Easy snacks and meals for a mom on the go moving from deficit to maintaining

I usually eat eggs for breakfast and a cup of coffee. Lunch is either a salad with grilled chicken or a tuna wrap. Supper is always chicken breast and veggies.
I know you'll say,wow eating same old stuff is boring, but not to me. I'm fine with it.
However, I do want some new ideas for snacks as I need to start maintaining and not eat in a deficit anymore.
I want some good protein ideas please.


  • zoritt
    zoritt Posts: 68 Member
    Cottage cheese with fruit or salsa; Greek yogurt; hummus with carrot sticks / celery ; apple with nut butter; nuts; hard boiled egg, cheese
    ZLARZ Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you!!! I have no idea, I'm so basic and simple with eating lol
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Congrats on getting to maintenance!

    If you are really busy, maybe try adding more to your meals rather than fitting another snack in. For example, if you have 250 calories more for your maintenance (or whatever it is), you can add some butter to your veggies at dinner or some nuts/seeds to your lunch salad.