Low carb weight loss by the end of the year



  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited September 2016
    So brushing off the rough start I look forward to seeing the sheet filled up in the coming days. We all know weight loss is both mental and physical and part of it is loving our bodies. So I thought it would be a fun idea to use this space to ask a question each week, some more light and some deeper. Since it's the first week we will start with a lighter question.

    What type of eating schedule do you have?

    My answer is that it is irregular and every day is different. classes are easing up now that I am in my 4th year and working on my dissertation my my program we could have days where we had two classes back to back 4:30-8:10 so no time for dinner and I would just grab a smoothie to drink during class and a snack after. The other days twice a week I had a client I saw the slot I didn't have a class so it was still the same full day.

    At my internship I love it there but they don't give me an official lunch hour and during two lunch periods for the kids I ran social groups to include kids who ate by themselves and I never knew before or after if I had testing or a kid I had to see so I never packed lunch rather a couple healthy snacks and would eat them when I had a free period but the times varied. At the same time any moment a kid could pop in asking to talk to me and being a school for kids with physical needs and my being in a wheelchair many favored me over the two actual psychologists and I developed quite a case load lol. The only good thing that came out of it is I have a potential job offer :) I will still be going there 2-3 times a week half days now.

    And the. Breakfast which is not my favorite meal so it was half and half whether I ate it which is why my calorie count was always so low back then and I was thin. Being sick now I sit a lot. I have aides and therapists coming in but a lot more time for snacking. Still not a big meal person and I tend to stay closer to 1000 calories a day so even though I switched to low carb I'm having a hard time getting away from low calorie. I don't think it's affecting it though. It's been a month now and 3 and a half inches lost around my waist and more in other places so I'm doing something right. But I don't know if my snacking ways is ok or if I should focus more on meals. At home where I am I have dinner everyday because of my dad, but at school I have no problem having one of the Greek ice pops I made for dinner. The only difference from before is all my snacks are low carb whereas before they were healthy but I didn't watch carbs

    Boy I need to learn how to answer shorter haha. Anyway, losing weight with this eating plan and happy with it for now
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    3/8 members including myself have contributed so far. I'm happy with as few or many to get to know each other. Those who are not posting please let me know what's going on so I can help or know if you are no longer interested. To the two that posted I'm so glad we are all similar in our goals and additional motives. I think we will do a great job helping each other out and having someone to go to during temptation or other times of need. Looking forward to what week two will bring! Feel free to answer the above question if you want. Questions are always optional, just a way to help us look more into ourselves. Going for my doctorate in psychology I can't help but combine body and mind but if it's not for you just skip it otherwise look at it as a little free counseling haha
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    I hope I'm not too late to join the group. I just found your post just now.
    My name in Samantha (Sam)
    I'm 45 and 5'4
    Started August week 1 at 261
    Lost 17.5 lbs.
    Goal 60lbs by December week 4.
    Carbs <50 Per day.
    Eating keto right now.

    My challenge in my job....I'm in the car up to 40 hrs a week just to get to work (I travel 5 states).

    Let my know if I can join. :blush::smiley:
  • frasee3
    frasee3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I too only just found the post and would like to join?!
    My name is Elise
    I'm currently 75kg and 173cm
    Goal 65kg
    I e only downloaded the app so not sure about carb intake but refined carbs and sugar are my sabotages ha ha!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    HI all,

    Great to have more people here.

    What kind of eating schedule do I have? Well.... I am retired so I get up around 8:00 am (I know, I know, sorry) and I have a large cup of tea with milk. I usually don't eat anything more until lunch and I often push lunch as far past noon as I can. Depends on what I am up to that day. Then lunch, a snack before dinner and dinner is usually late, like 7:30 or 8:00 pm. My husband is the cook. He is eating keto. Because the doctor was concerned that my LDL is rising eating a keto diet, I had a choice of taking medication for it, or going low fat. Hummmmmm .... so I am trying to lower fats but still stay moderately low carb. The only way to do this is with more fiber. I am in week 2 of this change and finding it very challenging. Oatmeal when my hubby is having bacon etc, not fun. I also ran out of energy on the golf course yesterday. Something that has not happened for a long while. But, hey, life isn't always easy so on I trot. The weight is dropping so maybe with enough weight drop, I won't need the medication. Tomorrow I am breaking out my kayak and going for a ride. It always makes me feel better.
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    I am not able to fill in the spreadsheet! :/
  • estherdfoster
    estherdfoster Posts: 127 Member
    The spreadsheet is only displayed as "view mode".. it will not let anyone add to it.
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    My eating schedule is going to be very unique to most folks. I wake up at 3am most weekdays and eat breakfast around 330 or 4 am. This is usually either a protein drink (atkins) or eggs with a a meat like bacon. I have 2 snacks throughout the day of cheese or some other protein. Lunch is usually around 10am then dinner between 3 and 5pm. Dinner is usually salad or veggies some protein like chicken, pork or fish. The max carbs for me is about 50 grams through out the day. I'm focusing on keto and doing a carb blast about every 20 days. My next is September 10th. Then in October is birthday vacation and that will be mh next carb blast. (So digging spaghetti and sushibrolls right now ;))
  • jbandsb2
    jbandsb2 Posts: 10 Member
    I am hoping you do not mind a late joiner. I was not really looking for any type of challenge. I was just looking at the different things people were doing and found this tonight. It peaked my interest since I am doing Keto and loving it. If it is an issue that I would like to join late, just let me know.

