Birthdays and holidays

So I realized this morning that since I am trying to lose weight, I am now cut off from things like birthday cake, treats at holidays, and my favorite thing in the whole 'verse second only to pumpkin: eggnog.

This is gonna make the next 4 months absolute Hades. (I say 4 because this is also the start of birthday season in my family. For whatever reason, we have a ton of birthdays at the end of the year) The food at my family get togethers is almost always filled with gravy, sauces, dips, sweets, and all the things that are going to put lbs back on my butt instead of take it off.

How in the world can I get through this w/o being a bloody killjoy and touching nothing while I'm there?


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    I started with MFP in late February 2015.

    My birthday is in early March.

    Plus I had friends visit from Canada on one weekend, and friends visit from mainland Australia on another weekend.

    Then there was Easter.

    It just went on and on!

    Thank goodness for lots and lots of exercise ... in my case, cycling.

    On my birthday long weekend, I did three reasonably long rides (my birthday ride, for example was 60 km and I think the other two rides were slightly longer) which were enough to get me Mexican dinner one night and half a cheesecake on my actual birthday. :)

    Same with all the other stuff. Long bicycle ride in the afternoon ... dinner with friends in the evening. :)

    Worked for me! I lost the weight I wanted to lose.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    So I realized this morning that since I am trying to lose weight, I am now cut off from things like birthday cake, treats at holidays, and my favorite thing in the whole 'verse second only to pumpkin: eggnog.

    This is gonna make the next 4 months absolute Hades. (I say 4 because this is also the start of birthday season in my family. For whatever reason, we have a ton of birthdays at the end of the year) The food at my family get togethers is almost always filled with gravy, sauces, dips, sweets, and all the things that are going to put lbs back on my butt instead of take it off.

    How in the world can I get through this w/o being a bloody killjoy and touching nothing while I'm there?

    Simple. Include some of these things in your calorie allotment. Enjoy everything but take smaller portions than you normally would. Life does not stop because you've decided to lose weight. And punishing yourself rarely works out in the long run. If you have a day here and there that you go over your calorie goal because you were celebrating with family and friends, remember that it's just a day and in the long-term marathon that is weight loss, it's pretty darned irrelevant.

    Log what you consume on those days - just like on every other day - and move on. You can also add a bit more exercise on those days to help offset the extra calories, or cut back on what you eat earlier that day to compensate somewhat.

    Basically, moderation over deprivation. For most people, it's the key to success. :)
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    IDK how to do things in moderation. I either go all the way or nothing. There is no in between for me. I understand why I need to avoid this stuff because I let myself get fat but I also worry about being a killjoy at birthdays and family events now.
  • emjam99
    emjam99 Posts: 92 Member
    Same here, but you aren't cut off. You just have to limit how much you have. If you used to drink 2 glasses of egg nog, try one small cup. If you used to go crazy and eat everything on Christmas (like me haha) then just try to choose one dessert to have on this day. Also, I wouldn't let the last months go to waste. If it's someone's birthday enjoy it (with portions) and track calories ect. On the days when there's no celebration. I did this and still met my goal.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Grazing and overeating home alone was the reason I was fat. I always lost weight on holiday. I feared birthdays, parties, unforeseen events, oh and the "saboteurs". :s
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited September 2016
    IDK how to do things in moderation. I either go all the way or nothing. There is no in between for me. I understand why I need to avoid this stuff because I let myself get fat but I also worry about being a killjoy at birthdays and family events now.

    When I started this 3 years ago, I didn't know how to moderate either. It sounded hopeless and impossible. But it doesn't have to be..
    Giving up holidays, birthdays, special occasions just to lose weight sounds like a miserable life, not to mention unsustainable. How long are you going to feel like sitting at home whole everyone else is enjoying their life?
    This doesn't have to be a miserable process. You have a you want the extra food more, or do you want to lose weight? That's what I told myself everytime I started to go for a second helping, and it made the choices easier. I stopped having seconds all together befote long. You have to teach yourself how to do's a learning process. Learning the right techniques for moderating is how you'll be successful.
    Bring lower calorie dishes to carry in as an option for yourself. Have one piece of cake, smaller than you'd normally have, and eat it slowly. Spend that time socializing instead, and learn how to worry less about the food. It's tough at first, but it will come. It's not impossible. ..I promise.
    There are always holidays, parties, and special occasions. You cannot avoid these things forever. It's not a realistic strategy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Birthdays and holidays and other special occasions are just that...they are occasions...none of this is predicated on occasions...all of this is predicated on what you're doing most of the time.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    So I realized this morning that since I am trying to lose weight, I am now cut off from things like birthday cake, treats at holidays, and my favorite thing in the whole 'verse second only to pumpkin: eggnog.

