Looking for Working Moms for Weightloss Support



  • KCNeverQuit
    KCNeverQuit Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I changed my lifestyle back in Feb and have lost 55 lbs. but just signed up today as I need a motivation boost. My original goal was 50 lbs in a year, I did it in 5 months, so I decided 50 more by Feb 2017. I work full time, married , kids grown, 53 years and have double knee replacement. No running or jumping for me. I move more and eat less, i know i can do it but reaching my first goal then vacation now i am back to my routine of better eating and exercise
  • KCNeverQuit
    KCNeverQuit Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too
  • KCNeverQuit
    KCNeverQuit Posts: 3 Member
    I am in Arizona too Tucson
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    46 year old married mother of two boys
    Heaviest weight: 233
    MFP SW 7/1/16: 223
    CW: 204.9 (ONEderland here I come!)
    UGW#1: 160
    UGW#2: T.B.D.

    I've used MFP off & on for years, but this time I'm truly committed. Recently learned that my high cholesterol issues I've been neglecting have led to some serious arterial blockages and I'm trying to not start taking medication. This is life or death for me, so LET'S DO THIS!

    Please add me if you're using an open diary.
  • uteschc
    uteschc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Full-time working mom of one toddler age 29. Just trying to get back closer to pre-pregnancy weight before having another one :) currently 156 lbs was 130 lbs before my son.
    Going on a 3-day cruise next weekend so debating on cheating...what do yall think?
  • bessieortega
    bessieortega Posts: 1 Member
    Hello 47 year old working mom of a 6 year old and 11 year old. Looking to lose recently gained 40 pounds. Just getting started with lots of walking, water and yoga. Add me on, would love to share ideas.
  • saadia3877
    saadia3877 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Please add me as well. I'm 39, work full time, and have three kids (18, 5, and 3) I need to lose 50 pounds, I'd love to lose it by March next year.
  • jordiblu
    jordiblu Posts: 145 Member
    Add me
    2 kids a dog and demanding career
    Open diary
    Love sharing TIPs!
  • AngelaAlomari
    AngelaAlomari Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also a working mom who is trying to be the best I can be. I have three daughters, all under the age of 20 months!