    Since tomorrow is Friday, I will just answer the questions now.
    I am 40y/o and 5'7".
    1. Current weight: 196lb
    2. Weight loss from previous week/total weight loss: My normal weigh-in is Monday AM's. As of this past Monday 9/5/16 I lost 4lb and since I started Keto mid July I have lost 19 lb....... according to myfitnesspal I have only lost 10lb since I did not join until after I started Keto.
    3. Average carbs (net or total) per day: ~20 net carbs a day
    4. Body measurements: I do not measure at this time and do not want to right now.
    5. Additional info: :.....nothing at the moment.

    Thank you!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    To my group I will add you to the spreadsheet so that you can edit if that add link is not working, however I have been in the hospital this week and unfortunately the phone will not let me add so please just bear with me until I am out and we will straighten it out.

    I am so happy to have more people participating. You can just post here in the forums for now and hopefully before next Friday I will be out in time.

    So sorry about this week but I promise I will take care of everything and transfer it for you so no one has to post twice. I look forward to all the entries!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    So sorry to hear you are in the hospital @Magic18 . I hope you are out soon. Take care of you.

    For me:

    Since I have to lower my fat and up my carbs, the carbs got away from me a bit. (Damn those cravings!) I also feel that I am not a 'real' Low carber since they are eating keto levels. But I will find my sweet spot I am sure. I think 50 net is the best but if I keep fats low, I don't get enough calories at that level. The experiment continues.

    Current weight: 166
    Weight loss from previous week: Zero but glad I stayed the same: Total weight loss to date: 39lbs
    Average carbs: trying to be between 80 - 100 net with this new regime
    Body measurements: into smaller clothes this week
    Additional information: Finding moderate carbs harder than lower carbs (easier for me to just say no rather than just say some. Also, when you get over 60 years, staying the same is a win. Onwards to next week!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    edited September 2016
    I agree dasher moderate can be harder than lower. 50 net is my goal too, congrats on your fitting in smaller clothes though. I always say the inches and how you look is so important because that will boost your self confidence and that is what others see, so inches lost in my eyes is more important than pounds sometimes. Plus depending where they are lost it makes carrying the weight easier on your joints.

    In hospital they are only giving me carbs because I am having problems eating but I eat so little, I haven't tracked, shame on me, but it is still probably 50-75 net carbs.

    This week I don't have much to report weight in wise. On Thursday I was 176 so half a pound from Friday. I image since I can't really eat I may way less now although I have the water weight From IV

    Obviously no measurements or things like that to to give.I'll post everything 2 days out of hospital to give water weight a chance to come off.

    Otherwise feeling crummy from being sick and hope to be better soon. As I mentioned earlier everyone can post here and message me there email and I will take care of access to the excel sheet for next week for those still interested in continuing, I know I had one person email me this week so I'll get you ASAP, sorry don't have name off hand.

    Best of luck to everyone and if you are struggling we can look at your logs if you don't mind making them public and try to see where changes could be made. I'm excited for the menu section, primarily for snacks as we all need ideas for zero to low carb snacks. I have done so much research on this and have many to add and others can add what they enjoy. I caregorize into 3 areas, "0 carbs" "5 carbs or less" and "10 carbs or less" all being net carbs.

    Well that's it for now, I will let you guys know when I am home from the hospital and in the meantime just give me an email you want to use for access. If you don't feel comfortable doing that each week you can email me you stats and I'll enter it for you, we can make something work :)

    Have a great weekend everyone and I hope to be back and setting things up more and more ASAP! :)
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Glad to have you @pendennis, @frasee3 and @jband3 . Not to late to join at all. Just take a look at the first post to get an idea of how to log weekly, aside from weight, everything else is optional and we log on a spreadsheet so message me an email address so I can give you access. As you might have read we are looking to have other components like a menu and we will use comments to support each other. Log ins are on Friday. Unfortunately I am in the hospital right now so cannot give access so just make a regular post and I will add it to the excel for you when I get home and once I have your email you can add future log ins. If there is anything else you would like to see in the group just feel free to ask and if majority likes we can incorporate it. I look forward to working with you!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    mj_zepeda wrote: »
    I am not able to fill in the spreadsheet! :/

    I will need you to send me an email address of yours so I can grant you access to edit and all should work. It unfortunately will have to wait until I am out of the hospital but you can post here this week and I will take care of it and next week we will have it set in place for everyone.

