I need honest opinions about Weight Watchers

I was wondering what everyone’s honest opinion is about Weight Watchers. My work is offering WW to it’s employees with a full reimbursement, plus $100 bonus if you lose 8% of our starting weight. I went to the open house meeting and here are the things that stuck out to me as odd…

- The point system in general: It’s based on calories, so why not just count calories?
- You don’t count “points” for fruit: Fruit is worth 0 points. This is odd to me considering a banana can be 150 calories
- You RECEIVE extra points if you consume lean proteins: Maybe I misunderstood this, but it seems to me that you gain points for eating chicken?
- Weight Watcher brand foods are garbage: The ingredients are nothing but processed junk and empty calories.

The only reason I’d consider joining is for the accountability and camaraderie. Maybe I’m just thinking to hard about this? Can anyone offer their personal experiences with WW?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My personal experience with WW was positive. I had good success in losing weight. I quit once I got pregnant. But the meetings were enjoyable. I don't have anything bad to say about them. Your list:
    - The point system in general: It’s based on calories, so why not just count calories?

    The points are based on calories, fat, and fiber, from my memory. Yes, you can just count calories. The points are meant to simply calorie and macro counting. Comes down to personal preference.
    - You don’t count “points” for fruit: Fruit is worth 0 points. This is odd to me considering a banana can be 150 calories

    Fruit is not supposed to be a free for all. If you go through the literature there is a limit to the number of free servings each day. The calories for "free" foods are built into your daily points allowance.
    - You RECEIVE extra points if you consume lean proteins: Maybe I misunderstood this, but it seems to me that you gain points for eating chicken?

    Not sure about this. Possibly a change since I did WW.
    - Weight Watcher brand foods are garbage: The ingredients are nothing but processed junk and empty calories.

    Personal preference. The foods are not required in order to follow WW so I'm not sure why it matters. I'm sure I eat stuff that others think is junk and others eat stuff I think is junk.
  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    I did weight watchers a few years ago and had great success with it, I would go back but the meeting times close to me don't fit in with my schedule. The things I liked about it were you can eat whatever you want IN MODERATION. as for the points you are right it is similar to calories but I think its more about learning to recognize portion sizes and eventually i found myself not even worrying about points I just knew what the proper size portions for me were. you do earn extra points for doing exercise again i think its just meant to encourage you to move. I know what you mean with the fruit but honestly its not meant for you to eat your way though the produce aisle and then have a 7 course meal lol I think it is just another tool to help remove the feeling of being deprived, if you are hungry and or craving something sweet it is better to grab a piece of fruit than a candy bar so it gives you options. As for the prepackaged foods, honestly when I went to the meetings we were told to use the ww foods as a quick option not an everyday choice for all the obvious reasons but they can be convenient. Its not for everyone, but I think overall it is a pretty sensible eating plan and I like the fact that you can either go to meetings in person or join on line. the up side for me is you are not forbidden to eat anything, it is more of a lifestyle change than a diet and i personally like the support that comes from the group meetings. I am sure that what ever you decide will be the right choice for you let me know if I can help support you on this journey in anyway. Good luck!
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I have never done it, however a close friend of mine did and was successful. At the end of the day though, it was the accountability (weekly weigh ins, app, etc) that I think was what really helped her out. The whole points thing I suppose is like an easier way to count calories.

    She made some healthier choices in meals and I think it helped her with portion sizing and so on. She didn't eat the WW brand stuff. Also helped her to get more exercise because of being able to eat more points if you exercise! (eating back calories.... sound familiar?)

    It also made her drink less alcohol - which also helped her (and her husband!) along with their weight loss.

    She has managed to maintain the weight off (well - not anymore, she's pregnant now!) for a good year or so.

    If it's free - I don't see the harm in joining up!!!

    Personally I wouldn't pay for it but free is always good :)
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    I tried weight watchers years ago, but didn't like it. Though one problem I had back then was that fruit juice was fewer points than the corresponding fruit, for instance orange juice was fewer pointed than an orange. It appears they've corrected that kind of thing. It might be better now.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    As for the first two responses... They have changed the program since then. They no longer go by calories fat and fiber. That was the old points system. I don't think there's a limit to free fruit and veg anymore, but don't quote me on this. Also, you can't really eat what you want in moderation anymore. A 150 calorie chicken breast is 2 points, a 150 calorie skinny cow ice cream or a granola bar is like 8 points. I don't think you earn points for eating those things, they are just much lower point values so you get more food. They are trying to steer everyone towards a certain way of eating. A lot of people are unhappy with the new smart points system and are jumping ship. Some, few, people are doing better. It used to be a great and easy way to count points and lose weight, not so much anymore.

