New here! Need advice!

Hi! I'm Hannah!

Up until about 4 years ago I was string bean thin. Then I met my husband and turned 25. All of a sudden I did nothing but pack in the pounds. Matt(husband) and I quit smoking 5 months ago and, of course, my weight went up even higher!

So now I'm 5' 5", 177lbs, 27 years old and completely disgusted with myself.

I was active as a teenager but my metabolism was so high that I didn't need to exercise or watched what I ate because I never gained an ounce. So this is a whole new ball hand for me!

Any word of advice would be wonderful!


  • HealthierRayne
    HealthierRayne Posts: 268 Member
    Start small! Don't overwhelm or be too hard on yourself - that is my advice.

    If you were active as a teen and there are some things you still enjoy, start being more active again. That will make a bigger impact than you think.

    I have always found that being active makes me want to eat less junk - I don't want to ruin the efforts of my run with a bag of chips (as example)

    Remember that you are new at this, and even if you weren't, slip ups happen. The important part is to not give up and to just keep trying.

    Wishing you all the best and a fabulous day! (Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!)
  • hydrostation
    hydrostation Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Hannah, welcome to the MFP community.

    I was in a similar situation about 3 years ago when I began my fitness journey.

    What worked for me, was making small changes here and there that I could commit myself to. I had tried to lose weight before, but I'd always end up hitting the gym in combination with what I considered then an extreme dieting routine, and of course I'd fall flat on my face and 3-4 days later would give it a big FU. Back to the couch and junk food.

    Here are a couple of examples I employed when I first started. I used to eat a lot of fast food. I started with eliminating ketchup... Seems tiny yes, but it was something I could easily stick to. After that, I stopped getting fries with everything. Once I stuck with that for a few weeks, I went big and completely eliminated soda and replaced it for water and 0 calorie juices.

    I started to purposely park far away in parking lots, 1 because the parking was always available, but more for a small caloric burn.

    Just start small, and ease into it. You'll get there, but your body will take time to change, just like it did when you put on the weight. It didn't happen overnight, just be patient with yourself and never give up. If you stumble, just start again. You've got an awesome community of support backing you.
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Do not feel disgusted in yourself, there is no right size to be, doesnt matter if u r underweight or overweight! Its the person who u r that matters! U r taking steps down a new path to make u feel better in urself
  • dovetripct
    dovetripct Posts: 1 Member
    So according to their calculator here, I am obese at 181lbs and 5'6". In order to reach ideal weight, I can only consume 1600 calories a day to lose .5lbs a week. All of that because exercise is out due to joint damage from juvenile arthritis(I have already had my L hip replaced, need 2 knees, the R hip, 2 ankles, and 2 shoulders.) My family, seeing the restrictive diet, is now trying to have me admitted to a psych facility for anorexia. My question is, what zero impact exercises can I do at home to get SOMETHING in where I can consume at least 1800 calories a day and still lose the weight?
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    Hi! I'm Hannah!

    Up until about 4 years ago I was string bean thin. Then I met my husband and turned 25. All of a sudden I did nothing but pack in the pounds. Matt(husband) and I quit smoking 5 months ago and, of course, my weight went up even higher!

    So now I'm 5' 5", 177lbs, 27 years old and completely disgusted with myself.

    I was active as a teenager but my metabolism was so high that I didn't need to exercise or watched what I ate because I never gained an ounce. So this is a whole new ball hand for me!

    Any word of advice would be wonderful!

    Don't be so hard on yourself. With getting off of smoking (which is awesome), your body will be replacing what smoking was doing for you. With you quitting smoking your taste buds become alive again and you get to experience food better, taste it better. Of course with quitting smoking usually it's replaced with food. It happens. With your life changing patters, take a look at what you are eating. Start including exercises, look for some programs (I would recommend for those). It is hard as you know to quit smoking and how hard it is to find something to take the place of smoking. You got a lot of help here so when you need more help, don't hesitate to ask.