Down 52 pounds 124 to go..

XRoseHS Posts: 2 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Christina and I'm looking for some friends! I have an open diary and am a daily user of MFP.

I have lost 52 pounds using MFP since June 2015, but had a baby since then and now and am getting really serious about continuing my weight loss journey. I have about 124 to go just to be in the normal range. Would like to maybe lose another 10-15 additional once I hit my main goal.

SW 304 CW 252 GW 127
5'0" Female 26 years old

I'm excited for any and all friend requests and to cheer you all on!


  • 3nnui
    3nnui Posts: 21 Member
    That is awesome Christina. Great progress and keep it up. I did not have a pregnancy, I just got fat. I was nearly 300 pounds and am now around 255. I want to get under 200. I joined MFP around 6 weeks ago when I was stuck at 280,
  • Lisavalente38
    Lisavalente38 Posts: 4 Member
    So i started aug 14th and have lost close to 18 lbs
    Clean eating and working out 45 mins on the elliptical each morning.

    The results have kept me motivated but i need friends on here, so feel free to add me !