Starting Workout for Someone with 100+ lb to Lose

RhapsodyWinters Posts: 128 Member
edited December 3 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, so I had a meeting with a personal trainer at my gym yesterday (which was day 2 of the beginning to my weight loss journey), and he helped me work up a plan. I figured I would post this for others who are looking for plans to go off of.

Height: 5'4
Weight: 261
Goal: Lose 130 lb and gain lean muscle (not the body building type)

As I am not used to exercising, I will be doing the lower end of the exercise until I get more fit. I also had him explain to me what he classifies light and moderate cardio.

*All exercises are 3 reps of 10-12 EXCEPT WHEN NOTED
Light cardio = walking
Moderate cardio = working up a sweat

5-10 min light cardio
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Leg Extensions
Hip Adduction
Hip Abduction
10-15 min moderate cardio
5 min light cardio

30-60 min cardio

5-10 min light cardio
Chest Press
Chest Fly (3 reps/15)
Overhead Press
Tricep Extensions (4 reps/10-15)
Tricep Pull Down “rope”
10-15 min moderate cardio
5 min light cardio

30-60 min cardio

5-10 min light cardio
Lat Pull Down
Reverse Fly
Hammer Curls (3 rep/10-15)
Standing Curls (3 rep/12-15)
10-15 min moderate cardio
5 min light cardio

30-60 min cardio

No workouts


  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 648 Member
    I'm no expert, but I've lost over 100lbs doing similar. Lifting 3x a week and the other days cardio. Did he give you any advice on what to eat? Good Luck!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Have fun! You'll do great and progress quickly!
  • halfninja2
    halfninja2 Posts: 35 Member
    Looks like a solid workout plan. Personally, when I was focused on weight loss, I did a lot more cardio. I was doing 30 min 6 days a week as intensely as I could, with some dumb bell work too. Of course my intensity was low early on and got better over time. Lost 65 lbs that way. I would say if your weight loss is not progressing as quickly as you would like, look at increasing the cardio time/intensity. Also, diet is hugely important. I was eating around 1400 calories a day, with 30 min of cardio that was a nice calorie deficit. Took me 18 months to lose 65 lbs.
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