    You would probably enjoy the challenge of it that your work is presenting. And being able to do it with your coworkers assuming that you like them. If your employer is paying, you have nothing to lose by trying.
  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    Okay, firstly-
    Let's tackle the issue of the bonus-
    Accept the 'challenge', in the week leading upto 'weigh in day' - up your salt intake (unless there's a medical reason why you shouldn't).
    After each salt enriched meal, drink water (be sure it's soon after to get the most retention!).
    On weigh in day, you'll be a fair few lb up!
    Artificially raising you're 'weigh in'.
    Step two- in the weeks after your 'weigh in', reduce salt intake to a safe minimum. Full hydrate whilst doing so.
    On day of next 'weigh in' pull water intake to an average.
    I can almost guarantee that you'll have reduced your 'weight' (not body-fat, WW aren't generally trained to give this advice) by more than 8%.

    Get bonus!

    (Here's to hoping people don't take this advice seriously, although... It would work lol)


    Forget planned diets that you're told how to eat and learn to ingest the foods and drinks you like whilst keeping within your daily calories.

    I see no benefit to paying an organisation to tell me what to eat.
  • luciarravelo
    luciarravelo Posts: 1 Member
    I has great success with weight watchers in my twenties and thirties. It went downhill when I got into my late forties under the point system.
  • ttnozawa
    ttnozawa Posts: 4 Member
    There is a lot of poo-poo'ing WW here but I will speak in favor of it. I am a current WW member have been for a over year. I lost 16lbs and 2 dress sizes. It works for a lot of people and is a nice change from MFP. I say give it a shot and if you don't like it, you just stop. I say to everyone don't knock it until you try it.
  • rnnursebarb
    rnnursebarb Posts: 12 Member
    I have tried it... Multiple times... The old points system worked well for me... Smart Points not so much.. I agree with another poster that if you have a 150 calorie chicken breast vs a 150 calorie skinny cow, you get dinged in points for the skinny cow. Almost 1/3 my daily points for a treat. Yes it's about making smarter choices but that's a given. Even WW own foods changed dramatically in points with the new program. A tiny bar used to be 2 pts now is 4.
    If my company was paying I still might think twice about rejoining, but if you've never done it, I say give it a go.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I was an on again off again WW member for almost 20 years. I've been through pretty much every program they have, with differing successes. I finally broke free of them a few years ago, for very much reasons you've pointed out.

    1 - Point counting is kind of like calorie counting, but they've slowly skewed the counts over time to be a lower carb plan too. They shave points off some things and add them to others in ways that don't really add up.

    2 - the free fruit and veg this is a mechanism to have people reach for an apple instead of a cookie, when the calories in the 2 might be the same. They give you a lower Points allocation than you would the equivalent calories on the assumption that you will top it up with fruit and veg. It's clever, and generally does encourage people to go to fruit and veg, but ultimately its a marketing ploy and has resulted in SO MANY people starting threads on here astounded that their fruit and veg actually have calories.

    3 - The meetings were great at the start but after a while, they stop teaching you anything and become repetitive. Same old, same old. They need to cater to newbies every week, so its understandable, but it loses that motivational side and becomes a grind.

    4 - its pretty damn expensive when you think that its free to count calories.

    5 - They keep flippin' changing the program! And with every new one I had slightly less success. I've heard the same from many others.

