Help!! My treadmill hates me!!



  • onebigbutt
    onebigbutt Posts: 48
    You are too dam funny!!! I love it!! You would be a most excellent coach!! Thanks sweetie!!
  • onebigbutt
    onebigbutt Posts: 48
    HAHAHA!! You are so right!!!
  • onebigbutt
    onebigbutt Posts: 48
    Thank you, like having an appointment that I can't be late for! I like it!!
  • onebigbutt
    onebigbutt Posts: 48
    Thank you! I always feel like if I do less than 1/2 hour that I've failed. I had a hip replacement in January and even though it's doing great, I am so out of shape. Do you think I'm setting unreasonable goals?
  • aneisiena
    aneisiena Posts: 63
    This is the exact reason why I pay for a gym membership vs working out at home.... I won't do it. I've tried. I'll tell myself I will workout and then find an excuse to not do it. I always say "I'll do it tomorrow" and well.. tomorrow never comes.

    So true!!! I bought a mini stepper a while back and it's just collecting dust. There's just something about making regular payments and the motivated atmosphere that is much more effective than going on the journey in the privacy of your home. Highly recommend! Big tip, though: Choose LOCATION over amenities. My gym has a branch 20 miles away with a pool, etc. but I opted for membership at the simple one only a couple miles away and I've been going AT LEAST 5 days a week since :smile:

    ----Oops, just saw your reply to Chevy. I guess you just "MUST CONQUER THE TREADMILL!" Hehehe. I actually found that speed walking for 10 mins will get rid of the "I can't do this anymore" feeling and give you the energy (and endorphins) to be pumped and jog for another 10+ mins!
  • lisadhancock
    lisadhancock Posts: 103
    Good luck! I too, have a really nice treadmill that hadn't been used for quite some time, until tonight. My husband keeps telling me if I'm not going to use it then we are selling it and I don't want to get rid of it!!! I started reading about people doing 5k's and their times and so tonight I thought, I wonder how long it would take me to do a 5k. So I got motivated my others and dusted off my treadmill and did it and boy do i feel good now! my butt and legs are already sore lol!!!!
  • onebigbutt
    onebigbutt Posts: 48
    Yep, you're so right. I really need to review my priority list. If I really want to make a change in my weight , I'm going to have to make changes in my life. I think I've just been lazy! :frown: