Working parents - what's your workout schedule look like?



  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Wow @rgbmore, I so admire your determination. Honestly ... hearing this helps me so much to reflect and rise above my own excuses. My children don't wake me up in the night anymore, aside from the occasional nightmare and if they are sick, however I go through some pretty ridiculous bouts of insomnia, and in general just really suck at getting a real, solid deep sleep; and I struggle with some of my own health issues. But....if you are pushing through your challenges, then so can I. Right? Right! I'll give 'er my best shot. Thanks so much for sharing. :)
  • ccervantes90
    ccervantes90 Posts: 11 Member
    Well....I have a 10months baby who laughs at me when I am working out at home so she behaves for a while and also I take her to run with me at 7am everyday since she wakes up at 5:30am.
  • ElleBellesTheoBear
    ElleBellesTheoBear Posts: 67 Member
    I work full time at a credit specialist, so I'm constantly looking at a computer and numbers and reports.... it's tough sometimes to find the time to leave my desk!! Lately at work I've been making a habit to take the stairs 2 at a time and eating super super clean. Then I do pilates classes, yoga, I run and go to circuit classes. I try to do 4 work outs a week. I'm exhausted. Cause you still have to run the house and take care of your kid(s).

  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Did the morning thing. Set my alarm for 5am, but didn't actually leave the house until around 5:25. It was slow moving, but I walked the dog and ran a bit. Yay! Here's hoping it gets easier with time. But it's awesome to know I've fit in some excerise before even starting my regular day. Thanks again everyone for the inspiration!!! Hope you all have an awesome day :smiley:
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    I use my lunch break.
  • mommamia30189
    mommamia30189 Posts: 82 Member
    I get up at 4:30 and workout from 5-6 then get my son up and off to school. I work 8-5 and get home around 6. I sometimes take an afternoon body pump class or go for a long walk with my son. Getting up early is VERY hard but I feel so much better when i do it.
  • ElleBellesTheoBear
    ElleBellesTheoBear Posts: 67 Member
    I need to jump on the early risers bus. I am so not a morning person!! I get up at 7 and thats a struggle lol I feel like vomiting when i get up at 5 haha!

  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Nicki_pick wrote: »
    Did the morning thing. Set my alarm for 5am, but didn't actually leave the house until around 5:25. It was slow moving, but I walked the dog and ran a bit. Yay! Here's hoping it gets easier with time. But it's awesome to know I've fit in some excerise before even starting my regular day. Thanks again everyone for the inspiration!!! Hope you all have an awesome day :smiley:

    Good for you - awesome job!! :)
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    saraht4392 wrote: »
    I need to jump on the early risers bus. I am so not a morning person!! I get up at 7 and thats a struggle lol I feel like vomiting when i get up at 5 haha!

    I almost didn't do it. Then I laid there thinking about the very busy day and and evening I had before me, and knew it would be my only chance. Also... I gave my husband a big long speech the night before about making it a priority and all that, so I couldn't NOT do it. Lol

    I'm so glad I went. A stress off my shoulders for the rest of the day and guess what? Hubby wants to join me tomorrow. :smiley: Doesn't want me wandering around town all by myself in the wee hours of the morning. I was about to get all feminist on him... but then I was like naaa, I'm good if 'protecting' me is an excuse for him to do it with me. Hehehe
  • ElleBellesTheoBear
    ElleBellesTheoBear Posts: 67 Member
    Nicki_pick wrote: »
    saraht4392 wrote: »
    I need to jump on the early risers bus. I am so not a morning person!! I get up at 7 and thats a struggle lol I feel like vomiting when i get up at 5 haha!

    I almost didn't do it. Then I laid there thinking about the very busy day and and evening I had before me, and knew it would be my only chance. Also... I gave my husband a big long speech the night before about making it a priority and all that, so I couldn't NOT do it. Lol

    I'm so glad I went. A stress off my shoulders for the rest of the day and guess what? Hubby wants to join me tomorrow. :smiley: Doesn't want me wandering around town all by myself in the wee hours of the morning. I was about to get all feminist on him... but then I was like naaa, I'm good if 'protecting' me is an excuse for him to do it with me. Hehehe

    Thats so adorable!! Im going to do it tomorrow (6am that is lol) baby steps! You girls are inspiring!!!
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    Weekdays I'm up at 4:30am to get in a 30 minute workout at home. Saturday morning I sleep in and take a 8:45 class at the YMCA. Sunday is usually rest day...unless I had to stay up late one day during the week and missed a 4:30am wake-up. I try to fit it in before the boys wake up.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Run at 5:00 a.m. and lift later in the afternoon. My kids are now of the out house (2 years now) so I earned a little flexibility in my schedule now.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Nicki_pick wrote: »
    saraht4392 wrote: »
    I need to jump on the early risers bus. I am so not a morning person!! I get up at 7 and thats a struggle lol I feel like vomiting when i get up at 5 haha!

