Any bodybuilders?

Hello! The name is Shinie.
I am currently into body building. I just gave birth two months ago, and I am finally strong enough to start working out. Throughout my pregnancy I have been watching fitness videos and bodybuilding videos on YouTube. I am stoked to be able to start getting healthier! Would love some body builders to give this newbie some tips!


  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi Shinie. I'm also getting into it. What sort of shape are you in? Have you added muscle mass yet?
  • svang6fit
    svang6fit Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Richard!
    I will admit I'm not in tip top shape, but I've been working out for the last week (jut started). Definitely lost some fat around my arms, thighs and glutes. Starting to see them tone up. I'm not so worried about my ab area right now. I'm planning to eat healthy and maybe do some cardio and hopefully that will take off some weight, and then I'll start doing ab workouts to help. As far as muscle mass, nope! But I hope I will soon!