Terrified of working out in front of others



  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I felt the exact same way. But honestly, once I start into my cardio session I eventually zone out and am focused on my music (I'm a mom with two young boys and the gym is pretty much the only chance I get to listen to MY music!) and doing what I need to do for myself.

    I do yoga in front of my husband.

    I figure that if someone wants to laugh at me--go ahead. I'm doing me.
  • CraigontheCoast
    CraigontheCoast Posts: 21 Member
    Honestly, no one cares that you're there. When I'm at the gym and someone else is there, the only time I even register that they are there is if they are being annoyingly loud (mostly men grunting in that case), and at that point all I do is turn my music up. No one cares about your fat or lack thereof. Get focused and get your workout in, just like everyone else is around you. They're not thinking about you, they're planning their work day or what they're going to make for dinner later. You won't regret having done the workout, but you probably will regret if you let being uncomfortable stop you.
  • MamaSooz89129
    MamaSooz89129 Posts: 40 Member
    edited September 2016
    I am absolutely terrified of working out in front of other people, even family. I won't even go swimming because I hate how my body looks. How do you cope when you hate other people looking at your body while working out?

    Do you have some place like a Curves near you? Because I think the majority of the women at Curves are overweight and working hard at getting healthy. I've never seen anybody judging anyone there - it is a very safe and nurturing environment.

    And not to be cliche, but the old adage applies here, "Those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind."
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I realized that nobody cares. If anything, they'll commend you for wanting to get healthier.

    This is so true.
    That being said, I work out at home. I went to gyms for years and people spend more time looking at themselves than at anyone else.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Work out by yourself at home.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I am absolutely terrified of working out in front of other people, even family. I won't even go swimming because I hate how my body looks. How do you cope when you hate other people looking at your body while working out?

    No one is paying much attention to you. Exercise alone if you prefer.
    I do workout videos at home or walk. There are lots of workout videos on You Tube.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I realized that nobody cares. If anything, they'll commend you for wanting to get healthier.

    I think this is it. You may be self conscious... but the chances that anyone cares enough to notice you are pretty slim.

    And if they do notice you, they might think "oh, nice t-shirt" or "huh, overweight person working out, good for her" or "hmmm, she's on the treadmill, maybe I'll change things up and do that when I'm finished here" or "I need new shoes, wonder where she got those ones from".

    The odds that they are thinking "what is that fat person doing here" are so small that they aren't worth worrying about. And even if someone is mean enough to be thinking that, then it reflects very badly on them, but will actually have no impact on you at all.

    But, I can understand that you find this hard... so what about making a list of strategies (lots of good ideas here) and just getting started with something simple. Go for a 10 minute walk around your neighbourhood. Or find some exercises you can do in the living room or backyard. Or check out the class schedule at the gym and go along to the most non-threatening-sounding one to see if you like it. You could also ask the staff when the gym is less busy so you don't feel so overwhelmed.

    Good luck!

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You change your internal dialogue

    Rather than allowing a negative voice to rule you you make the internal comments positive

    I'm going for it, they are impressed by my effort, I look awesome like a woman on a mission, they are stunned by my perseverance and want to be me

    (Honestly few will even notice you let alone give you a conscious thought it's only your damning internal voice that is at issue ...so kill it...it's called self confidence)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I joined Planet Fitness 2 months ago. I was absolutely terrified too. I had some image in my mind that I would be the only overweight (70lbs) old person (50 years) there and would stick out like a sore thumb. It took exactly one visit to get over that. First, there were other overweight old people there too...even grandmotherly types! Second, nobody seemed to glance at me at all, except the guy who gave me a friendly hello at the desk when I came in. And finally, once I have those earbuds in then I am unaware of everyone else. I realized, it's really no different then going to the supermarket--I got just as much attention at the gym as I do there--none. You should see me now-- I'm bopping my head around to my music while I'm on the elliptical and I don't care if it looks silly 'cause I'm having a good time!

    I was invisible when I started too

    Now I'm not so much

    It's great to reclaim your body and zest at our age

    You go for it :)
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    I started working out at home behind closed curtains. When I had lost weight I started doing more walking. When I started to jog I went on routes where I didn't think anyone would know me. It took a few months before I was brave enough to jog near home.
    I actually found swimming one of the hardest things as costumes aren't very forgiving. I have a boyleg costume that's also quite high at the top, as I now get really cold I usually wear a thermal rash vest too.
    When I did get back in the gym, and even now when I,'m having a bad anxiety day I put my music on the and glasses off so I can't see anyone else anyway! I wear 3 quarter length leggings and looser tops.