Can't afford to eat all day....$ is tight

sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, so I am unemployed and everything is being affected by this lack of cash. Including my it stands my fiancee are lucky to get in 2 meals a day in, he is a fit guy who is physically working all day....he needs at least 2000 cals to function a day. So I am often under my calories and often only eat 1 time a day.........this HAS to be really bad for my metabolism right? Any ideas other then finding a (outa work 12 months)

Go Green!!!!!!!!!!!:blushing:


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ok, so I am unemployed and everything is being affected by this lack of cash. Including my it stands my fiancee are lucky to get in 2 meals a day in, he is a fit guy who is physically working all day....he needs at least 2000 cals to function a day. So I am often under my calories and often only eat 1 time a day.........this HAS to be really bad for my metabolism right? Any ideas other then finding a (outa work 12 months)

    Go Green!!!!!!!!!!!:blushing:
  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    Ramen noodles?? :ohwell: Sorry to hear things are so rough for you . . .
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Eat beans. They are higher calorie and great source of fiber and protein and very easy on the wallet. My sis and I eat them more than we used to because of budget. I can cook a whole pot of beans for about $1.00. You can use black beans to make black bean patties with corn and onion and pepper and they are yummy. :happy: Good luck finding a job.:flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I'm sorry to here about your situation. Thats a tuff one. I'd say that if you can afford to get some fruit and veggies that would be good because they keep you fuller longer and drink a lot of water, that always help with weight loss. Don't starve yourself, food is quite important! Good luck, I hope things get better for you.

  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    Sandwiches are pretty reasonable to make and are a great source of protein and carbs and are a low in fat. The are filling and you can cover all food groups basically bread = grains, lettuce =veggies, cheese =fat/protein, ham = protein, (I use mustard rather than mayo to save on fate). So you could spend $10 bucks and eat more than one sandwich a day and that would last you a week probably. While eating the same thing over and over is not ever too fun, at least you would be getting in more meals and calories. Graham crackers are $1.38 a box at Wal-Mart and would make a great "sweet snack". I am a budget shopper for sure! Not sure about where you live, but we also have stores called Aldi's here in Kansas and they are much cheaper than the regular store. Good luck!
  • I agree with AmyNVegas...beans are a good way to go. As a kid, I remember eating beans a many a day when money was tight, along with chicken (chicken was cheap back then, maybe cheap now--reason why I'm all about beef now!), and veggies.
    If you have room for a garden, grow one--we had greens(mustard and turnips), beans(purple-hull, butterbeans), tomatoes, squash, and okra at our disposal, and all it takes is some seeds, tender care, and a green thumb helps, too. Whatever veggies you want, you can grow, it's cheaper, not to mention you know exactly what's used to grow it. All of this happened at a time when they had the food stamps in book-form, and it was more advantageous to have 4+ kids--I was the only one, so no stamps for us--and we made it okay.
  • bugmagnt
    bugmagnt Posts: 150
    Sassie --

    I totally understand because I'm in the same boat of trying to find a job, while also trying to save money. Aldi's and such is a good idea, and I totally recommend hitting sales and using coupons. I have saved a lot of money that way -- even better when you can use a coupon when something is on sale! But, also, I've been able to get fruits, veggies, lunch meat, ground turkey, and other stuff on sale on local grocery stores. In addition, it is usually healthier and cheaper to make things yourself instead of buying convience items...

    If you want to go the coupon/sale route, I'd recommend another site to check into: Stephanie has been featured on Oprah and other national shows about saving money on food, but also posts sales, coupons, etc. on her website. In addition, the people who post to the forum are really helpful and supportive like all the wonderful people here on MFP!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Thanks all, gonna try all your suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go Green!!!!!!!!
  • I know this sounds weird but I love beans, all kinds of beans. You can pair them up with rice (I use browm rice) and they make a protein substitute. I have found a web site that I like alot. It is called and they have a lot of different receipes for new twists on an old favorite. Good Luck!!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Well... having been in the unemployment realm a number of years ago (both hubby & I got layed off within 4 or so months) I have a few suggestions...

