July 400 Core Challenge (100 Push-Up / 100 Plank / 100 Squat



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    So here is my 1st entry
    ►100 Push-Ups (100/100)
    ►100 Planks (0/40=12/L20=12/R20=20/B20)
    First week I will be doing 1 minute and 30 second holds. I will increase time through month
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (0/100)

    400 core per week = 1600 core exercises for the month
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Nice work everyone, I was out at the lake all weekend. so I have some catching up to do =D I'll update the spreadsheet tomorrow =)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    So here is my 1st entry
    ►100 Push-Ups (100/100)
    ►100 Planks (6/40=12/L20=12/R20=20/B20)
    I can only manage to do this for 30 second holds for the normal planks and 10 second holds for the other planks. I hope to be able to increse with time.
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (0/100)

    400 core per week = 1600 core exercises for the month
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Spreadsheet is updated, GREAT work guys!!
    I need to step up my game here! lol

    And I agree, planks are time consuming! Argh (that's killing me, the time, not the move so much)
    ☼ July 400 Core Challenge ☼

    * Goal : Monthly *

    Week 1 (July 1st - 10th)
    ►100 Push-Ups (2/100)
    ►100 Planks (3/40=2/L20=2/R20=3/B20)
    ►100 Squats (20/100)
    ►100 Burpees (7/100) Level 3's (w/added leg spread & push-up)
    Hope you all have a GREAT month!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. So I think I will do the monthly goal, but double the push ups and squats. I know that the burpees and the planks will def be a challenge for me to get in and do. haha
    Here are my stats so far as of last night:

    * Goal : Monthly *
    <as of July 1st>
    ►100 Push-Ups (60/200)
    ►100 Planks (0/40=0/L20=0/R20=0/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/200)
    ►100 Burpees (0/100)
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
    Today's session:

    * Goal : Monthly *
    <as of July 1st>
    ►100 Push-Ups (50/100)
    ►100 Planks (6/40=0/L20=0/R20=6/B20)
    ►100 Squats (50/100)
    ►100 Burpees (50/100)
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Great work everyone!!

    Updated spreadsheet::
    (link stays the same, just easier for everyone to find this way!)

    My stats as of 07/07/2011 (still have todays to do!)

    ☼ July 400 Core Challenge ☼
    * Goal : Monthly *
    Week 1 (July 1st - 10th)
    ►100 Push-Ups (42/100)
    ►100 Planks (4/40=3/L20=3/R20=5/B20)
    ►100 Squats (40/100)
    ►100 Burpees (7/100) Level 3's (w/added leg spread & push-up)[not counting the push-up w/above]
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
    I guess I noted yesterday's session incorrectly. Are our posts to be cumulative or just for the session. I recorded the session. For the two sessions I have:

    ►100 Push-Ups (100/100)
    ►100 Planks (11/40=0/L20=0/R20=10/B20)
    ►100 Squats (100/100)
    ►100 Burpees (100/100)
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    I guess I noted yesterday's session incorrectly. Are our posts to be cumulative or just for the session. I recorded the session. For the two sessions I have:

    ►100 Push-Ups (100/100)
    ►100 Planks (11/40=0/L20=0/R20=10/B20)
    ►100 Squats (100/100)
    ►100 Burpees (100/100)

    You can do either =)

    Just add a quick note so I :flowerforyou: add it correctly to the spreadsheet! (I didn't think about that actually at first) :blushing:

    (mine is cumulative otherwise I'll loose track for my own self :bigsmile: )
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    I did my 100 push ups yesterday. When does our week from? I am not sure if I am going to get all 400 in for this week if it is Monday like most challenges are.

    Sorry I missed this question! :embarassed:

    This is how I figured the weeks for this month's challenge:
    Week 1 ≈ 07/01 - 07/09 (you get 2 bonus days)
    Week 2 ≈ 07/10 - 07/16
    Week 3 ≈ 07/17 - 07/23
    Week 4 ≈ 07/24 - 07/31 (you get 1 bonus day)

    Hope that makes sense! :huh:
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    Week 1 Update: I was sick for most of this past week, so I've decided to reevaluate my goals going forward. See below!
    * 100 Planks (0/40, 1/L20, 1/R20, 0/B20)
    * 100 Burpees (0/100) --- Hopefully I can move this to a weekly goal in week 3 :smile:
    * 100 Push-Ups (5/100) ---- 1st week wall push-ups
    * 100 Squats (25/100)
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    This sounds interesting have never done anything like this before

    I am in

    So here is my 1st entry
    ►100 Push-Ups (0/100)
    ►100 Planks (0/40=0/L20=0/R20=0/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (0/100)

  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    This sounds interesting have never done anything like this before

    I am in

    So here is my 1st entry
    ►100 Push-Ups (0/100)
    ►100 Planks (0/40=0/L20=0/R20=0/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (0/100)


    15 push ups
    2/40 1/20 planks
    100 squats
    20 burpees
    Total 138
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    This sounds interesting have never done anything like this before

    I am in

    So here is my 1st entry
    ►100 Push-Ups (0/100)
    ►100 Planks (0/40=0/L20=0/R20=0/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (0/100)


    15 push ups
    2/40 1/20 planks
    100 squats
    20 burpees
    Total 138
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
    Yesterday's session, NOT cumulative:

    ►100 Push-Ups (30/100)
    ►100 Planks (4/40=0/L20=0/R20=4/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (30/100)

    15 push ups
    2/40 1/20 planks
    100 squats
    20 burpees
    Total 138
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
    Yesterday's session, NOT cumulative:

    ►100 Push-Ups (30/100)
    ►100 Planks (4/40=0/L20=0/R20=4/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (30/100)

  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Here's where I'm at so far:

    Planks: 25/100
    Burpees: 35/200
    Squats: 115/400
    Push ups: 145/400

    I will most likely be over on squats and push ups. I need to pick up the pace on the burpees for sure!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    So here is my 1st entry
    ►100 Push-Ups (200/400)
    ►100 Planks (24/160=12/L80=12/R80=20/B80)
    First week I will be doing 1 minute and 30 second holds. I will increase time through month
    ►100 Squats (0/400)
    ►100 Burpees (0/400)

    400 core per week = 1600 core exercises for the month
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Wow you guys are doing awesome!

    I should be updating the spreadsheet this morning! =D

    Way to hit it!

    And yes I need to get the planks going too!