    I apologize to all for the bumpy start but couldn't predict going to the hospital although it should not affect the weekly check in, just work for me to transfer which I don't mind doing for you guys as the group leader.

    I'll be in touch soon!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    jbandsb2 wrote: »
    I am hoping you do not mind a late joiner. I was not really looking for any type of challenge. I was just looking at the different things people were doing and found this tonight. It peaked my interest since I am doing Keto and loving it. If it is an issue that I would like to join late, just let me know.

    Since tomorrow is Friday, I will just answer the questions now.
    I am 40y/o and 5'7".
    1. Current weight: 196lb
    2. Weight loss from previous week/total weight loss: My normal weigh-in is Monday AM's. As of this past Monday 9/5/16 I lost 4lb and since I started Keto mid July I have lost 19 lb....... according to myfitnesspal I have only lost 10lb since I did not join until after I started Keto.
    3. Average carbs (net or total) per day: ~20 net carbs a day
    4. Body measurements: I do not measure at this time and do not want to right now.
    5. Additional info: :.....nothing at the moment.

    Thank you!

    Very impressive that you net 20, I am in awe of you lol. Once again welcome to the group and I hope you find what you are looking for. We are all here to support each other and make each other laugh or lend a shoulder plus add advice although never medical as I don't believe unless you are a doctor or a nutritionist you should tell someone what to do however you can share what they are having you do. Advice is always welcome here and I hope we can be a laid back group:)
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    So today was my carb blast day...I don't log much but I carbo load like crazy then for the next 20 days I am back to less than 30 to 50 carbs a day for another 20 days.

    We will see how the reset affects the weight loss. I lost 1.5 the last 7 days (a bit below goal) but it was the last week prior to the scheduled reset.
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    pendennis wrote: »
    So today was my carb blast day...I don't log much but I carbo load like crazy then for the next 20 days I am back to less than 30 to 50 carbs a day for another 20 days. (Ignore typos)

    We will see how the reset affects the weight loss. I lost 1.5 the last 7 days (a bit below goal) but it was the last week prior to the scheduled reset.

    Best of luck with your reset. Hopefully you didn't go crazy over and it shouldn't be too hard. I have found if I stay met 75 of lower it is easier to reset to reset to 50 or lower and o think next week I am switching to 40 net carbs as 50, even with meds is easy to reaxh/,once I'm ar school Half the week it helps too bexause I don't
    Have to eat dads food even though he isupportiive most of the time, he just feels im going overboard with this this
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    pendennis wrote: »
    My eating schedule is going to be very unique to most folks. I wake up at 3am most weekdays and eat breakfast around 330 or 4 am. This is usually either a protein drink (atkins) or eggs with a a meat like bacon. I have 2 snacks throughout the day of cheese or some other protein. Lunch is usually around 10am then dinner between 3 and 5pm. Dinner is usually salad or veggies some protein like chicken, pork or fish. The max carbs for me is about 50 grams through out the day. I'm focusing on keto and doing a carb blast about every 20 days. My next is September 10th. Then in October is birthday vacation and that will be mh next carb blast. (So digging spaghetti and sushibrolls right now ;))

    We welcome unique diets and schedules so don't ever worry about feeling different in this group based on your hours :)
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey guys!

    So here is the deal :)

    I'm out of the hospital and am going to update the spreadsheet tomorrow! Sadly half of you still have not provided me an email so that you could edit the excel yourself and input your data as well as share to the other categories.

    With things being crazy I have been extremely lenient in having them pm'ed to me, however next week is week 3 and anyone who does NOT GIVE AN EMAIL BY THURSDAY NIGHT EST time THIS WEEK will unfortunately be removed from the group as I feel three weeks was plenty of time and if you do not have the motivation to send a simple message in such a long period I do not see you being conducive to this group and someone who is truly on top of wanting to lose weight.

    Those who do provide an email should be able starting this Friday to enter there information in the excel sheet and can use comments to help or encourage other members which I personally encourage as it's partly why I made the group so we can support each other along the way :)

    I as always look forward to those who are already on the spread sheet and those who will be added. We are going to rock out the rest of this year!
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member