Incorporating toddlers in your daily activities or fitness routines

For all you parents out there what are some fun ways to have your kids join in on your workouts (or fitness activities)? My daughter is three so she's able to walk on her own but can't really play baseball or anything just yet. I have access to a gym but the swimming pool is closed for the year, and I can't drive so that limits my options to large parks. We do have a small green space in the back of our apartment and there's a very small kiddie park nearby that we go to, and while that helps her burn off some energy I can't exactly climb all over the kiddie jungle gym. I like to walk around the mall for extra steps as well but I'd like some more ideas :) A hike or a nature path walk would be really nice too.

What are your favorite family activities?


  • mamagetsphat
    mamagetsphat Posts: 9 Member
    This an indoor activity, but my daughter (2) loves to dance, so I put on various YouTube dance routines and dance for 15 minutes 1-2x a day with her.
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    I had a stroller and my daughter and I used to see how many different playgrounds we could hit in one walk. Schools, churches, & parks all had playgrounds and she was pretty happy to ride along as long as she knew she was going to get to play somewhere different and fun

    If she can play by herself, I used to also walk laps around the playground

    Soon as she's able, find a tricycle and take that down the sidewalks. Or, pull her in a wagon.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    We take the boys to the park every night after dinner (weather permitting; otherwise, it's the mall or a big box store) and bring two strollers (works better for us than a double). The toddler (almost 3) gets to walk as far as he can (or sometimes ride his bike) then when he's too tired, he goes in a stroller and mom and dad can walk faster. Chasing him around a playground is also pretty good exercise.

    I also take a "mom and baby" fitness class offered at the university where the kids play while mom works out. If you can find something like that, it's great.
  • Mumu190672
    Mumu190672 Posts: 76 Member
    My 3 year old likes to send a ball to me and ask me to catch it and I send it back to him.
    He also likes to play soccer style sending the ball with his foot.
    All of that of that is not accurate playing but if the ball is light it can far enough to make you run after it.
    I also carry him in different ways to play.
    Up and down in the air, holding his hands I turn around myself to make him fly or holding 1 hand and 1 foot.
    At home you can allow your toddler to ride you like a horse while you go around the house.
    Outside you can also do run races.
    I don't know what is available in your areas but in my area a woman started a class where she allows women with their babies because she has one herself.
    Maybe someone would be willing to start such a group with toddlers in your area.
    I wish you the best with your little one.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    We take our kids out on the bikes all of the trailers are awesome. My wife used to run with a bike stroller too...but I don't run.
  • bogwoppt1
    bogwoppt1 Posts: 159 Member
    Find a nice park 5k away and walk to it daily, with her in the stroller. When you get there run around with her like you were 3 again. Then walk back home. It will tire you both out and burn lots of energy off.

    I walked 10k a day when mine were preschoolers. Just have to talk about what you see along the way.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    bogwoppt1 wrote: »
    Find a nice park 5k away and walk to it daily, with her in the stroller. When you get there run around with her like you were 3 again. Then walk back home. It will tire you both out and burn lots of energy off.

    I walked 10k a day when mine were preschoolers. Just have to talk about what you see along the way.

    It's what I'd do, honestly. But to be fair I didn't start to exercise until my kids were in preschool, then I started with home videos.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Just had to share.

    Silly dance.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    Lots of mine are stuff you've already mentioned. I have a 4yr old and a 10yr old. The best I can do with my 10yr old these days is a game of mario kart lol but I do lots with my 4yr old.
    We go swimming
    We take long walks in the woods
    I jump about on the trampoline with them in the garden or kick a ball around with them.
    We do have a few things that I can join in with at the park. I don't know what it's called but you put your feet on and have to pull yourself from side to side with these chains. I have a go at the monkey bars. I don't care if people look at me like I'm crazy lol. Not only is it good exercise for me but they'll remember their mum being fun and playing with them. just pushing him on the swings, dragging him around in the zip line and lifting him up onto stuff helps too.
    I also like to use him as a weight which he finds very funny. I'll make it a game, lay him on my legs and be his seesaw or pretend he's an airplane. I'll bench press him etc
    And like someone else mentioned, we dance.
    We also occasionally go on bike rides. You could get a little seat on the back of your bike or let them go alongside you on a trike?
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Can you walk to any coffee shops or restaurants for lunch? My toddler loves running around Starbucks etc saying hi to people and other kids (and it's a workout following him around while he greets his 'people') and if you want some peace stick them in a high chair and give them a snack.