Looking for friends

Hiya! Last year dropped 50lbs. And so far gained 20 back, just joined a gym. Got a trainer for 2 times a month than the rest is all me. Looking for more friends on here to help motivate each other!! Please fell free to add me! Ya!!!!


  • hopejaye75
    hopejaye75 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi.. I just started on MFP you can add me if you would like
  • walkermichaelg
    walkermichaelg Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I'm relatively new but on here daily, feel free to add me for motivation and support!
  • Justforme160yee
    Justforme160yee Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you for the adds! I added you both! I wish it was a easier process to add people
  • thinkpink73089
    thinkpink73089 Posts: 67 Member
    Yes I would love to be a support for someone and to have someone supporting me too! :) I have been struggling with the same 10 pounds for two years now.... I get close to my goal weight and then get lazy and it creeps back up. I don't know how to add friend so please add me :)
  • Justforme160yee
    Justforme160yee Posts: 39 Member
    Got cha!!! I hit a weight where I could NOT get under for a month! Than it started going up in weight!!! Not the right way! Sooooo I jumped back on MFP :) happy to help motivate you
  • waywhit1517
    waywhit1517 Posts: 16 Member
    You can add me. First weigh in for me tomorrow.
  • Justforme160yee
    Justforme160yee Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you!!! Good luck for your first weigh in!! Yea!!!
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I've lost weight and gained back a few times, so i know the struggle :D
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    I am always open for new friends. Add me as well.
  • Hey. :) Congratulations on joining a gym and hiring a trainer. That`s super motivating. And about gaining weight back. I`ve been there too many times and till going through it. Add me, if you would like my support.
  • honor613
    honor613 Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me and hopefully it will motivate me as well as i could use a llitle support and motivation
  • RunningMama32
    RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been on here for awhile and trying to lose some weight I gained back! We can do it!
  • dchevalier
    dchevalier Posts: 49 Member
    I'm down to help motive and assist anyone in being accountable! Hmu !! Add if anyone wants.
  • Justforme160yee
    Justforme160yee Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you all! The more friends the merrier! Having a real tough time today getting my but to the gym! Had my first session with my trainer and man oh man! Who though 30 squats would hurt so bad these days after! I feel defeated. I am all showered and dress to go to the gym but, I wanna sit here and cry, thinking about how long this journey is going to take and the pain I'm in now is going to last for quite some time considering how out of shape I am. :( I'm 6 feet from the door! I can do this!