    I almost didn't do it. Then I laid there thinking about the very busy day and and evening I had before me, and knew it would be my only chance. Also... I gave my husband a big long speech the night before about making it a priority and all that, so I couldn't NOT do it. Lol

    I'm so glad I went. A stress off my shoulders for the rest of the day and guess what? Hubby wants to join me tomorrow. :smiley: Doesn't want me wandering around town all by myself in the wee hours of the morning. I was about to get all feminist on him... but then I was like naaa, I'm good if 'protecting' me is an excuse for him to do it with me. Hehehe

    The bolded part above is really the key. MOST people (I think) don't like to get up early and workout. But once you do, you are usually so glad that you did.
    Try to carry that feeling of accomplishment through with you on the mornings when you just don't want to get out of bed. Remind yourself how much better you'll feel about your day if you get it done in the morning.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Ps - I missed my morning workout for the first time in months today (it was the first day of school, so I stayed home to help with that). I'm going crazy now. Lol.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Nicki_pick wrote: »
    Alright. Here's my plan- ease into waking up earlier to get my workout in. Tomorrow 5am I'll walk my dog to the town track and run some.

    You guys...good lord!...are dedicated. So glad I posted this question!

    So one more question.... those of you that work out late in the evening - does it not effect your sleep at all? I've done it a few times, but always sleep horribly afterwards. Is this something that happens to everyone? Does it eventually go away?

    For me, it adjusts. When I worked out late at night, it got me so tired that I slept really well. I thought that people who said "work out in the morning, it will give you energy" were full of crap, because clearly working out takes energy, wears you out.

    Well, I was wrong. I work out in the morning now, and whaddayaknow? It gives me more energy during the day.

    So evening workouts can make you sleepy, and morning workouts can wake you up, your body just needs to adjust. Try ending your nighttime workout with some yin yoga poses if you need to wind down, that about knocks me out.
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Great advice @deluxmary2000! I will certainly try to remember.

    First day of school is a big deal! It definitely warrants a morning off with the kiddos. :smile:
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    On weekends when I do an early (for me) workout at like 8am I do feel better throughout the day...but on weekdays I would get arrested if I ventured out of the house at 5:30am like I'd need to do for a decent workout. I'd either wreck the car driving to the gym or punch someone for trying to talk to me that early.

    I'm just happy now when I get a workout in at all to be honest. I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have a 3&5 year old. Sometimes, I fall asleep with my gym clothes on waiting for my bestie to come get me to go to the gym at 9pm...that is why it's better for me to go on my lunch break. With all my doc appointments though I skip lunch alot to make up for time missed. It's really nice my work is flexible like that, but it does make working out a bit harder when you use your lunch to make up time out of the office.
  • Sandysphat
    Sandysphat Posts: 215 Member
    Try T25, 25 min a day, no excuses!!
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    On weekends when I do an early (for me) workout at like 8am I do feel better throughout the day...but on weekdays I would get arrested if I ventured out of the house at 5:30am like I'd need to do for a decent workout. I'd either wreck the car driving to the gym or punch someone for trying to talk to me that early.

    I'm just happy now when I get a workout in at all to be honest. I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have a 3&5 year old. Sometimes, I fall asleep with my gym clothes on waiting for my bestie to come get me to go to the gym at 9pm...that is why it's better for me to go on my lunch break. With all my doc appointments though I skip lunch alot to make up for time missed. It's really nice my work is flexible like that, but it does make working out a bit harder when you use your lunch to make up time out of the office.

    LOL Okay please do not attempt early morning then! No one wants to see a pregnant lady arrested! :wink:

    If anyone has their hands full, it's definitely you, girl. Your commitment is something else. So amazing! And awesome that work is flexible enough to allow you to do what you do. :smile:
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Sandysphat wrote: »
    Try T25, 25 min a day, no excuses!!

    What's that???