New kid on the block

keennash Posts: 11
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I'm pretty new to this site. I need some motivation to help me loose these pounds. I started with 202lbs since last August and now Im 174bls and I can't loose anymore I reach to that plateau everyone is talking about. I hope this journey will help me.


  • I'm pretty new to this site. I need some motivation to help me loose these pounds. I started with 202lbs since last August and now Im 174bls and I can't loose anymore I reach to that plateau everyone is talking about. I hope this journey will help me.
  • Good luck on your journey and i think your in the right place to help you reach your goals
  • First of all, welcome. :bigsmile:

    You'll find lots of inspiration and motivators here. I plateaued back in Nov. and hung there thru Dec. A good way to break that is to change your routine. If you do the same exercises in the same order each time, try mixing it up or adding something new in. The body gets used to routine so changing it up keeps the body guessing.

    Much success to your goals. :drinker:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I truly wish you the best of luck....there's a bunch of us in that same boat...but we'll all get there. Enjoy the site, it's really fun!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP, I just wanted to wish you good luck on your weight loss journey, you can do this.
  • Thank you everyone your kind words. So far I"m loving this site. At first I was not counting the number calories, but now I'm. Believe it or not I have 575 calories left for the remainder of the night. I'll save them for tomorrow and you know what tomorrow is. Weekend is one of my weakness.
  • Hi
    This is davidbrain
    New kid on the block this site very interesting and it is easy understand the every one who knows the required one the kid. And you can do it very easily and i wish you the kid who will get ready for the their weight.
    [ Cooking]
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