Shoe suggestions?

Does anyone have a suggestion for a good cross trainer? I've had New Balance in the past, but I'm willing to try something else. I need something with decent support. I'm too heavy, had my knee scoped ~6months ago and am doing P90X. Thanks everyone!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You should really go to the store and let them look at your feet. Check your instep and then they can make the best suggestions.
  • clh4444
    clh4444 Posts: 6 Member
    I recently bought the gel os trainer by Asics which I love because they are super light and all around a great shoe. For support though I much prefer the Saucony shoes. Do you have a running store near you like 3sports or we actually have one called the running store. They have experts there who can take a look at how you walk or run to see if you over or under pronate or if you are neutral and choose a shoe that provides extra support if needed based on your style. Don't worry that they are called running stores they will have cross trainers too.
  • StLouisTim
    StLouisTim Posts: 22
    Thanks dls and clh!
  • jessicamckay13
  • glonigan
    glonigan Posts: 82
    In my opinion you should try to go barefoot. I practiced martial arts (judo) for years barefoot and never had ankle or knee issues. I started running and found that my knees and ankles were bothering me so i recently ditched the running shoes (fitted by a running store) and am running (treadmill) barefoot or in socks. Since going without shoes i have had no ankle or knee issues running. Might be worth a try and it will cost you nothing. Good luck