    Although it's hard to ask for help, check out local food banks and churches. We got a food box from our church every few weeks which was a lifesaver.

    Clip coupons. If you don't get a paper, ask a friend who does to save you the coupon inserts. Also, you can find many coupons online. Sit down with your weekly grocery ads & your coupons and figure out where you can get the best prices. Take into account stores that offer double coupons and you can get some very inexpensive and sometimes even free groceries.

    Look around your store for items that are near their "sell-by" date. I still always check my grocery store for their 'expiring' meat. If it's not something I'm going to use right away I throw it in the freezer. Most items are still good past the date anyways.

    Make casseroles & add half the meat called for. You won't miss it. Rice & potatoes are fairly inexpensive and can last awhile ~ mix them with a few other ingredients and it mixes up your dishes a bit.

    Not sure where you live but could you plant a few veggie seeds outdoors or even indoors? Lettuce is really easy to grow and can be used in/as a salad or on sandwiches.

    At the very least, have a bowl of cereal for a meal. It has all of the added vitamins and such. You can get it fairly inexpensively with coupons and sales. And, it's not the most unhealthy thing you could choose. If buying milk is tough, we even got to the point of using the powdered milk. It was better than none at all.

    Anyway, I feel for you being in this situation. Please be sure to take care of yourself. Having to go to the doctor because you're ill will cost a lot more later than making sure you are eating right now.

    (((HUGS))) & +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!!
    Niccole :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Well... having been in the unemployment realm a number of years ago (both hubby & I got layed off within 4 or so months) I have a few suggestions...

    Although it's hard to ask for help, check out local food banks and churches. We got a food box from our church every few weeks which was a lifesaver.

    Clip coupons. If you don't get a paper, ask a friend who does to save you the coupon inserts. Also, you can find many coupons online. Sit down with your weekly grocery ads & your coupons and figure out where you can get the best prices. Take into account stores that offer double coupons and you can get some very inexpensive and sometimes even free groceries.

    Look around your store for items that are near their "sell-by" date. I still always check my grocery store for their 'expiring' meat. If it's not something I'm going to use right away I throw it in the freezer. Most items are still good past the date anyways.

    Make casseroles & add half the meat called for. You won't miss it. Rice & potatoes are fairly inexpensive and can last awhile ~ mix them with a few other ingredients and it mixes up your dishes a bit.

    Not sure where you live but could you plant a few veggie seeds outdoors or even indoors? Lettuce is really easy to grow and can be used in/as a salad or on sandwiches.

    At the very least, have a bowl of cereal for a meal. It has all of the added vitamins and such. You can get it fairly inexpensively with coupons and sales. And, it's not the most unhealthy thing you could choose. If buying milk is tough, we even got to the point of using the powdered milk. It was better than none at all.

    Anyway, I feel for you being in this situation. Please be sure to take care of yourself. Having to go to the doctor because you're ill will cost a lot more later than making sure you are eating right now.

    (((HUGS))) & +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!!
    Niccole :flowerforyou:

    Thanks a million, will try it out!
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Got any farmers' markets nearby? They often will sell food quite cheaply, particularly if it's about to go bad. Hit up the local butchers and bakers too--if they have stuff that's about to go, they're more likely to sell it at a massive discount.

    Um...all you can eat buffets? You can fill up on healthy stuff like salad.

    And I know you don't want to hear this, but maybe look for a quick job to give you a handful of cash? Baby sitting? Dog walking? Just something quick and fast that can ensure you'll eat for the week.

    Also--this I'm not sure of, but it might help. If it's between eating one large meal a day or three small ones, I'd say break up the large meal. It'll keep your metabolism more regular.

