people that have lost 15 or more pounds

Just wondering if you did it by sticking to MFP alone or you used other weightloss techniques/programs? Sometimes peoples' tickers say SW is one thing and then the MFP starting weight is much lower. Just trying to gain feedback. I still haven't lost a pound, so its frustrating. I know I had a few mess up days but also had good days-and I weigh what I weighed before I started this whole thing! And I forget to log it but I drink well over my intake for water every day. Does anyone take supplements? That actually work and don't feel like you are swallowing 5 horse pills at once?



  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Every single ounce I've lost has been while using MFP for the past 7 months.
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I use MFP...have been using it since March. It really is an eye opener when you have to log everything - and having friends keeps you accountable! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Just MFP here
  • I haven't done anything else. I mean I exercise, but I always have.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I started MFP in January and have lost 23 lbs. here. No supplements, no special diets, no rules (low-carb, etc.). Just eating less, tracking what I eat, tracking my exercise, and slowly changing my eating habits one by one.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    the first 65 lbs I lost where before joining MFP mostly from changing the way i was eating and going to the gym and i also do home workouts 5 days a week
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Just using this, and different workouts on DVD. Working out is just as important as eating right. And eating less does not mean eating right, which is what I have been struggling with.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I've lost 40 pounds in almost 6 moths of using MFP - which means healthier eating, less junky snacks, and consistently exercising.
    No tricks, pills, potions, programs, "diets", DVDs, shakes, powders, supplements or horse pills here.
    (oh, except C25k, I suppose that counts as a program).
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    Just by using MFP. Log every morsel you eat, even if it is "just a bite". And also you need to exercise! Doesn't have to be a fancy gym of DVD, just burn more calories than you eat.

    Good luck! Don't be frustrated! You can do it!!!
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    I used mfp tracking only - following the calorie guide and exercising.

    good luck!
  • Every single ounce I've lost has been while using MFP for the past 7 months.

    That's incredible. YOu have lost nearly 100 pounds in only 7 months? I didn't even think that was possible!
    I only want/need to lose about 25-35lbs, and can't fathom how long it is going to take.
  • zyle
    zyle Posts: 34
    Mfp alone for the first month and a half, but then also added bike riding, walking, doing some weight curls while watching tv, pushups/situps. Also cut out since the beginning bread, pop, fried and fast food
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Lost all 17 lbs using MFP!! All the hard work, dedication, and good choices are paying off!!
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    I was sick last year and lost a bunch from being sick. after I got better I stayed at the same weight even when I was trying to still lose it. Until I started MFP... I have lost 15lbs so far doing this and starting to workout harder. :happy: Good luck to you
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I started in May and have lost 18 lbs using only MFP. Logging the calories and sticking to my goal has helped more than anything because I have food amnesia but I also bike and just started the 30 Day Shred.
  • ciege77
    ciege77 Posts: 60
    I lost my first 15-20 pounds on MFP alone (NO pills/supplements/acai berries/etc.), since I had a back injury and literally could barely move. But once I was healthy again, the combination of MFP and gym/sports made losing weight stupid easy, but I will admit had I not understood how to count calories, it never would have been so simple. Give it time, stick to your calorie goal and don't undercut 1200, and be honest with yourself. If you ate that extra couple sweets, you BETTER record it.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I started by doing nothing else but logging. I can not see your diary so not sure what your calorie intake is or exercise level. When I began I restricted myself to 1200 calories a day but I did no exercise and lost 25lbs in about 7months. Then I stated exercising and I raised my calorie intake and lost the rest.
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    I use MFP exclusively combined with exercise. I do dvd's in my home and swim once or twice a week. I don't eat anything special (this morning it was a fried egg and two slices of bacon... god I love bacon LOL). I just track those calories and keep em around 1200 to 1400. If I exercise a lot, I up the calories so my body gets what it needs. Just keep logging in what you eat & drink & that water is really important. I take a vitamin every day with emergen-c (20 -25 calories, but worth it). That's it! Good luck
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Me too. I tried for months to keep my own manual food diary and I had no success, basically because I had no idea what calories to log most of the time. Since starting to use this site and app properly in February I've lost a lot of my weight. That also has a lot to do with 2x weekly 2 hour double gym classes and 2x 1 hour gym sessions, using strength training and cardio workouts.

    Hope you hav success soon, I know how hard it is too keep going when you aren't getting resluts xx
  • I started by doing nothing else but logging. I can not see your diary so not sure what your calorie intake is or exercise level. When I began I restricted myself to 1200 calories a day but I did no exercise and lost 25lbs in about 7months. Then I stated exercising and I raised my calorie intake and lost the rest.

    Not sure how to let you see my diary? New to navigating all of these "tools". I try to exercise 5 times a week.