Gastric Sleeve

Has anyone had weight loss surgery here--?!

I've been approved by my insurance for the surgery - however have chosen to delay until havin the surgery until 12-6 due to the help I'll need after and having small children.

I've been doing the liver reduction diet and have lost 9 pounds in 8 days-

Looking for others who have already had surgery or are doing the work ups to have it :)


  • katierigby28
    katierigby28 Posts: 1 Member

    I had the surgery a week ago and so far soo good, 6kgs down already!!

    It it's really tough the first few days after hospital (you are in hospital for 3 days..) so you will deff need full time help with your kids! I mean you will have 0 energy while on the clear liquids diet and will mostly sleep or just sit there! Yesterday was the first day I started feeling normal and went the whole day without napping!

    My mum also had it done a year ago and has lost 40kg!

    What questions do you have? :)