    And water! Guzzle the stuff!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    You got some great advice! A big container of old fashioned oatmeal is less than $3, you can get healthier cereals, a carton of eggs is pretty cheap for protein, and shop around for sales. Sorry things are so tight for you right now. :frown:

    I agree that eating one larger meal is not a good idea. Break that larger meal up into smaller meals.
  • xenanoo
    xenanoo Posts: 69
    cream of wheat is a $1 dollar tree and 3-4 tbs with butter and brown sugar is yummy. some stores have 10/$10 days and bags of frozen fruit and veggies are often on those sales.

    Tomato sauce and pasta are very cheap. 1 small can of sauce will coat a pot of spaghetti.

    If you buy a whole chicken they are usually around $1 a pound give or take a little in either direction try and get a 6lb, if 4 is all you can find, go for it =p

    Roast the bird in the oven or crock pot (taste better in the oven) and directly off the bird one night. After your done eatting put the bird in the fridge (covered) and the next day pull it out and pick as much meat off of it as you possibly can. Use the meat for sandwhich meat or casseroles or fajittas or soup, or what ever you want. a 4lb bird will likely get you 2 cups of meat after you have eatten off of it once, and a 6lb bird may just get you 6 cups. When all the meat is picked off, boil the bones in a pot of water for 6-8 hours. Put a big bowl in the sink when its all done and strain the liquid, discard bones. Measure the water into 1 cup portions in zip locks (wait for it to cool first) This is called stock, its a healthier, cheaper, homemade version of chicken broth. You will probably get about 6 cups of stock. Use it any time a recipe calls for broth. 1 4 lb bird for around $4-$4.50 can feed you 3 times and provide 5-6 cups of stock... a 6lb bird for $6-6.50 can feed you around 7 times with 7-8 cups of stock =D I call that cheap xD

    When you make a thing of beans and you have left overs but know you wont want to eat them the same way again, make them into baked beans or refried beans or throw them in a salad.

    Carrotts and Celery are both VERY cheap veggies if you buy them fresh and uncut

    picking out your own mushrooms rather then buying a tub is cheaper. Basically any time you can buy something pre-cut/cooked/packaged its going to be cheaper because you don't have to cover those costs.

    If you eat canned fruit you can freeze the liquid and make home made popsicles... if you eat pinapple save the juice to make homemade sweet and sour sauce.

    If you make hamburgers and end up with left overs, put the extra pattys in the fridge and the next day break them apart and use for sloppy joes.

    I have heard adding oats to hamburger meat while its cooking bulks it up. I havent tried this though.

    When your done cooking your hamburger meat, take a zip lock bag, scoop a spoon or two of the meat into the bag and throw it in the freezer. Do this every time you use hamburger meat and soon your bag will yeild a "free" meal =p

    Find out what time your super markets lower the price of thier meats. I know one of our stores does it at 7:30pm. You want to get there either before they do it, so you can grab it quick, or when they do it. Cheap meat sells fast.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    YOU ALL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, all the ideas have given will come in handy next grocery trip......which is tomorrow I am hopin.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    cream of wheat is a $1 dollar tree and 3-4 tbs with butter and brown sugar is yummy. some stores have 10/$10 days and bags of frozen fruit and veggies are often on those sales.

    Tomato sauce and pasta are very cheap. 1 small can of sauce will coat a pot of spaghetti.

    If you buy a whole chicken they are usually around $1 a pound give or take a little in either direction try and get a 6lb, if 4 is all you can find, go for it =p

    Roast the bird in the oven or crock pot (taste better in the oven) and directly off the bird one night. After your done eatting put the bird in the fridge (covered) and the next day pull it out and pick as much meat off of it as you possibly can. Use the meat for sandwhich meat or casseroles or fajittas or soup, or what ever you want. a 4lb bird will likely get you 2 cups of meat after you have eatten off of it once, and a 6lb bird may just get you 6 cups. When all the meat is picked off, boil the bones in a pot of water for 6-8 hours. Put a big bowl in the sink when its all done and strain the liquid, discard bones. Measure the water into 1 cup portions in zip locks (wait for it to cool first) This is called stock, its a healthier, cheaper, homemade version of chicken broth. You will probably get about 6 cups of stock. Use it any time a recipe calls for broth. 1 4 lb bird for around $4-$4.50 can feed you 3 times and provide 5-6 cups of stock... a 6lb bird for $6-6.50 can feed you around 7 times with 7-8 cups of stock =D I call that cheap xD

