last night's calories

clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
Hey all,
Last night I did some unexpected partying that I had not calorie budgeted for. Since it was after midnight, its all in my diary for today, so now I am 600 calories into y total. Should I consider it part of today and spend an hour at the gym earning back two meals that I lost in beer and chex mix?


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'd just eat sensibly for the rest of the day and forget about last night. It happens to all of us. It's not worth skipping meals for, nor is it worth killing yourself at the gym.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    If it was me, I would. But, if you're usually in your cals, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • xoxoultraviolet
    skipping the meals will throw off your metabolism so its best not to skip any. just have light meals like a salad or something small like a bowl of soup :D
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Either would be fine, I think. Sometimes I try to make up for going over but usually I just try to be more mindful and leave a couple hundred calories over a few days depending on my overindulging. It seemed to work out last week. I went over by at least 200 3 days in a row and one day over by 700 so I just was more careful this last week and finally lost my 1 lb!
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    Well yeah, I wouldnt skip any meals if I get hungry...but like right now Im really not (coffee and grapefruit mid-afternoon breakfast), so I feel like I could go the rest of the day and only eat 500 cals and what I earn at the gym. I probably will do that. Thanks!
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    Either would be fine, I think. Sometimes I try to make up for going over but usually I just try to be more mindful and leave a couple hundred calories over a few days depending on my overindulging. It seemed to work out last week. I went over by at least 200 3 days in a row and one day over by 700 so I just was more careful this last week and finally lost my 1 lb!
    YES exactly what I needed to hear. I didnt have a lot of weight to lose to start with and now I can NOT lose any more (I think its a gaining-muscle thing? ugh). Im losing inches off my waist but that has only served to draw attention to how much work my thighs could use haha.