    In short it was a great tool to educate me when I knew nothing about nutrition. It gave me a solid foundation to go out and learn more myself. But now I know I don't need it and can certainly spend that money better elsewhere.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    My husband lost weight in WW after not losing weight any other way. About 20 lb in 3-4 months.
    I lost 25 lbs in 4 months.
    I cooked 100% from scratch, just used the point system. No need to buy their food. (I agree it's junk)
    The inlimited fruit was a lifesaver. Bananas and berries and apples all day long!!
    It basically trained us to eat higher protein, lower carbs, and more fiber.
    I'd totally do it!! What's there to lose? (Weight, of course, lol)
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    I had a similar program through work, so I joined. It was about a year ago, when they released their new Smart Points system. I hated it, and it wasn't worth the work bonus. I was STARVING. If you do any sort of exercise, you are definitely not eating enough to satisfy you. Also, the "free fruit and vegetables" is not entirely true. If you read the informational booklet you get very carefully, you only get five servings for free...which if you eat a lot of vegetables really isn't much. When I'd say things about having major hunger after a lifting session, I'd get told to "just eat some fruit or veggies!" but at that point I'd already consumed my five "free" servings. I started tracking everything I ate both through them and on MFP, and discovered that most days I wasn't even breaking 1000 calories...no wonder I was so hungry and could feel my strength disappearing when I lifted! They say the more "whole" foods you eat, the less the point value, but as someone who doesn't even purchase convenience food, I can tell you this isn't true at all. I wasn't losing any weight, was constantly fatigued and had turned into a hangry crab. I started tracking more for a calorie and macros goal through MFP (while still tracking on their site and being about 10-15 points over every single day) and the weight started falling off - go figure. It definitely wasn't worth it to me.
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    I've tried WW and Slimming World.... honestly WW felt too pressured to me, not even just at the meetings. The whole 'points' system just got me really worked up and I'd end up not eating outside home because I couldn't work out how many points things were.
    Slimming World just felt less focused on calories and more on moderation and allowing you 'free foods' that tended to be veg and high protein foods. It was a bit easier to handle.

    My old workplace did a similar thing though..... I didn't take part but did 'diet' with a friend that signed up, I lost 5lbs more than her without following WW and doing the same workout routines etc
  • runningkel
    runningkel Posts: 53 Member
    I had great success with the old WW, when it was points plus (PP). I lost weight and didn't feel deprived. I rejoined this year but I hated the new WW with the Smart Points (SP). I tracked both SP and calories and found that with the same number of SP, I would some days be at 900 calories, and some days be at 1800. This didn't seem to make much sense to me. I have a friend who does WW and eats 1/2 a watermelon every day because it's "free" points...but it's still an awful lot of a good thing. I also felt that it pretty much threw activity points at me. For a normal day of walking and not working out, but just counting FitBit steps, it would try and give me like 16 activity points...which if I ate them would be half

    For me, it just wasn't a lifestyle I could sustain. I try and make better choices and track my calories on MFP, that seems to work.
  • honeybee739
    honeybee739 Posts: 66 Member

    5 - They keep flippin' changing the program! And with every new one I had slightly less success. I've heard the same from many others.

    THIS. Calories NEVER CHANGE. You can eat all your days worth of crap and feel like poo or eat all day healthy OR a mix. MFP is more of a lifestyle and you never have to worry about a program changing and what worked before not working....
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I was a member years ago (2005/06) when it was 1-2-3 Success, or something like that. It was OK. I lost 14lbs, but very slowly probably because I ate a ton of 'free' fruit and veg, and saved up all my exercise points for beer at the weekend. I liked the meetings because the leader was very motivational and was interested in figuring out what was best for each individual in the group, and she never tried to sell us the WW products. Sadly, she had to give up as she was badly injured in a car accident (please, never text and drive) and we got a new leader, and she rubbed everyone up the wrong way from day 1. Pretty much called us all losers, and would spend the entire meeting trying to get us to buy some nasty cookies. I stuck with it for a while, but eventually gave up when the program changed.

    Counting calories is much easier.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I have not used it.
    My opinion is that you might as well just learn the actual calorie content of foods you typically eat and the appropriate portion sizes for you. It is free to do that and not difficult at all these days with resources like My Fitness Pal and similar sites/apps.
  • Faulkners407
    Faulkners407 Posts: 62 Member
    I had a lot of success online when it was old system in 2007/2008. But smart points seem to slow your progress (fruit just isn't free. Fact!). I think they wanted people to keep paying, so new improved is only way to get someone like me who had a points counter and note book to come back. I hated new system. I've had amazing success with writing it down, in a notebook. Calories, carbs, fat, and protein totals daily. I use a planner to document my status. I'd today do it if I was getting paid to drop 8% because I'm already on my way :)
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    I say sign up, weigh in and then do your own mfp diary for accountability and give it your all to loose 8% to earn the bonus. As you won't be out anything (sign up fees) then it can't hurt right. No one will b hacking to see HOW you lost the weight, so go for it.

    And depending on where your weight is and your level of "health" 8% is not that much in the long run.