    This is gonna make the next 4 months absolute Hades. (I say 4 because this is also the start of birthday season in my family. For whatever reason, we have a ton of birthdays at the end of the year) The food at my family get togethers is almost always filled with gravy, sauces, dips, sweets, and all the things that are going to put lbs back on my butt instead of take it off.

    How in the world can I get through this w/o being a bloody killjoy and touching nothing while I'm there?

    Not cut off.
    Just watch your portion sizes and take reasonable amounts.
    Eat at maintenance for the day.
    If people always bring the same foods you can plan what you will eat fairly easily. You know you want eggnog so plan for it.
    Bring lower calorie food to share.
    Vegetables/salad are low calorie ways to fill up your plate. Get protein foods. Take smaller portions of bread, cheese, sauces, gravies.
    Go easy on alcohol, sweetened drinks or skip those and save calories for food.
    Eat a bit lighter the rest of the day or the days before/after.
    Exercise more.
    One day over your calorie goal does not doom you. If you eat at a deficit every single other day you will be fine.
    Can you have a perfectly decent holiday/birthday celebration for less than 4,000- 5,000 calories? Yes.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,011 Member
    So I realized this morning that since I am trying to lose weight, I am now cut off from things like birthday cake, treats at holidays, and my favorite thing in the whole 'verse second only to pumpkin: eggnog.

    This is gonna make the next 4 months absolute Hades. (I say 4 because this is also the start of birthday season in my family. For whatever reason, we have a ton of birthdays at the end of the year) The food at my family get togethers is almost always filled with gravy, sauces, dips, sweets, and all the things that are going to put lbs back on my butt instead of take it off.

    How in the world can I get through this w/o being a bloody killjoy and touching nothing while I'm there?

    No you are not. Learn to moderate treats and you will be fine. Realize that there will be occasional days that you go over. As long as you don't go over every day you will be fine. Have a small piece of cake at a birthday party if you wish. During the holidays decide which treats you want and maybe pass on some you don't care as much about. Making your diet too restrictive is a sure way to fail.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    So I realized this morning that since I am trying to lose weight, I am now cut off from things like birthday cake, treats at holidays, and my favorite thing in the whole 'verse second only to pumpkin: eggnog.

    You're not cut off from anything unless you choose to be. I limit calories on weekdays specifically so that I can eat whatever I want - pizza, beer, cake, whatever -- on the weekends.

    If your eating plan isn't sustainable for your whole life, then it's a terrible plan that you should change.

    Stop dieting and start living a healthy lifestyle.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I take a diet break the weeks of my birthday (the end of this month, so I'm really looking forward to it) and Christmas. Just the mental aspect of not counting those two weeks, along with 1-2 other weeks in the year, helps a lot. If I encounter other family members' birthdays, I save calories for cake. And I spend the morning of Thanksgiving at work to help burn additional calories for that evening.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    IDK how to do things in moderation. I either go all the way or nothing. There is no in between for me. I understand why I need to avoid this stuff because I let myself get fat but I also worry about being a killjoy at birthdays and family events now.

    What helps me moderate foods like birthday cake is to fill up on protein and fiber beforehand, take a small portion of dessert, and eat it slowly and mindfully.

    If there are no veggie trays at your family gatherings, bring one.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    edited September 2016

    Eat at maintenance on those days and enjoy yourself. Tonight is my FSIL birthday. And I'm going to enjoy the he'll out of the cupcakes I'm making for her.

    June is our birthday season. We have 8 birthdays to do. This last year we just threw one big one for everyone.