Excersize doesn't burn fat!?!?

Okay so I found a random article that claims excersize doesn't help you lose weight at all. And only cutting calories does. This bugged me a lot so I researched it and found about 40 articles claiming the same thing. Here's one of the links:

What do you guys say I'm so confused. They say that you get lots of benefits but no weight loss.

I didn't think it was possible that sweating your butt off working out for an hour a day does nothing for weight loss??


  • miss_brown1989
    miss_brown1989 Posts: 27 Member
    I thought it was meaningless until I found countless articles and studies about it. :/
  • miss_brown1989
    miss_brown1989 Posts: 27 Member
    Oh I know sweat doesn't I was just saying sweating your butt off as s figure of speech.
  • miss_brown1989
    miss_brown1989 Posts: 27 Member
    That's what I always knew, that working out and using energy burns calories. I just don't understand how there's so many studies and articles and in time magazine saying it doesn't do much for fat loss. If you Google excrsize doesn't burn fat etc.. There's pages and pages of supporting articles. Seems so crazy to me.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    If you Google excrsize doesn't burn fat etc..

    You burn calories.

  • miss_brown1989
    miss_brown1989 Posts: 27 Member
    I know but that results in fat loss does it not??
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited September 2016
    I know but that results in fat loss does it not??

    It results in weight loss ... if you burn more than what you consume.

    If your energy burn is more than your energy replenishment.

    Where the energy comes from is not necessarily fat.
  • miss_brown1989
    miss_brown1989 Posts: 27 Member
    Anyways, the main thing I've read in at least three dozen articles (which I really can't see how it's true but..) is that exercise does not promote weight loss. And that it's only good for other health

    I'm just shocked how many studies claim it that's all.

    Did you read what they were claiming in the link ?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Anyways, the main thing I've read in at least three dozen articles (which I really can't see how it's true but..) is that exercise does not promote weight loss. And that it's only good for other health

    I'm just shocked how many studies claim it that's all.

    Did you read what they were claiming in the link ?

    I think the first one is full of hype and unnecessarily overdramatic. I basically rolled my eyes throughout most of it. It's just the way the media does things--it gets more readers if you're overdramatic and make a lot of big statements that aren't exactly what I would call scientifically sound.

    The takeaway is really what I've already mentioned: You can't out-exercise a bad diet. Exercise alone will not help you maintain a healthy weight unless you're eating less than you burn. The rest is junk.
  • miss_brown1989
    miss_brown1989 Posts: 27 Member
    That's what I though they should of made the main point. That you can't just eat whatever you want and think working out will help lose weight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    Heading out for a bicycle ride now. :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    For me personally I must do both. One or the other doesn't cut it. If I just cut cals I become sluggish and don't lose. If I just work out I don't lose. I have to cut cals and THEN work out to maintain muscle mass and keep my metabolism from grinding to nearly a halt.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm not sure where the exercise doesn't help with fat lose comes from, it clearly can help. If you exercise and just eat even more food than you use, then yea you aren't going to lean out. I don't see where in the article they are claiming exercise doesn't burn fat.

    Exercising doesn't always help with weight loss, but there a lot more to weight than fat. I had two years where I wasn't losing weight and in fat went from 92 kg to 94 kg. I was exercising really hard during those two years, averaging over 2000 kc per week just from exercise. Running, biking and mostly body weight calisthenics (push ups, dips, pull ups, etc.) I built more muscle than the fat I lost. My waist line went from 106 cm to 103 cm.

    Lately I've been exercising less but mostly before eating in the day. I started that approach because of time pressures. I also cut way back in refined sugar consumption, eating about 25% of what I was. In a little over 4 months I've lost 8 kg to 86 kg and my waist is down to 88 cm. Without the exercise I probably would have lost some but I wouldn't have been able to eat as much food. Still, I'm sure the weight lose is more from diet changes than exercise changes. However I get too many other benefits from exercises to not do it.

    Oh I also keep changing the exercise I'm doing all the time. While that probably helps, I just don't like the boredom of always doing the same thing.