    When you make a thing of beans and you have left overs but know you wont want to eat them the same way again, make them into baked beans or refried beans or throw them in a salad.

    Carrotts and Celery are both VERY cheap veggies if you buy them fresh and uncut

    picking out your own mushrooms rather then buying a tub is cheaper. Basically any time you can buy something pre-cut/cooked/packaged its going to be cheaper because you don't have to cover those costs.

    If you eat canned fruit you can freeze the liquid and make home made popsicles... if you eat pinapple save the juice to make homemade sweet and sour sauce.

    If you make hamburgers and end up with left overs, put the extra pattys in the fridge and the next day break them apart and use for sloppy joes.

    I have heard adding oats to hamburger meat while its cooking bulks it up. I havent tried this though.

    When your done cooking your hamburger meat, take a zip lock bag, scoop a spoon or two of the meat into the bag and throw it in the freezer. Do this every time you use hamburger meat and soon your bag will yeild a "free" meal =p

    Find out what time your super markets lower the price of thier meats. I know one of our stores does it at 7:30pm. You want to get there either before they do it, so you can grab it quick, or when they do it. Cheap meat sells fast.
    WOW! You're simply amazing with all your great tips! Got some great ideas myself here.
    Thank you:bigsmile:

  • Not sure where you are located? If in the states, check out It is a non profit that provides fiod at a reduced price. Anyone is eligible. You can find a local site, place and pay for your order at the beginning of the month, then pick up your order a few weeks later. It is $35 per box and it is designed to feed a family of 4 for a week. The menu changes each month. It is hard that first order to put the money out when things are tight, but very well worth it. You can order for the next month when you pick up your order. If you are only feeding 2, this should last you longer than 1 week.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Not sure where you are located? If in the states, check out It is a non profit that provides fiod at a reduced price. Anyone is eligible. You can find a local site, place and pay for your order at the beginning of the month, then pick up your order a few weeks later. It is $35 per box and it is designed to feed a family of 4 for a week. The menu changes each month. It is hard that first order to put the money out when things are tight, but very well worth it. You can order for the next month when you pick up your order. If you are only feeding 2, this should last you longer than 1 week.

    akahl78~wow this is a great place....unfortanely does not appear that there is a site in my area...or anywhere in my region, I will call them tomorrow. Thank you so much for this information!

  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    save the trimmings from your veggies that you would normally toss. simmer them in a pot of boiling water strain it and you have veggie stock. i save up that stuff for a few weeks and then make really yummy stock from it.

    here lemons are usually cheep so I use them on everything salads meats beans. I save the lemons after I have taken the juice from them and freeze them. I put them in my tea to flavor them or sometimes just boil water and add the lemon
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member

    Carrot Sticks
    Homemade Hummous

    rice and beans
    salad made with leaf lettuce, and tomatoes

    1 orange

    Hamburger Hash
    - elbow macaroni
    - lean ground beef
    - diced tomoatoes
    - diced mushrooms
    - sliced onions
    - oregano
    - some bulk cheese powder
    - diced celery

    skim milk

    if you make things from scratch and are not too picky, you can make homemade food for VERY little money. i was a student for 7 years, and regularly survived on 20 buks (canadian, so like 15 USD) a week. sometimes it's not the most interesting food, but it's healthy, filling and there is lots of it.

    also check out:

    i've had to use this before, and it was not that bad! seeing as how you have lots of time during the day, it should make this plan MORE than doable. hope this helps!
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