People with stomach/digestive issues (TMI I KNOW)



  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    pie_eyes wrote: »
    Um ... I get umm... the runs alot

    I'm not kidding , not really sure why. I cook meat to optimal temps so it's not food poisoning

    I was wondering if I have crohns or IBS , somebody said I might have celiac which I think is true, I can eat gluten but I can't in large amounts

    I usually try to add a lot of fiber to my diet because I used to have constipation issues um

    I feel like I've said enough to embarrass myself

    Any help?

    Has anyone checked you for c diff? It's a form of collitis which causes uncontrollable diarrhea among other things... I'm sorry you're going through that
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    edited August 2016
    pie_eyes wrote: »
    Um ... I get umm... the runs alot

    I was wondering if I have crohns or IBS , somebody said I might have celiac which I think is true, I can eat gluten but I can't in large amounts ...
    Any help?

    I would highly recommend getting the blood test for celiac disease. And then if that's negative - which you actually have a higher chance of - I'd consider doing a celiac-level of compliance gluten free diet and see if it helps after a couple months (it takes 6 months minimum to heal after going gluten free - can take up to 5 years. Every time a celiac eats gluten, it will take up to 2 more weeks to heal that damage)

    Because celiac disease WILL kill you, quite literally. It slowly destroys the inside of the intestines until you stop being able to absorb nutrients. And the body will either die of starvation - which typically only happens on faster cases of celiac disease - or more likely, it will die because some part of your body starts to give out after months or years of nutrient deficiencies. So, things like scurvy, beri beri, other diseases of nutrient deficiencies? Yeah, celiacs can get those. Or organs giving out, or the body unable to fight off a tiny little infection because the immune system can't do it's job, etc...

    The ONLY treatment is a gluten free diet, but to a compliance level that requires some information to follow - celiac forums are a good place to find that info out.

    But as to why you might have a negative test, it's because our testing is still rather crude. We only have tests that can detect when you are reacting to gluten, and even then, you have to be reacting ENOUGH. So if you are gluten free, or gluten-lite, you may not be producing enough biomarkers of a reaction and the test will give a false negative. It requires eating 2 slices of wheat bread's worth of gluten, daily, for about 2 months, for a test to be accurate.

    If it is not this, I'd consider an elimination diet, myself, to see if something else is going on. Even if the doctors can't figure it out, there are a number of conditions that can have food triggers that an elimination diet might at least help with.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    And a colonoscopy for Crohn's which can also kill you
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I gave up gluten due to a completely unrelated health issue, and I no longer have that problem (except when I get cross-contaminated in a restaurant).
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,982 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm on a high protein/carb & low fat diet - - 40/40/20. This has been on an ave of 1900-2500 cals per day of food consumed; 1600-2200 net after exercise.

    This works out to about 190-250 gms of protein per day. I now weigh 171#, so this works out to 1.11-1.46 grams protein/# BW, which is well w/in the general guidelines for cutting to lose fat/weight which what I have been doing.

    However, eating so much protein has 2 effects on me both related to the inability to fully digest all of it: 1) the runs and 2) gas. I take psyllium as a fiber supplement to address the runs and 2 digestive enzyme supplements (papain/papaya and bromelain/pineapple) to address the gas during each meal.

    They seem to solve the problems for me.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    IBS sufferer here as well, My main trigger is onion. as well as pasta. the only thing i have found that helps calm it down is ice cold peppermint tea.