's like having a backup generator. When you consume less energy than your body requires, that backup generator has to kick on to make up the difference...thus you burn fat for fuel and lose weight.

    Generally speaking, when one cuts carbs they are also cutting a crap ton of many cases, they end up in a deficiency of energy by default so many people opt for low carb diets to avoid actively counting calories because it's just easier for them...same as this person or that person might follow X or Y diet plan...for some people following some kind of diet plan is just easier than counting calories.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Calories are king for weight loss. As long as you hit your calorie goals, you should lose weight (assuming you don't have any medical issues that might mess with this).

    Your macros fat/carbs/protein can help with different things. For instance, fat helps with things like hormone balance, cell regrowth, and healthy skin and nails. Carbs help give you energy. Protein can help retain and repair your muscles.

    It's important to remember that the macro split MFP gives you for fat/protein/carbs is just one suggested goal. There are a lot of ways that you can configure those numbers and stay happy & healthy. Play around and see what works for you.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I've tried both but I'll be honest, you need a program you can stick to. I lost on low carb but I couldn't keep it up so I gained the weight back. I felt like I would die for a potato. Low calorie works for me. I get a little bit of everything and I have drastically reduced my sugar intake just because I want to be healthy. Truthfully the best thing to do is what you can stick to but low calorie is actually less restrictive than low carb. You can go anywhere and aren't saying "there's nothing I can eat" because you can eat anything just in much smaller amounts. I'm down 53 pounds just eating low calorie and I feel like I can do this forever. Actually I will need to even though I get a few more calories back when I hit maintenance. I've been on this for about 10 months and I am not desperate to quit dieting because it is livable. Yes the loss is slow because I'm 59 years old and pretty sedentary (although I walk daily). Good luck my friend and be patient. Lasting weight loss takes time and change.