Obese....best excercise

So I started at 430lbs and now I am at 360....I tend to go all in and push myself to a place where I fail....what are some good ideas on excercise for someone as heavy as me?



  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    you can lift weights, or do yoga . just avoid high impact stuff until your weight is down.
  • Jrodsway
    Jrodsway Posts: 9 Member
    A few of my friends....skinny punks like to push pretty hard and I end up hurting my knees....tough to not feel like a freaking wimp....ready to be down so I can never feel that way again
  • morefirejules08
    I would suggest swimming and cycling, both low impact so shouldn't cause pain in your knees. I went from 21st to 15st by swimming and cycling 3-4 times a week as well as changing my diet. Just build up lengths/distance slowly over a few weeks until you're burning your calorie goal.
  • dead1te
    dead1te Posts: 8 Member
    brisk walking and swimming, swimming is an all body exercise
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Swimming is the best I can think of. Full body exercise, great for any body type and weight and 0 chance of injuries. If you do not have access to a swimming pool then walk.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Jrodsway wrote: »
    ...tough to not feel like a freaking wimp
    You're not a wimp, you're simply out of shape. Pushing too hard too fast will lead to injury putting you farther away from your goals. The habit of exercise and the physical adaptations take time. Think of it as a flywheel that takes months to spin up to speed. On the upside, once you.get the wheel moving it's hard to stop.

    FWIW, I agree that a low impact.exercise is a good starting point.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Please elaborate on "push ... to fail". I've heard of exercising muscles 'to failure', but I don't get that this is what you're talking about. Are you, instead, saying that you exercise really hard and get discouraged with the scale not moving and then give up ... failure? I get the sense from your brief introduction that you want a hard way to get slim. Sorry, we only have the easy way here. Eat a little less and move a little more.
  • janettles
    janettles Posts: 69 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yes, I am wondering what you mean by "push... to fail". If you are overtraining, which results in a kind of burnt-out feeling of despondency or depression or anger, then learning how to use a heart rate monitor can give you early warning when you have pushed too hard.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Swim, cycle, lift weights
  • Jrodsway
    Jrodsway Posts: 9 Member
    I have several guys that weigh about 150lbs less than me.....when we workout together their pace has to be much higher than mine....my heart rate gets to 155-165 with brisk walking and occasional burst of jogging.....the friends of mine push me to run and sprint more and it becomes very discouraging when you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest and are in pain.....therefor in the past I have given up and avoided them or exercising with them.
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    Jrodsway wrote: »
    I have several guys that weigh about 150lbs less than me.....when we workout together their pace has to be much higher than mine....my heart rate gets to 155-165 with brisk walking and occasional burst of jogging.....the friends of mine push me to run and sprint more and it becomes very discouraging when you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest and are in pain.....therefor in the past I have given up and avoided them or exercising with them.

    They may not be in the right place to guide your training, even if their hearts are in the right place. you just can't go from 0-60 without hitting the speeds in between. brisk walking for longer distances may be a good place to start, occasionally jogging, if it doesn't hurt your joints or cause you to really lose your breath should be ok, sprinting may do more harm than good at this point.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Jrodsway wrote: »
    I have several guys that weigh about 150lbs less than me.....when we workout together their pace has to be much higher than mine....my heart rate gets to 155-165 with brisk walking and occasional burst of jogging.....the friends of mine push me to run and sprint more and it becomes very discouraging when you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest and are in pain.....therefor in the past I have given up and avoided them or exercising with them.

    You need to walk (and exercise) to your own drummer. They might not be the best exercise buddies for you right now and that's ok. Keep doing what you need to do FOR YOURSELF.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Jrodsway wrote: »
    I have several guys that weigh about 150lbs less than me.....when we workout together their pace has to be much higher than mine....my heart rate gets to 155-165 with brisk walking and occasional burst of jogging.....the friends of mine push me to run and sprint more and it becomes very discouraging when you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest and are in pain.....therefor in the past I have given up and avoided them or exercising with them.

    Perhaps these aren't the best exercise buddies to have right now...you can't compare your fitness to other people who have been doing whatever for however long...building up fitness takes time and patience and being at your weight, you really shouldn't be doing high impact stuff...

    Stick to low impact stuff...hell, I'm not even overweight and I stick to low impact stuff...I much prefer cycling and swimming and going for a nice walk to running...and frankly, all of the HIIT/sprinting stuff is just trendy and not particularly necessary from a general fitness standpoint...
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Jrodsway wrote: »
    I have several guys that weigh about 150lbs less than me.....when we workout together their pace has to be much higher than mine....my heart rate gets to 155-165 with brisk walking and occasional burst of jogging.....the friends of mine push me to run and sprint more and it becomes very discouraging when you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest and are in pain.....therefor in the past I have given up and avoided them or exercising with them.

    Don't exercise with them. Frankly I don't like trying to keep anyone else's pace, period, and even fit individuals have a wide variety in terms of comfortable paces. If it's a walk or run, go individually and meet up at various points when you stop and rest.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    No matter what you weigh you are going to injure yourself if you don't listen to your body and keep your exercise to a level appropriate FOR YOU. Exercise is not a competition against other people, it's about growing what you can do over time and improving on your previous self. Try to put away the ego and focus on doing your best without hurting yourself. Time lost to injury is no progress at all.
  • janettles
    janettles Posts: 69 Member
    Congratulations on your new, more active, lifestyle! And it is super that you are monitoring your heart rates!
    The heart rates you have mentioned of 155-165 beats per minute are general guideline target heart rates for ages 20-29. If you are in that age range, then yes, keep doing what you are doing (brisk walking with occasional jogging) and perhaps find different workout buddies who will support the wisdom of your efforts.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I vote for weightlifting, walking and swimming.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    You need to stop listening to people that aren't in your fitness universe. I am in similar shape to you. I have started working out before in better shape and in worse shape in previous weight loss journeys and I have had a huge tendency to start too fast, go too hard, expect too much and hurt myself.
    This time I am going slow, I am walking, when I finally get a little extra money I am buying some time with a trainer to get some weightlifting advice and I will slowly add more. But I am losing most of my weight in the kitchen for now.
    This weekend I went out and my dog and I went out and did at least 11 miles of walking around the local trails at various paces. That is something I have worked up to and in the past I would have been embarrassed I didn't run or do more, but I am dragging 390 pounds around and I am doing it. The good thing is I am still feeling good enough to do more today.. and tomorrow etc.
    This is about making new habits and consistency. I can add intensity later. Every little bit I am doing now is so much more than I was doing a few months ago. I expect in a few months I will be doing a lot more, but I don't want another injury to sideline me and stop me from consistently going out and doing SOMETHING.