I did hate myself but now liking myself a little more each day

jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
edited September 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hey guy's,

I've been on MFP for 65 days now and when I first started I posted that at 24st 1lb I really hated myself.

I can't believe how much MFP and all the friends I have made has helped me through the rough times and i'm sure there will be many more of those before i'm finished.

At my last weigh in which was on Friday 2/9/2016 I weighed 22st 13lbs, so i'm really proud of that and to celebrate i'm posting a photo of my comparisons from 65 days ago until now.

Thank you all, you are awesome



  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,680 Member
    Keep it up! Keep us updated on how you are doing, too. Everyday will be a challenge, but hopefully it will end in a success. You can do this!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Your mapmywalk is only visible to your mapmywalk friends.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Yay you!!
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Well done and congratulations on all the success you have achieved so far, I see great days ahead. All the best.
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    This is fantastic....well done, you should be so proud!

    The support from MFP is amazing, I'd have given up by now if it wasn't for my friends here supporting me :)
  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for making your route visable. So.... sooo, proud of you. And rooting for you! :smiley:

    Although it's not far to a lot of people it is to me and TBH i'm in agony now but feel like it's worth the pain as I couldn't do it before.
  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    This is fantastic....well done, you should be so proud!

    The support from MFP is amazing, I'd have given up by now if it wasn't for my friends here supporting me :)

    ScotsLass I have to agree with you if it wasn't for the awesome people on here who have friended me I think I would've gave up in the first couple of weeks
  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 260 Member
    Good work man! This is why we are all here.. Keep it up!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    Yes! Progress, that's so awesome. Keep it going, you're worth it.
  • fposte2016
    fposte2016 Posts: 130 Member
    AWESOME!!!!!! Seriously, as someone noted above, it's not just obvious that you are slimming down, it's obvious that the light in your eyes is back. Congrats on the progress so far and I'm rooting you on for all that's next.
  • Chilli7777
    Chilli7777 Posts: 112 Member
    So great...and that walk...damn!
  • Damien_K
    Damien_K Posts: 783 Member
    Proud of you mate. You have done well and it will keep on getting better.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Have you looked in to your back pain? I've followed you a bit on here and I can't remember if you had said you have a diagnosed back problem or if you felt it was from being overweight. I hate to think of you in agony after walking, that is just not fair!
    I'm only asking because I lost a significant amount of weight (telling myself it would help my back pain) from 204 pounds to 162 pounds and my back pain actually increased! I went to the doctor and I have a fractured vertebrae and all sorts of other things like pinched nerves, disc slippage, etc. All things that may have happened due to my weight but things I can only fix now with medical intervention like proper gentle exercise, physical therapy, rest and possibly surgery. It won't matter how much weight I lose!
    I'm NOT saying give up, you are doing phenomenal and I know you must feel better but I am saying you do not deserve to be in agony after exercise just because you were heavier.
    I wish you all the best! Keep us updated! You are an inspiration!
  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    Have you looked in to your back pain? I've followed you a bit on here and I can't remember if you had said you have a diagnosed back problem or if you felt it was from being overweight. I hate to think of you in agony after walking, that is just not fair!
    I'm only asking because I lost a significant amount of weight (telling myself it would help my back pain) from 204 pounds to 162 pounds and my back pain actually increased! I went to the doctor and I have a fractured vertebrae and all sorts of other things like pinched nerves, disc slippage, etc. All things that may have happened due to my weight but things I can only fix now with medical intervention like proper gentle exercise, physical therapy, rest and possibly surgery. It won't matter how much weight I lose!
    I'm NOT saying give up, you are doing phenomenal and I know you must feel better but I am saying you do not deserve to be in agony after exercise just because you were heavier.
    I wish you all the best! Keep us updated! You are an inspiration!

    Hi Joan,

    I've never been given a diagnosis of what is causing my back pain, I've just been putting it down to my weight as you do when your over weight and that is what doctors say as well.

    I went out a walk today actually managed to walk over a mile but my back is paying for it now as I'm in agony so will probably just take double or triple on the Tramadol and Paracetamol to help with it, I'm not sure if your from the UK or USA but I heard on the news recently that the hospitals are wanting to stop operating for illnesses that occur due to obesity but I suppose they need to draw a line somewhere.

    As I said just going to double or triple on the PK's and relax the rest of the night, I am trying my best and not going to give up although I must admit I'm sorely tempted to but worked too hard to lose what I have achieved.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I'm from the US. I have not heard anything specific about stopping surgeries. I'm sure there are days when you do want to give up! Living with pain is very challenging, so kudos to you still getting out for your walks! I'm hoping that soon, when you lose a bit more, you can go to your doctor and say "see, I've lost ____ amount, I'm still in pain! I need something more than meds! I'm not saying surgery but physical therapy (maybe it's called Physio?) or some guided exercise plans that insurance would cover if you have an actual diagnosis!
    You DO NOT deserve to be in agony while trying to better yourself!
    I don't know much about your situation but I don't like thinking of you in so much pain or popping a bunch of pills! However, if pills help for now, so be it. I cannot judge. I know nothing about the UK or the insurance there.
    Just know there are MANY people on here who are rooting for you and you are not alone!
    Carry on.
  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I'm from the US. I have not heard anything specific about stopping surgeries. I'm sure there are days when you do want to give up! Living with pain is very challenging, so kudos to you still getting out for your walks! I'm hoping that soon, when you lose a bit more, you can go to your doctor and say "see, I've lost ____ amount, I'm still in pain! I need something more than meds! I'm not saying surgery but physical therapy (maybe it's called Physio?) or some guided exercise plans that insurance would cover if you have an actual diagnosis!
    You DO NOT deserve to be in agony while trying to better yourself!
    I don't know much about your situation but I don't like thinking of you in so much pain or popping a bunch of pills! However, if pills help for now, so be it. I cannot judge. I know nothing about the UK or the insurance there.
    Just know there are MANY people on here who are rooting for you and you are not alone!
    Carry on.

    Over here you don't pay for doctors or hospitals as we have something called the National Health Service and health care is free unless you yourself want to go private but unfortunately I could never afford to go private.

    I've lost almost 2 stones which is 28lbs, and I do appreciate everyone's support on MFP, I could never have got this far without it.