looking for more friends

Hi there everyone. First and foremost thanks for clicking on this community post.

I am looking for some more supportive friends for motivation. Add me as a friend and let's support eachother!


  • Fattygettingthinner16
    Hi, I've just signed up today and have 150lbs to lose so here for the long term. I'm based in Kent UK and will send you a friend request.

    Nic :)
  • pammyshepp
    pammyshepp Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Feel free to send me a friend request. I am just returning to this app myself. I have been doing WW for the past 4 months with limited success. I am going to give this a try for a while. I have lost 16 lbs, have 60 more to go! In it to win it, baby!