I'm New!

Hello i'm new to this and i like it so much. It keeps me motivated and I need that. I do have a question I don't have time to exercise so I was wondering does anybody have any suggestions for me? Thanks


  • brittle
    Hello i'm new to this and i like it so much. It keeps me motivated and I need that. I do have a question I don't have time to exercise so I was wondering does anybody have any suggestions for me? Thanks
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Don't say you don't have time for exercise. Just take it 10 minutes at a time if possible. That has to count more than doing nothing. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Start out with just a few minutes in the morning and night. I do a few exercises before I get up and when I go to bed. I do them right in bed. I do front and side leg lifts 2 sets of 15 eat, 40 crunches in two sets, they take me about 5-6 minutes and it really has made a difference. You can also do some wall push ups and squats when you go to the bathroom each time during the day. Most of this is toning and strength training but it works to tone.

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  • tscotty
    Oh you should ALWAYS make time for exercise! Even for 10 minutes. Everyone has 10 minutes. I like to ride my exercise bike while I watch TV or play video games, even if its only for a few minutes. If you don't have one (or treadmill or other equipment), you could always march in place, do squats and lunges, sit ups, or do some strength training with light-weight dumb bells, which are relatively inexpensive. But always keep your mind occupied (usually with music or TV) while working out and before you know it, 20 minutes has gone by! Every little bit counts! Hope this can help you out. :tongue:
  • barbaralee
    I'm new also. I leave for work at 630am and get home most nights about 8pm. I've found the best time to excercise is right after I get up in the morning. I use to walk at night and couldn't motivate myself because I was so tired the end of the day. Now I get up every morning, drink a bottle of water and do my walking tape. Two miles every morning. I feel great and it gives me more energy for the whole day.
  • MisoSoup79
    I agree that starting in the morning is best! All it takes is 10-15 mins per day at first to get used to the routine... then you will start craving the activity and you'll find that you give yourself a little more time as you get better at it.

    In fifteen minutes, you could do a mini-circuit in your own living room. Put on some motivating music and start by jogging in place for 1-2 mins. Then try doing some crunches, some lunges, some push-ups (even against a wall or using your knees counts!), jumping jacks, squats, leg lifts, etc. Just write down a list of exercises to go through so you don't have to stop and think about it. Then when you're done, you can stretch and hop in the shower to get ready for your day! You'll feel more energetic throughout the day if you get your blood pumping first thing in the morning! And you'll earn extra calories, too!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP, I just wanted to wish you good luck on your weight loss journey, you can do this. I have 2 kids and I do the exercise when they are napping, that is the only way I can get it done.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    If you really have no time what so ever to workout, then I suggest you drastically change your eating habits. I have a friend that his new years goal was to lose weight, but since I have known him he has never worked out. He has cut out all breads and cokes and fast food. So far he has lost like 12 lbs and not worked out once. That doesn't happen for everyone, but at least you wouldn't be consuming the calories that you normally would.